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    Bernhard H.Holst

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    Posts posted by Bernhard H.Holst

    1. Hello Jock.

      Probably the mystery surrounding those strips caused us to collect them.

      The Flak's use of their fire direction equipment seems to be somewhat computer related to obtain fire concentration . Battery sizes were increased to six and more guns and the results must have been scary reading some of the accounts from air crews.

      But I do not know the exact working of these fire direction units . The crews serving them were supposed to be extra bright ones.

      Bernhard H. Holst

    2. Hello Jock.

      The Soldbuch owner may very well have kept a piece of windows as souvenir. We called these Staniolpapier strips "Lametta" or tinsel as they resembled that material. We knew that allied planes unloaded this stuff but not what it did or was supposed to do. It was picked up by us occasionally also. As a reminder: first used with the heavy air raids on Hamburg, July 1943.

      Your man was a trained E-Messmann (Entfernungs Messmann) or distance evaluator for heavy Flak as is shown in the second page of the Soldbuch and page 22 b. He was entitled to wear the "Taetigkeits Abzeichen" or specialty emblem of that specialty.

      He was trained on Kommando Geraet 40 on a 4 Meter basis and a smaller on, the 36. These were not radar equipment but deployed in battery and higher level positions following the air formation and computing the different values and then the fire directions he guns needed to get some defensive fire close to the enemy planes.

      An interesting group to have.

      Bernhard H. Holst

    3. Hello Alex.

      I believe this to depict the early "Kampfzeit" ( early struggle ) when meeting attendance was small and a gradual increase in interest and participation took place. Note the one listener wearing field grey tunic and others such, probably meant to demonstrate ex-soldiers's interest in the party. The "stab in the back" (Dolchstoss) and the "undefeated in the field" ( unbesiegt im Feld) subjects attracted many , not only ex-soldiers.

      The date in the second picture 1935 seems the time when efforts were still under way to remind people of the struggle to shed the "November Verbrecher' or November 1918 criminals who signed away every German right and lots of territory and on and on.

      Just stepped off the soapbox...

      Bernhard H. Holst

    4. Hello readers.

      I recently acquired this Knights Cross of the Legion of Honor which is said to have belonged to a Saxon officer and bestowed to him during the time of Saxony's alliance with Napoleon I

      A maker's mark on ribbon ring but cannot be identified.

      Something to add to my very few items in memory of the Emperor Napoleon I.

      Bernhard H. Holst

    5. Hello Jock.

      Not really a promotion document but rather a cover letter concerning reference material sent to a railway official wanting a promotion. The material gives information for different career paths with the railway system. Sent by the German labor front, the national labor organization.

      Bernhard H. Holst

      P.S. Jock, it is for a man . I think the Fr. in front of the name threw you ( Fr.= Frau ), here probably for Franz.


    6. Hello readers.

      Something I believe not seen often if at all .The document for the Sachsen Meiningen Honor Medal for Merit in War ( Ehrenmedaille fuer Verdienst im Kriege ) bestowed by Her Royal Highness the Duchess Charlotte of Saxony Meiningen and Regent. This document has a paper seal attached at the left lower corner of the document. This can be observed from time to time.


      Also the document for the Iron Cross II.cl..

      Shown is the bestowed medal and the Iron Cross.

      Bernhard H. Holst

    7. Hello Bernhard!

      I read 2nd comp., but , anyway the infos that I have is, that those Trupps were treated like companies, so the "2nd company" is right and wrong...

      We´ve seen, that the Trupps were the Trupps 33, 38 and 36. , so the 2nd company should be Trupp 38.

      Maybe one wrote "company", because those three Trupps did wear the shoulder-strap-buttons and the Troddeln of 1.-3. company (since august 1916).

      So, Johannes Müller should have had a shoulder-strap with a "4", shoulder-straps-buttons with a "2", and Troddeln of the 2nd comp.

      Hello Andy.

      You are right re. company number is indeed 2.

      Thanks for the further information.

      Bernhard H. Holst

    8. Hello Bernhard!

      MG-Ss-Abtl. 4 was set-up oct.,1st.1916 by AOK 4 under command of the 4th army It constisted of MG-Ss-Trupps 33, 36, 38.

      Hello Andy.

      Thank you for the information.

      The E.K. document states that he belonged to the 3rd Company. Was a company then part of a Trupp? It always seemed to me that a trupp was smaller than a company.

      Can you enlighten me?

      Bernhard H. Holst

    9. Hello.

      Here are a few items just added to my collection.

      Letter to father of Johannes Mueller by commander of M.G.Scharfschuetzen Abteilung 4 in which he is asked to forward the enclosed Iron Cross II. class and document because present address is unknown to the unit. The father is requested to acknowledge receipt by return mail.

      The group picture has an inscription in back which says" My brother Hans ( short for Johannes) in the first World War". A date of December 1917 with locale of Altkirch-Walheim Haugnest are given. The fellow with x-mark must be the one.

      They look business like.

      Bernhard H. Holst

    10. Hello Jock.

      I have seen those pictures/label but they did not enlighten me at all.

      This type hat may have been worn by some type of notables in cities on special occasions. However I have a hard time to associate this type of headgear with a hunter uniform or dress. Still it seems an interesting piece in good condition and worth keeping if you have the room.

      You come up with some great finds. I hope that it will continue for you.

      Bernhard H. Holst

    11. hello Jock.

      It is what is known as a "Zweispitz" or, a two-points or fore/aft I believe so called in Great Britain.

      German Navy Officers used to wear similar one into WW II. I am unaware of German Jaeger wearing such. They wore more of a hunting green wide brim hat with one side against the crown. The label may be in error, perhaps a theater prop?

      Bernhard H. Holst

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