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    Posts posted by SKY MARSHAL

    1. Ahhhh, messy starting letter fooled me-- I thought it was a NAME and not the TYPE of Institute. :cheers:

      My cousin volunteered for active duty in Vietnam rather than teach high school English any more-- I am sure there are a LOT of school teachers even today who wish they could transfer into flamethrower units.... :cheeky:

      It is very a pity, that I very badly know the English language. Earlier in the beginning of 90 years, badly taught the English language at schools, it is necessary to use the electronic translator and not always it gives out correct translation :( , it is necessary to apply the saved up particles of knowledge :cheers: .

    2. Aha!

      Full date of birth 23 March 1919. He spoke German and Russian (since these are under "foreign" languages :rolleyes: he must have been a native Ukrainian speaker), and was of white collar social background, formerly peasant. CPSU member number 5,352,187 in 1943.

      Higher education, graduating from the Fitel'sky Institute's history faculty in the city of Chernigov in 1940.

      On the Bryansk Front from February 1942 to July 1943

      Central Front July 1943 to February 1944

      1st White Russian Front February 1944 to May 1945.

      Never wounded!!!

      His promotions can be deduced from whose decrees authorized them and his service record, so

      Lieutenant 10.9.4(2)

      Senior Lieutenant 15.8.4(2) per Bryansk Front

      Captain 13.1.4(5) per White Russian Front

      Major 14.4.4(5) per 1st White Russian Front

      He was certified as "healthy" when he was discharged.

      The service record ADDS a Liberation of Warsaw Medal entitlement not shown on his ARC.

      Line 19 on the last page scan is, I think, hius civilian job in 1948, but I am just not getting it.

      BTW, does anybody else think Dovbenko looks like the actor from the TV series "The Highlander?" (? Adrian Paul... something like that-- haven't seen it in years)


      Excuse me, again you I shall correct. Teacher's institute?(Pedagogical institute) historical faculty, and in Russian language Учительский институт (Педагогический институт) исторический факультет. :beer:

    3. It's the very rare "lapel miniature" too.

      Here is the even rarer Real Photograph version. Ooooooooooooooooooooooo :catjava:

      These "Little Angel Stars" make very nice Christmas tree decorations. :rolleyes:

      It not imagination. :shame: Both badges shown present also refer to as you "October Children Badge" (Значок Октябрят). In middle person Lenin in youth is represented. :rolleyes:

    4. If I'm not mistaking he was the Member of the Military Council of the South-Western Theatre at that time... But I'm still wondering what his rank was?

      Hrushchev the "Commissioner Supreme Rank" was in a rank. In October, 1942 the order was issued signed by Stalin, removing double command system and translating commissioners from command structure in advisers. But it is necessary to note, that Hrushchev remained the unique political worker (Commissioner) to which advice(councils) general Chujkov an autumn of 1942 in Stalingrad listened.

      By the way and the photo on which are represented military leaders Hrushchev, Kirichenko, Chanov and Eremenko on Stalingrad front. :rolleyes:

    5. Great picture indeed! Khrushchev was promoted to Lieutenant-General on 12 February 1943, so what is his rank on this picture? The Lt.Gen. equivalent of Komkor?? I'm not really familiar with pre-1943 rank insignia.

      Khrushchev in 1942 (Commissioner) was the Member of the military Council of Front. :rolleyes:

    6. Great picture indeed! Khrushchev was promoted to Lieutenant-General on 12 February 1943, so what is his rank on this picture? The Lt.Gen. equivalent of Komkor?? I'm not really familiar with pre-1943 rank insignia.

      On given photos Brezhnev in a rank of the Brigade Commissioner (Бригадный Комиссар). :beer:

      The BRIGADE COMMISSIONER, military rank (in 1935-42) the supreme military-political structure of Red Army and the Navy.... :beer:

    7. I think even the article that started this all is very suspect in the first place.

      A also think that we are underestimating the difficulty of the manufacturing of crosses... especially making the dies, assembling them.

      In Germany they did not get guys off the street, push then into Steinhauer and Luck and say "Assemble these"

      You understand, that given article is not the document? :unsure: I think, that someone tries to warm the handles on the given artefact. ;)

    8. Maybe TO him, but not FROM him.

      On the front of the photo=

      Foreign Legion

      of the French Army Lieutenant

      Ye(liskov?) 1943-1947

      On the back under the French bit

      In the last Cadre

      of officer (word I can't read, probably course/class) of 1913.

      Colonel of Kuban


      Fought in April

      month 1919. Com-

      mander of Kornilovsky

      Cavalry Regiment in Kuban

      battles February 1919

      F. Ye(liskov?)

      1967 New York

      I'm FAIRLY sure it says "Yeliskov." Backward "3" Cyrillic E is the same as in good old Boris Yeltsin. How that would have been transliterated into French/English by a person of that generation... ? Jeliskoff ? Eliskov ? For a German, Jeliskow ?

      I think a?name?and surname of the French lieutenant of Russian origin?Fiodor Eliseev. :rolleyes:

      Many Russians have emigrated to France after revolution of 1917.

    9. Helping forum member with translation of attached documents. Additions and or corrections appreciated. Copies are not the best but I have

      been able to pull some of the information from what is provided.

      1. Butikov

      2. Ivan Vasilivich

      3. Private

      4. male


      6.City of Prohodny, Korochansky raion, Kursk oblast

      7. Not party member

      8. Lower education

      9. Russian


      Medal " For Military Merit "

      Order of Glory 3rd class

      City of Prohodny, it is wrong. :rolleyes: It will be correct, village?(деревня, село) Prohodnoe (Проходное). :beer:

      If it is necessary to translate something, ask do not hesitate, than I can I shall help. :beer:

    10. да

      плохо пробуйте это!

      ...как было это? :rolleyes::cheeky:

      As spoke Lenin: "To study, study and once again to study." :cheeky: Really as my English badly looks? :o

      Как говорил Ленин: "Учиться, учиться и еще раз учиться." Учите Русский язык. Пока вам даже переводчик мало помогает. ;)

    11. haha wow what did i miss? :cheeky:

      yeah im waiting too, it would be good if there is some evidence to back up the story. my idea is the the only logical conclusion i can come up with IF this are in fact genuine. it just sems that these were intended more as a post war insult to a battle than as a very odd (to say the least) attempt at demoralising the germans.

      Your reasons are completely incorrect, you were not in the blocked Leningrad, and I talked to many inhabitants of this city who have taken out.

      The idea at them was one--------> TO SURVIVE. :banger:

      And so I shall tell what to be engaged in knickknacks (manufacture of bad awards), at them it was simple not neither time, nor opportunities.

      I think that the given crosses (1941) which are not confirmed with serious documents, are fiction. :(

    12. I think he means someone on another forum claimed to have seen the documents but he himself does not believe it.



      I apologize at me with the English language poorly. I translate through Magic Gooddy. Difficulties of translation with Russian on English and back. I can tell, that would not see any document which confirmed manufacture EK "1941". By the way I nickname on warrelics.eu same as well as here SKY MARSHAL, and Dimas is other person.

      You understand me? :unsure:



    13. The cross " FUR RAUB UND MORD " is disputable as it is for certain not known, whether was issued such in Leningrad in time WWII. Only I can tell, that supporters and at the given cross suffice opponents. :rolleyes:

      The given crosses, have appeared rather recently. Why it was not known about crosses "1941" earlier?

      IMHO: I think, as is not confirmed documentary from archives of the Ministry of Defence and other sources, is fiction.

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