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    Roman Slivin

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    Posts posted by Roman Slivin

    1. I have had this medal for a few years now. I got it really inexpensively off of Ebay back in 2001(less than 10 dollars). I think that it was sold as a Lifesaving medal. What can be told about it? I look forward to any input!



      You can show a medal largely? :cheers:



    2. Nice watch! Is it a military award? Civilian? Governmental? Retirement? Merit? Efficiency?

      (If Canada gave out a watch like this, we'd probably only bestow it upon people renowned for being late... :rolleyes: )

      These are my watch. :rolleyes:

      And I like to be late. :cheers:

      Such watch can receive both military and civil.

      But delivery occurs on behalf of the government or a member of the government.

    3. Do Cossacks join the regular armed forces or do they form their own units?

      Cossacks serve in usual army divisions.

      But in territory of the Cossack areas Cossacks patrol streets for maintenance of an order and for this work receive money from the state.

      Uniform of Cossacks, their ranks are etc. established by the decree the President in 1998.

    4. I wish to notice, that now there is an active rapprochement of the state and Cossacks.

      For example the Ataman of the Cossack army (Don, Kuban, Orenburg etc.) gets out Cossacks, but affirms the President of Russia.

    5. :banger:

      Cпасибо... Я не сержусь... Возможно немного, против продавца...

      At Russian collectors such seller is called - фуфлогон.

      P.S. I have nothing to correct in your Russian. Probably only "против" to replace "on". :cheers:

    6. Sometimes dictators say, that they and are the present democrats. And all time is completely not obligatory to be the leader of the country to the dictator. The political party or group of people consisting in different parties can be the dictator, but sense of their actions the same - do as you speak also all it will be good. You so do not think? :beer:

    7. Oh!?! Both?!? (Sorry, I thought we weren't on the same channel here)

      The dark blue one is really nice... The green one... YUCK! A bit of overkill wouldn't you say?

      So why 2 different uniforms for the same unit? When is the green one used as compared to the blue one?

      I am bad I can explain in English, but I will try...

      The Dark blue uniform is a smart uniform of the Federal Protection service (FSO).

      The presidential regiment concerns to FSO.

      Green with red is a uniform for parade and a guard of honour.

      As such Green is called in Russia - colour of a sea wave.

      Is as also other variants of a uniform. Same the most elite regiment of Russia.

      By the way in it type soldiers only with certain growth and only with a slavic face type.

      Soldiers should not have scars and tattoos.

    8. I hope somebody here can enlighten me on Cossacks.

      I see Cossack medals for sale everywhere... Are these medals governmental? (By that I mean official).

      What exactly are Cossacks (today)?

      Cossack medals not the official. But also not all of you can buy.

      There are awards which is received for operations.

      Cossacks are today public organisations. But I think, that soon Cossacks will obtain the state recognition and support.

    9. Seems like a heck of a lot of work in making an intricate and enameled copy for an award that is easily accessible for a mere $150 to $200...

      But heh, I'll take better and closer scans and post them. After all, the aim here is to learn and share that knowledge.

      Now the prices have fallen because of crisis.

      But even now such award in Russia cannot be bought more cheaply 1000 USD.

      There is such firm selling copies:


      Earlier they sold also copies of awards of the Russian Federation, but now it is problematic.

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