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    Everything posted by Theodor

    1. It's only midnight... so, there is still time to add.... 44 Nummer, 13 Kriegsnummer, Erste November-Nummer 1916. Ritter des Eisernen Kreuzes 1914 (III) Please, if you notice a wrong name - tell me, because if the name is typed in the thread, it will be find-able through the Search engine! Leutn. E. Hornig
    2. Thank you! There are so many more to come, that I will have enough time to learn these letters Rick, we'll wait and see... There are many more photos. I hope at least one will appear. We'll see! :cheers:
    3. Nummer 43, Vierte Oktober-Nummer, 12 Kriegsnummer On the cover there is already one recipient - a General, but only with a modest 2nd class EK. Genral des Infanterie von Beseler, der Bezwinger von Antwerpen
    4. This one is interesting, showing clearly the EK2! The cut text says: Oberleutn. d. Res. Gustav v. R?mmel X in friedenszeiten Kgl. hofschauspieler Gustav Waldau, (Munchen)
    5. Thank you, glad it is interesting Yes, indeed these are probably all EK2 - the portrait after the next portrait will show exactly an officer with the EK2! Unfortunately no other listings so far - I see only EK recipients and KIA lists there.
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