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    Posts posted by Theodor

    1. Gorubso - Gornorudnoe Bolgaro-Sovetskoe Obshtestvo. This is a mining company for lead-zinc ores. Established in May 1950, at first the headquarter were in Kardjali, then in Madan /other town/. Of course this was a state's mining company. Interesting that the DS /the Secret Services/ had role in its creation - the idea was to develop mining industry in the southern regions, which would be used both for improving the conditions in the region and for keeping a closer eye on the local muslim population.

    2. There are a couple of books for years already on the market - one for the 1885 war and the Balkan war. Both are quite useful, though the second one deals mostly with the war and very little with the uniforms. A new book on the Bulgarian uniforms is expected very soon. Should have been published before Christmas, but different problems still delay it. I hope it will be available soon!

      Yesterday I scanned some photos for a thread in the WAF, but I think they will fit here, too. Here:

    3. Thanks Theo, that's more than I could find. Odd how he could go from major to General just because he was involve in the coup of 44.

      This was the way the commie system started and worked. At least, he was a real trained military officer and skipped "only" the colonel levels. There are much worse cases - uneducated commies, who reached with similar rocket speed the highest levels of the military and state command, with Zero culture and education. And they were no exceptions - they were the rule.

    4. I can guess the country :cheers:


      Stoyan Konstantinov trendafilov

      Born: 02.11.1899 in Peshtera, Bulgaria. Died 1982

      Education: Military School (1922). Military Academy (1930).


      01.04.1922 - 2nd Lt.;

      06.05.1925 - 1st Lt.;

      31.10.1930 - Captain;

      03.10.1937 - Major;

      1944 - Major-General

      05.05.1945 - Lt.-General.

      Military Service:

      1924 - Sofia Fortified position ;

      1928 - 4th Artillery Regiment;

      1928 - Pleven shooting detachment;

      1933 - School for company, battery and squadron commanders

      1933 - School for reserve Officers;

      1934 - HQ of the Army;

      1934 - Chief of a Department in the Main Commissariat /Glavno Intendantstvo/

      1935 - HQ of the 2nd Inspection District;

      1935 - Deputy-chief of a Section in the HQ of the Army

      1935 - To the Reserve;

      1944 - Commander of 1st Armored Brigade

      1945 - Commander of the Armored Troops

      Participated in the final stage of WW2, the war against Germany.

      He is a direct participant in the communist coup of 9 September 1944. As a retired major, he was a member of the political group "Zveno" and he was the one to convince some officers from the tank forces to participate in the coup

      /but not as much as represented by the commies later - of 200 tanks, 14 were involved in the coup. The Regency could easily send the bastards to hell, the biggest part of the army was loyal, unfortunately the red army was already advancing through Danube - that is why the coup was left to be successful. It was not successful because of forces or planning, it was simply allowed to be.../

      So, this is the story of the HQs rat, the traitor, snot, b*stard and a**hole, who participated actively in the commie coup and from a 10 years ago retired Major jumped to the /undeserved/ rank of a General and tank commander.

    5. Our friend Barry at E-Medals in Canada has a lot of Bulgarian badges.

      Check out his web site!


      Happy Hunting!


      Hi Vince, as this is a forum and we can say what we think... well, left aside the prices :speechless1:, I think some of the badges are at least questionable.

      As for the badges, during the WW1 there was Pilot badge and Observer badge. After the WW1 the same badges continued to be issued, until in 1936 /if not wrong for the year/ started to be introduced the color enamel badges - though the old style big silver badges were used by their owners till the end of WW2. There was no marineflieger or balloon badge. On paper, a balloon badge was planned /from the series of color enamel badges/, but it remained only as an artist idea, never made.

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