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    Posts posted by Theodor

    1. Thanks David! About the Bulgarian order, they are available from time to time, I see from time to time pieces like the one in my picture. Though I have no idea about the price /did not purchase the one in the picture, it's a family possession/. During the week I'll have a look around and will tell you.

    2. Hi guys,

      Not long after posting this I had big conection problems, so after got later back online seems missed the fact it is replied to the thread. Thanks for your replies!

      To update this case, very shortly after I posted here, considered the plastic bag a bad idea and took the holster out. A couple of days later got a parcel from a friend who studies in the States - a box of Peckard stuff for leather tratment. I put that "fat" on the holster and the result is good in my opinion - some of it went inside the leather, fed it, but did not change the color and did not make the leather look like oiled. Also, the leather seems does not change shape anymore. The back wall of the holster stays a bit twisted, but not bad. I think after some time to repeat the application of Peckard. So far the result is good.

    3. However, today, a couple of weeks after it was put in the drawer, I spotted something unpleasant. As said, it had been for long in high humidity environment. And I am keeping it now in normal humidity.

      And seems the leather has lost some moisture and has changed shape a little! The back "wall" of the holster has curved a little to the inside, the seams around the holster have opened. The stitching is strong, but if this process continue, it may be torn I think. What can I do??? Maybe it will change no more, but what if it continues to dry and bend? Maybe apply some leather care chemical, or simply keep it in a part of the house with higher humidity? The only thing I did so far is put it in a plastic bag, not to lose more moisture if possible... Thanks in advance for ideas!

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