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    Posts posted by Theodor

    1. August 14th 1943. The flight instructor, Adjutant of the Cadets Training wing, is on a routine flight with a cadet student pilot. They take off in a FW-44 trainer. To never return! Something went terribly wrong. The aircraft hit the ground near a small village. The death was instant....

      Several document related to that. His room was immediately locked and sealed. A Commission of two pilot officers and an airfield official enter and make an Inventory list of everything in the room.

      The father, a retired army Colonel, received a small document to help him receive a pension for the lost son.

      Another document. The Commander of one of the training bases reports that the officer's sword was not found at that base. Seems they were looking for it in more than one location. Also said, he owes nothing to the base.

      Another small document. All personal belongings are sent to the father. Some flight goggles that the father asked about, have never been found. Shortly before the accident, the pilot returned a flight suit to the airbase depot. A scarf was found in the pocket, returned to the brother of the deceased.

      The pilot has not returned to the airbase a leather sleeveless jacket. The father is asked to look for it and send it back.

      One document signed by pilots and by the Airforce doctor, including fist-glance diagnose and the conclusion, that the death was most instant and completely inevitable.

      That's all. Some nice stuff, some sad stuff. The life and death of a pilot officer!

    2. But first, the beginning! While studying to become an officer, in the Military of His Majesty School, he was in the pilot group of his class. The student pilot log book, showing that his flight training started in Poland /a group of Military School cadets from his class, the 59th class, was sent there to start their training/. The Bulgarian student pilots were separated in 3 groups, with different instructors. His flight instructor was the Polish feldwebel Zaremski /I have the memories of another pilot from the same class, from the same group/.

    3. We had ones like that at school! :cheers:

      You can see these in several sizes, flag finals of that type were used everywhere - schools, party related stuff, factories, army.... anywhere the red flag was flown /and it was flown everywhere :D /

      An example similar to yours, used by the Border Troops:

    4. Sorry I did not understand you well, about what award is that? The Bravery orders were issued only in wartime, not in peace. If the question is about the Military merit, peace time/wartime, the wartime with green laurel and blue ribbon is very much less common than the peace time with no laurel and with yellow-black ribbon.

      Yes, I think it is possible. I have seen many times photos of officers with same class orders, but one with swords or with crown, it was common to wear both awards.

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