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    Posts posted by NavyFCO

    1. Chuck-

      This one really needs to be researched. I think that the two screwback Red Banners might be added to the document. Note how they were put in at the same time, in rather unsual ink, with rather sloppy handwriting for the number... And then note how the last digit of the first award earned has been altered?

      The first Red Star entry dates from about December 1947... So the book being issued in January of 1948 is pretty much "spot on", but the top of the "7" appears to have been erased to be a "1941" instead... I also find it odd that the two sb Red Banners would be added after his late 1952 award long service Red Banner.

      Could be legit, but I think it might be worthwhile getting the research just to confirm...


    2. That's how I see them ;) , but maybe am I wrong ? Let's Dave arbitrate...



      Let's try on the colors of black, yellow and white for size? Those were the original colors of this flag, and the colors that several White units fought under.

      Check out this link and note the colors of the "civil ensign" that flew until 1883... rather familiar?



    3. Concur. A HSU/Double Slava winner grouping is a great score. It epitomizes the in-your-face combat valor that makes collecting Order of Glory Full Cavalier sets (and special Slava groupings such as this one) all the more appealing. Very nice.

      Yeah, AND include in the Red Banner to a "common" soldier... Two Glories, a Red Banner and the HSU... WOW... :love:

      I can also post some of the documents/photos that came with the Riechstag group later this evening if anyone is interested.

      Incidentally, most of these photos are singles from anywhere from 3 to 10 that I have of the complete group... Should anyone like to see more of them, I can post up more photos! (I've got about 800 that I've saved over the past seven years...)


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