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    Tim B

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    Posts posted by Tim B

    1. The other questions I had on the Schott badges centered on the die flaw progression and if anyone has placed any timeline on these? Again, I understand these badges were produced into the 20's & 30's, but not knowing how many were produced and when, the die might indicate approximately "when"; maybe.

      For years, I thought the indentations on the bow were badges that had got damaged (little dings through wear and tear) but, over time noticed that there was a consistency of where these marks were occuring.

      Here are a couple close-ups of the die flaws on my badge.


    2. Gordon was kind enough to send me a link to a fellow collector's site that studies Juncker produced items: http://www.cejuncker.com/3.html

      I've contacted this Matt, and he is currently away from the material he has to add further information on the subject. I'm not sure if he is a member here or not, but would like to hear more on the subject. Anyone want to add some information?


    3. One of the reasons I ask, is that back in December, 2005 Detlev listed this marked Juncker U-boat with Militarpass and the die characteristics are different from the Schott marked badges.

      Looking in Detlev's 2nd revision of his price guide, I see another unmarked version on page 33 that matches this Juncker marked piece.

      So, did Juncker have more than one die or variety of U-boat badge? Seems like they really wouldn't need a second one considering the late date of the award being authorized (1918)and the amount of sailors that had already been killed in action. I honestly don't know and pass to those more knowledgeable at this point.


    4. I have wanted a nice Schott marked badge for several years now and just never found the right one or had the money available when one popped. Just recently, I got lucky with this one from Erik Krogh. Many thanks again Erik, it's a real beauty! :love: Hope you found something you really wanted at the SOS! :beer:

      I have been looking at these online now for sometime and have been anxious to start this thread to ask some questions but, wanted to find out a little bit more first. I understand that Schott was simply the designer (sculptor) and designed the U-boat badge when first conceived. He was not a manufacturer or actual producer of items per-se. What surprised me though was the possible Juncker connection to Schott badges. Is there any actual evidence to support this, or is it still educated speculation?



    5. Demir,

      Just for you! ;) Here's a composite of the original seller's PIC's. Also note the marking I show in the PIC.

      Tim :beer:

    6. Hi Demir,

      No, the balls (finial's) are fine; that's just me playing with my photo-editing skills. The background in the seller's PIC was originally white and the shadows sometimes make it impossible to get it 100% correct without losing stuff. What you're seeing is left-overs of the white background.

      I just don't like posting dealer/seller site PIC's if I don't have to.

      I'll look again at the Mahlas, but I thought it was identical, only rotated to a different angle.

      Thank you for posting! :cheers:


    7. Here is another one that is strikingly similar except the enamel pattern appears to have longer diamond shapes on mahony's and the example I posted when compared to Josef's TWM and the border of the star arms on Josef's TWM are doubled and more like those of BB&Co.

      Additionally, that little hole is not as round on Josef's example. Other than that, they appear the same.


    8. Not sure who the maker is or if it's German or Austrian, but it is marked "silber" on the pin and similar to the one posted by "mahoni" and "Josef" earlier in this thread. If the guys don't mind, I wanted to post a couple quick comparison shots for discussion.


      Here's the one with "mahoni's" TWM, though I do not have a whole PIC for comparison, it appears the same style:

      Note the star arms have the narrow silver border and the "hole" in the Tugra is round in design.

    9. Well, I thought I got lucky yesterday and picked up a rather nice looking TWM but, was just informed this morning that someone beat me to it. :banger:

      I would like to do a quick comparison of a Star here to seek opinions and knowledge as I continue my database on TWM's.


      Here's the Star I was hoping to have:

    10. Demir,

      Many thanks for that information! I see so many that have this Mahlas rotated in various angles and wondered if it was something the manufacturer didn't really understand when attaching it to the star, or if it was something a collector needed to pay attention to when looking for them.

      Thanks again! :beer:


    11. Hello Demir,

      I have a question concerning the Mahlas. Is it necessarily a bad sign on TWM's if the Mahlas is not oriented exactly correct per the figure you show? Meaning, can the Mahlas be rotated slightly, or does it have to be right-side up as in your figure?

      Thank you!


    12. Hello Andrei,

      That's my point made earlier; all Krims have similar design traits and some have details "here and there" that closely resemble other maker's shields, but it doesn't tie them together.

      IMO, this is not related to Orth whatsoever, regardless that there are some minor similarities. When a maker manufactured their items, we see specific die characteristics in that design and seldom see a completely different design altogether. This one is different in many areas.


    13. Hello Andrei,

      Assuming the shield you think is a fake "FO" being the one that I started the thread with here; it is my belief and understanding from other collectors that this shield is in fact original, however, I did the comparison to Orth as some had speculated elsewhere that there was an Orth connection, which I did not see or agree with.

      In my opinion, this zinc shield is original, just not of Orth design or manufacture. I believe it is yet another currently unknown maker. There is an advanced collector that thinks he may have an idea on "who" might have manufactured this version, however he does not want to release that name until more sustantiated evidence is available to link the maker to the shield. So, I have to honor his request to leave that information out for now.

      Looking at the construction of the shield, backing, and paper, I am confident the shield is 100% original to each part and IMO, an original period shield.



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