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    Posts posted by nitram

    1. It's worth checking for Fraser in American records, since U.S. Census data contains reference to places of foreign birth. This part of New England is referred to as Southern Canada by us locals since so many families originated across the border. If you got that medal in the U.S. rather than Canada, could be indicative of a local find for where he ended up.

      This could get tricky, with his last name also subject to variant spellings: Frazier etc.

      Hello Rick:

      I have had all of the U.S. & Canadian census records and other options checked by a Canadian researcher, with no results, so I really feel that I have reached a dead end. The bio that I have written about him ends when he accepts $80 in script in exchange for his Bounty Land in December 1885. Then I/we lose all members of the family.

      The medal came to me from Canada, within 100 miles of where my man was from. However, I have no idea where it has been since 1885, perhaps in other collector's hands, possibly 2x around the world.

      It's unfortunate that our medals cannot speak, but given the advancement in technology that may happen some day.

      Appreciate your time,


    2. Nitram

      I've been doing some genealogical stuff lately and, if you hadn't already figured this out on your own, "Abraham" on the census roll is almost certainly a case of the census-taker writing down what he thought he heard and not checking with the parent(s) providing the information. Such mistakes are lamentably common in the earliere censuses. My Great Grandfer was baptized and married as Dainel Monoghan but appears on the 1901 census and every subsequent reference as "Monahan". So your man was lucky (or illiterate) in having the "no h" spelling appear on all his military records!

      I lovely medal. I envy you.


      What you say makes much sense as the same thing happened during the mass European migration through Ellis Island in the early 20th century.

      I agree it is a lovely medal, as they were all issued unnamed to the recipients, and here is one with at least some traceable data. All I can say is that I am the temporary custodian, and am happy to share any information I can with those who may have an interest. I do not own many medals but I try to leave them with much more information then when bought, because I believe that no one who served in the military, in any country or under any circumstances, should not be remembered, even if only in cyberspace.

      Thanks for you nice words,


    3. Gents:

      Just an update on my question concerning Abram Fraser above.

      The medal arrived with a file of about 30 pages of military records, land grants and a diary written by one of the members of B Co., Midland Battery....alas, but with no personal information.

      However, I did find him on the 1851 Canadian census through the Canadian Automated Genealogy website.

      He is shown on the census as being one year old, the son of Andrew & Elizabeth Fraser and being born in the township of Seymour, County of Northumberland, Ontario, Canada. He is listed on that census as ABRAHAM. However, all of his records and all of the documents he signed for land/transfer and pay were signed ABRAM.

      Now having found his year/place of birth I have put a friend of mine to work in the hopes of finding out anything else of a personal nature of the man, i.e., whether he ever married, had children and possibly date/place of death.

      I am glad to be thought of as not 'hijacking' this thread, and should there be any more interest in this man I would be happy to post follow-ups if requested.


    4. Hello All:

      This is my first posting to the forum and I sincerely hope that I am not hijacking your thread in any way, but thought this might be the place to post my inquiry concerning a North West Canada Medal that is in the post to me, as I type.

      What I am trying to find out is any other information about the recipient, except his DOB, which for some reason he had engraved on his medal. I have not been able to find him on any of the usual Canadian research sites, and was hoping for some assistance.

      The medal is privately engraved in running script, as follows:

      A.B. Fraser, Born 1851, Sgt. B. Co. Mid. Batt.

      He is shown on the roll as Abram Fraser. I have all of the information about the Midland's formation and their participation in the Rebellion. What I am seeking is any information about the man himself.

      Any help or suggestions would be most appreciated.


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