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    Posts posted by Iver

    1. Thanks for translation... Is there any chance to find out something about that "workers union" or tis medal? For what was that medal giving, how many awards there were.... atc..? As far as I know, this Giuseppe Opalka was czech citizen - Josef Op?lka... why was he awarded italian "workers" medal?

    2. hunyadi: on your photo is uniform of a 4 years in legion serving sergeant (čat?r) of 4. czechoslovak marksman regiment of Prokop the great (4. československ? streleck? pluk Prokopa Velik?ho). After "great war" was this regiment dislocated in Hradec Kr?lov? (Czech republic) and united with A-H Infantry regiment Nr.18. There is a ribbon of Commemorative badge of Czechoslovak volunteer 1918-19...
    3. Here are some photos of Czechoslovak legion uniform - number 8 on left sleev is the number of regiment, the green slip under it is for reconnaisance... red slips on right sleev are for years of service - in this case three years of service in Cs. legion...

      This uniforms were made at the beginning in Russia from japanese material, later in Czechoslovakia from imported felt fabric.

    4. Eric Stahlhut: I have discussed photos with a kolege (my collecting Guru :D ), and:

      Case is old piece as, Josef has already written...

      MVK is production after 1914

      Miniature is made after 1920 and was originaly on an evening dress chain...

      So it "don?t belongs together..."

    5. Riley1965,

      The ribbons look too new to be original but the "hook and eye" is correct for the period. Repro ribbons that I see in Hungary usually have a flat piece of aluminum for the hook instead of a bent double piece of wire as is seen on the ribbons on your medals. The medals are also mounted correctly with the ring inside the ribbon and not hanging down below it.



      Gordon: I must say, i have seen lots of COPY ribbons from Hungary and all had this classic hook as on photo..

      Riley1965: COPY ribbons or not, its nice couple...

      Ladis: What?s new in Czech republic? :)

    6. Yankee: 1. Bosnisch-hercegovinisches Infanterieregiment - formated 1: January 1894 of independent B-h infantry bataillons Nr.1 (established 1885), Nr.5 (established 1889) and Nr.9 (established 1894). Regiment headquarters in Wienna, bataillons hedqarters: I.Bat - Wienna, II.Bat - Wienna, III.Bat - Sarajevo, IV.Bat - Wienna. According to schematismus, in 1909 (I don?t have at disposal 1900 edition) there were in this regiment 12 officers awarded longservice cross for officers III. klass for 25years...

      As I have not seen it here, here is my longservice cross for NCO and men for 18.years (used 1867-69)...

    7. SasaYU: I know, it?s not in good condition... but... was a present... :cheers: I hope this photo helps to identify it... in the front of the cap is an oval badge missing... if it?s really serbian, it is possible to get that badge? how does it look? thanks...

    8. Translation of legitimation:

      5. infantry regiment

      Daily order of 5. inf.reg., Nr.224 from 13. November 1939


      Rank, name: lieutenant of infantry Rudolf Čill?k

      Unit: Infantry regiment Nr. 5

      Is authorised to wear : Commemorative medal for defence of Slovakia in march 1939.

      In Nitra, 14. november 1939 on behalf of commander of regiment mjr. Of infantry ?tefan Schwartz

      Commemorative medal for defence of Slovakia (Pam?tn? medaila za obranu Slovenska) is a commemorative badge for military and civil personnel and members of Hlinka guards, who have gain recognition for attaining and securing independece of Slovak state (government decree 95/1939).

      The medal was at the beginning awarded for battles against Hungarian invasion in march 1939. The same medal was given for taking part in campaign against Poland in september 1939. Those, who have been awarded already in march with commemorative medal, became only a tab with inscription ?Javorina". Later were introduced two types of tabs: ?III.1939" and ?IX.1939".

      Commemorative medal for defence of Slovakia was also given military persons, who were awarded with Slovak victory cross (Vojensk? v?ťazn? kr??) or Medal for bravery (medaile Za Hrdinstvo).

      There was also medal with inscription ?Javorina/Orava" on the rear side, which was given only to members af allied armies.Number of awards is not known..

      plus photo of rear side of medal

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