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    Posts posted by Iver

    1. Hi..

      I don?t think that medals with german Z instead of C in DECEMBER is version after 1900. its only a "fashionable" variation... there is a lot of variations of War medal 1873...

      the luxury box is wonderfull, the second is some kind of "universal" box.. it was used for several medals - jubilee medal 1898, jubilee cros 1908, silver bravery medal I. class, memorial cross 1912-13, etc..

    2. Eduardo:

      My dear brother in law, sister and "Vilou?ku" (i think its nickname for Viliam)...

      At first, recieve my greetings and kisses.. I must once more thank you and tell you, that i am well relishing. chees, eggs and especially butter are like made for bread. (he probably got a packet with food from them). Here is opportunity to buy soap, so I will save some and will bring it. It costs 10 Kronen (Austro-hungarian currency), but what to do when at home (in Skuhrov nad B?lou in Bohemia-now Czech republic) its inpossible to buy it.

      Greetings and kisses from yours Otakar...

    3. webr55: bravery medal II. class (silver), bravery medal III. class (bronze), EK2 and "medal for merit" - Za z?sluhy...

      on the first two ribbons are missing enameled miniatures... medal for merit was given for 6 moths of service or for wound.

      Rick Research: as I wrote it in other topic, your ribbon is for War victory cross V.-VII. class (medals of war victory cross) - Vojnov? v?ťazn? kr?? V.-VII. triedy...

    4. It is slovak bravery medal III. class (bronze)

      "?" is for academic sculptor ?tefunko Fraňo, who is the author of this medal...

      The enamel device on the ribbon is a integral part of the bravery medal...

      Rick Research: the ribbon on photo U have posted is not bravery medal for slovaks, but it is ribbon of War winning cross V.-VII. class...

      I think it belonged to a german soldiers, who have been awarded slovak medals after puting down slovak natonal uprising... slovak soldier wouldn have his national medals on first place, then german...

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