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    Stijn David

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    Posts posted by Stijn David

    1. Hello,

      Thank you very much for your neverending help, so we have one person that seems to become a suspect, namely Fritz Crienitz. But we are still not there as we must rule out or confirm the other remaining officers.

      So at this point certainly a good candidate:

      * Crienitz Fritz- Hptm.

      The remaining names

      * Engel, Hans - Lt.

      * Fraunberg (Freiherr von und zu), Hans - Lt.

      * Goltz (von der) - Lt.

      * Haeseler (von), Kurt - Lt.

      * Heyden (von), Helmuth - Lt.

      * Ihn, Max - Olt.

      * Neumann - Hptm.

      * Peters, Emil - Olt.

      * Plagemann - Lt.

      * Werder (von), Claus - Hptm.

      Thanks in advance :cheers:

    2. Hello,

      And yes this one has a very strange (it was a first for me) award combination. We can see:

      * Silesian Eagle 1 e class

      * Silesian Eagle 2 nc. class (Ribbon)

      * DRL Sportsbadge

      * Lw. Glider pilots badge ( :cheers: )

      * Silver C badge (bullion form)

      So the Feldwebel we see here was most probably a young volunteer after WWI who was part of a Freikorps and distguished himself with these. Then he went into glider flying and was very succesfull during the 30's as he earned himself the Silver C profiency badge.

      Then he was drafted into the Luftwaffe and did get his LW. glider pilots training and was most probably used as a 'Ausbilder'.

      A exotic awards combination for a glider, but i love it :cheeky::cheers:

      Cordial greetings,

    3. Hello Paddy,

      Absolutely correct => it is the terrible thing and i am such a novice with these things :banger:

      Here are the remaining names (iff we follow the correct trace)

      * Appel (von) - Olt. => remark : this person is most probably : Karl von Apell /.

      * Crienitz - Hptm.

      * Engel, Hans - Lt.

      * Fraunberg (Freiherr von und zu), Hans - Lt.

      * Goltz (von der) - Lt.

      * Haeseler (von), Kurt - Lt.

      * Hagen (von dem), Oswald - Hptm.

      * Heyden (von), Helmuth - Lt.

      * Ihn, Max - Olt.

      * Neumann - Hptm.

      * Peters, Emil - Olt.

      * Plagemann - Lt.

      * Werder (von), Claus - Hptm.

      The list is getting smaller but still not there => the one thin i need now is that the Mecklenburg/Hamburg rolls would be available. Then these names could be checked and most probably this person would become his name again. :rolleyes::unsure:

      But never say never, i am certain we wll know his name, etc ... => even iff it takes many more years.

      Cordial greetings

    4. Hello Webr55,

      Thank you for the extra information, so at this point we can already exclude 7 names from the O' Connor list:

      * Appel (von) - Olt. => remark : this person is most probably : Karl von Apell / Olt.

      * B?low (Freiherr von), Hilmer - Hptm.

      * Crienitz - Hptm.

      * Edler, Alfred - Olt. z. See

      * Engel, Hans - Lt.

      * Fraunberg (Freiherr von und zu), Hans - Lt.

      * Freytag, Georg - Hptm.

      * Goltz (von der) - Lt.

      * Haeseler (von), Kurt - Lt.

      * Hagen (von dem), Oswald - Hptm.

      * H?ussler, Willi - Lt.

      * Heyden (von), Helmuth - Lt.

      * Ihn, Max - Olt.

      * Jacobs, Josef - Lt.

      * Mardersteig, Georg - Hptm.

      * Neumann - Hptm.

      * Peters, Emil - Olt.

      * Pfeiffer, Leo - Hptm.

      * Plagemann - Lt.

      * Wencher, Konrad - Lt.

      * Werder (von), Claus - Hptm.

      * Wolff, Joachim - Lt.

      * Wolff, Jakob - Lt.

      And the following 4 officers can already be exclude from the list:

      1) Jacobs, Josef - Lt.

      => has won the 'Pour Le Merite', so not the person i am seraching.

      2) Wolff, Joachim - Lt.

      => was KIA on 16.05.1918

      3) Wolff, Jakob - Lt.

      He had 4 claims but was wounded during 1917 while acting with Jasta 17 + never returned again towards a frontline unit. He died 04.12.1926. (Therefore he could not have been a DLV member - as the DLV was first grounded 1933)

      4) B?low (Freiherr von), Hilmer - Hptm.

      => He did get the HOHX + was later a General / no long service awards etc .... , so no match on this one

      5,6 & 7) Oswald von dem Hagen, Leo Pfeifer, Willi H?ussler

      They all got a HOHX, so also no matches.

      8) Edler, Alfred

      => also most probably no match, further confirmation needed.

      So still 16 to check :

      * Appel (von) - Olt. => remark : this person is most probably : Karl von Apell /.

      * B?low (Freiherr von), Hilmer - Hptm.

      * Crienitz - Hptm.

      * Engel, Hans - Lt.

      * Fraunberg (Freiherr von und zu), Hans - Lt.

      * Freytag, Georg - Hptm.

      * Goltz (von der) - Lt.

      * Haeseler (von), Kurt - Lt.

      * Hagen (von dem), Oswald - Hptm.

      * Heyden (von), Helmuth - Lt.

      * Ihn, Max - Olt.

      * Mardersteig, Georg - Hptm.

      * Neumann - Hptm.

      * Peters, Emil - Olt.

      * Plagemann - Lt.

      * Wencher, Konrad - Lt.

      * Werder (von), Claus - Hptm.

      I have also been bussy and searching, iff the mentioned von Appel from O'Connor is indeed Karl von Apell then he is also not the searched person.

      Reason for this: Karl von Apell was a pilot (and not a observer) who did get his pilotslicence nr. 266 with teh date of 06.06.1912.

      Anyone able to confirm this?

      Thanks for the efforts,

    5. Hello,

      And here are the flyers as mentioned with O' Connor:

      The following name scome into vieuw (source: Neil W.O.Connor)

      * Appel (von) - Olt.

      * B?low (Freiherr von), Hilmer - Hptm.

      * Crienitz - Hptm.

      * Edler, Alfred - Olt. z. See

      * Engel, Hans - Lt.

      * Fraunberg (Freiherr von und zu), Hans - Lt.

      * Freytag, Georg - Hptm.

      * Goltz (von der) - Lt.

      * Haeseler (von), Kurt - Lt.

      * Hagen (von dem), Oswald - Hptm.

      * H?ussler, Willi - Lt.

      * Heyden (von), Helmuth - Lt.

      * Ihn, Max - Olt.

      * Jacobs, Josef - Lt.

      * Mardersteig, Georg - Hptm.

      * Neumann - Hptm.

      * Peters, Emil - Olt.

      * Pfeiffer, Leo - Hptm.

      * Plagemann - Lt.

      * Wencher, Konrad - Lt.

      * Werder (von), Claus - Hptm.

      * Wolff, Joachim - Lt.

      * Wolff, Jakob - Lt.

      And the following 4 officers can already be exclude from the list:

      * Jacobs, Josef - Lt.

      => has won the 'Pour Le Merite', so not the person i am seraching.

      * Wolff, Joachim - Lt.

      => was KIA on 16.05.1918

      * Wolff, Jakob - Lt.

      He had 4 claims but was wounded during 1917 while acting with Jasta 17 + never returned again towards a frontline unit. He died 04.12.1926. (Therefore he could not have been a DLV member - as the DLV was first grounded 1933)

      * B?low (Freiherr von), Hilmer - Hptm.

      => He did get the HOHX + was later a General / no long service awards etc .... , so no match on this one.

      Cordial greetings,

    6. Hello,

      I have received the bar today and i must say that it is a real beauty and i have noticed something else.

      Iff you look at the picture (courtesy Stogie) then we can notice that teh EK 2 is worn in the wrong way, thanks to that we do see that the oak meaves and the crown on that EK are very pronounced. I hope that the current owner (Stogie?) can show a close up on the bar.)

      I have looked at the bar, nw the EK 2 is correctly mounted but iff we flip that EK the oakleaves and crown are exactly as pronounced as in the picture. It is a long shot offcoarse but Rick L. did say alreayd it is a very weird combination. The bar is not exactly teh same as the EK 2 is mounted otherwis and teh Hindenburgcross is also now in its place.

      I do think however that the bar i have did belong towards the unkown person in the picture, only the bar has been remounted after that picture is taken => reason: because the Hindenburg has been awarded and teh EK has now been correctly placed.

      So now this person needs to be indentifyed offcoarse, who was he?

      Does anyone have a clue what producer (Hindenburgcross) was behind the mark GD or DG ?

      @ towards this question i have found the answer already: GD = Gustav Danner / M?hlhausen

      Cordial greetings,

    7. Hello,

      Here is a bar that i am expecting to land within the next few days => but as you are so nice i would like to present it already towards you guys.

      This bar does contain:

      * EK 2 (Prussia)

      * White falcon 2 nd class with swords (Sachsen-Weimar)

      * FF Cross 2 nd. class (Mecklenburg)

      * Hanseatenkreuz (Hamburg)

      * Hindenburgcross

      And offcoarse there is no name to go with it, the white falcon for example is a very ncie example and does absolutely have no enamel damage of any kind.

      This combo is a very weird one, and now my (impossible) quest to find the man behind this bar has begun :rolleyes:

      All comments, reactions etc .. .are welcome.

      Cordial greetings

    8. Hello,

      Yes, this list will defenatly been done :cheers:

      Thanks for the info Ricky => very usefull.

      David, i will contact you as soon as there is more info from Bernd, he will come through for sure :cheers:

      Keep you guys informed,

      ps: i actually have no spare time in these exiting days (my book will be launched within a month, then my beloved association SKF, visiting archives in belgium, veterans in germany and writing some articles, painting and working in the home, hehehe .... but i will manage :cheeky:

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