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    Stijn David

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    Posts posted by Stijn David

    1. Hello,

      Some of you have award documents, flight logs, etc .... and whatever printed stuff from the named printer;

      Hess Verlag - Braunschweig-M?nchen

      As i am a Luftwaffe collector (more specified glider related material) i have found that the following numbers are found:

      Lager nr. 133 : Segelflugbuch (glider planes)

      Lager nr. 134 : Flugbuch (motorized planes)

      Both are Luftwaffe related.

      The indication, Lager nr. does point towards a very large ammount of preprinted documents and a well organized company who did a lot of work for the military.

      I would be very interested to gather a insight in wich other preprinted documents from this company ar eknown, as well as the representing Lager nr.

      So please add whatever you can, i will browse through my collection in order to see iff i can find more of this company as i am certain that award documents are also known and into teh collection.

      Cordial greetings,

    2. Hello,

      Thank you Paul, much appreciated :cheers:

      The Buntmetal needle is also a typical characteristic of these badges, i once tought with the first such badge i had in my hands that the silver was worn of. This was not correct, 2 other sisters of this one are known and all do have this feature => so i say the needle at this stage of time was no longered silvered (lower cost within the production run and also saving of materials that could be used in other needed wartime products.)

      COrdial greetings + feel free to post sisters of this badge in this trhead :cheers:

    3. Hello John,

      Thank you for the comment => indeed a sweet thing it is

      Nope, this one was up for sale in the US, nobody snatched it up and the seller did even lower his price 3 times. At that point the price was so low (almost the half of nowadays market avlue) that i could no longer resist. Don't know why nobody did snatch it up? but that was al the more fun for me => know what you are after and opportunity's do come along for sure.

      The condition is very good to say at least and it is a type that is not that much encountered on the market today.

      Cordial greetings,

    4. Hello John,

      Thank you for the comment => indeed a sweet thing it is :cheers:

      Nope, this one was up for sale in the US, nobody snatched it up and the seller did even lower his price 3 times. At that point the price was so low (almost the half of nowadays market avlue) that i could no longer resist. Don't know why nobody did snatch it up? but that was al the more fun for me => know what you are after and opportunity's do come along for sure.

      The condition is very good to say at least and it is a type that is not that much encountered on the market today.

      Cordial greetings,

    5. Hello,

      Here is the newest one in the family, a small bird has just landed.

      This is the last subtype as produced by the famous company of C.E.Juncker. This is a Zink badge but with less finish as can be found on others => the swas is no longer worked out, the needle is Buntmetal but not silvered anymore, etc .... (this does point in a cheaper production wich was caused by a wartime economy).

      This badge does still have its original finish and is actually very well preserved. Within the Juncker Glide rbadge we make the following distinction:

      Type 1.1 : Buntmetal badges

      Type 1.2 : Zink badges (cut out swas, etc ...)

      Type 1.3 : ZInk badges (swas no longer cut out, etc ...)

      This is the last type, enjoy the vieuw at a rare birdy :rolleyes:

      Cordial greetings,

    6. Hello,

      Here is a recent new arrival - a ID card belonging towards Uffz. Franz Stangl (glider pilot with the 12./L.L.G.1)

      date: 30.07.1944

      Signed by Hauptmann Walter Dumke

      Who can help me to decipher what is written on the reverse?

      1 ................................... 14.08.1944 - Feldpostnr. L55166

      1 Badehose - Feldpostnr. L59764

      1 Shuhe ..... Shaft

      1 Schnurschuhe

      1 Hose Kurz (Tropen)

      1 Hemd ...A. (Tropen)

      21.09.1944 .... Gefr. - Feldpostnr. L 26329

      Thanks for the help,

    7. Hello Guys,

      Well, i have been browsing through all my glider pictures again and finally tonight i was succesfull => i think a 'Eureka' was certainly on its place. After revieuwing the Thielmann picture over and over again the wreath does indeed not seem to be a match but then i did find this picture in the collection :speechless1:

      Please find enclosed a picture of unknown glider pilot who is wearing .... (i once tought that he was wearing the large eagle but that is wrong, the form of the wreath does not match => but compare towards the shown badge with curved wings)

      Feel free to comment

    8. Hello,

      Veyr nice find and indeed a company i also never ehard of before, i have done some searching and could find the following:

      Company : Hoppe & Homann / Minden

      -Horse-shoe factory at Minden, dounded at 1876. It was a fondry factory wich also began to produce bicycle?s at 1895. /1/ The Bicycle production line was apparently sold again on 1910 towards the Panther Fahrradwerke AG. /2/

      -75 Years existence ? Jubilee and publishing of booklet ?Hoppe & Homann 1876 bis 1951.? /3/

      -In 1967 the company was stopped and sold /4/

      I have a friend who lives in Minden + i will ask him iff he can get some additional info for us ont his company.

      Also of large interest is the mentioning of the metal : Elektron !!!

      Elektron is composite and does belong towards the magnesium alloys, a composition as i have found it : 92 % magnesium, 5 % aluminium and 3 % zink. Why this material is used? the weight - the colour?, etc ... (no clue)

      ANd have you guys noticed the following reference mentioned in this writting, Bestellnummer HH 712/31612

      You can be relative certain that the HH does stand for Hoppe & Homann

      Cordial greetings + thanks for sharing


      1/ http://ebn24.com/pdf/philipp_koch_1030.pdf

      2/ http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panther_Fahrradwerke_AG

      3/ http://www.buchfreund.de/books3/book16027.html

      4/ http://www.giessereimaschinen-steffens.de/.../Referenzen.htm

    9. Hello Scott,

      Indeed, and there does exist more clear photographic of cloth badges in wear => my upcomming book wil show a bit of it :rolleyes:

      I also agree that we must keep a open mind, be critical but keep the mind open. Everything is just good on this badge - the only thing that does fail at this point is a clear picture of this very badge in wear / but i am confident ==> that will pop up within time :cheeky:

      And who does hide behind the MFP - POSEN maker mark? One candidate is the company :

      Metalwaren Fabrik Jablonski - Posen

      But that is just a guess.

      Cordial greetings,

    10. Hello Scott,

      No need to forgive anyone, we are all just collectors and historians alike ;-)

      Indeed a good observation on the gap, i will try iff i can get pictures of this badge at different angels. I however believe in this very badge as being genuine - the zink etc .. has the right finish, etc ....

      I think that still a few pieces can be (re)discovered. The badge as you show has the very same pintype as the large egale etc ... and with that the Posen connection etc ....

      Once the badge arrives i will make scans of it and post them. Now iff i only would be able to track that Photoalbum from F.Stangl - then this would eb solved immediatly. The same would be true iff i manage to find the album of Thielmann. Well my quest is still not at an end but this one is only just waiting to be proven with clear wartime pictures.

      Here is a pictureof a cloth badge in worn => look at the colour sheme of the feathers, etc .... - also defenatly not such one that Thielmann is wearing.

      Cordial greetings,

    11. Hello John,

      Thank you for the reply, well i actually believe in this badge as being original i can say that it is a very rare piece for sure.

      My reasons why i do believe this to be a original?

      * i have come across already one such badge in a untoucehd glider legacy (and that was with this very person: Franz Stangl => i never mentioned it untill this day (i was able to add the complete grouping towards the collection :rolleyes: ) .

      * I have a picture (see attachement) where Fw. Thielmann is what i believe is wearing such a badge. The badge he is wearing does clearely show the curvature of the eagle's wings, this badge as shown could in no means be a cloth badge as the cut-out swastika would not be visible as in this picture (even iff it is not of the best quality).

      * Posen, this city was also the place where the training unit (Erg.Gr.(S) 2) was based, Stangl was trained at this school, Thielmann was a teatcher over there for some time.

      * It is known that such different (non award - private) purchase pieces do exist, for example the large eagle glider pilots badge.

      * Several glider pilots who where at Posen at some point did confirm that private pieces where obtained in the city.

      * The pin setup of this type of badge is the very same as found on the large eagle glider pilots badge wich i have in my possesion and obtained directly by me from the veteran a few years back. Therefore the producer of the large eagle glide ris the same as the one who made this type of badge.

      * The large eagle glider pilots badge was produced and obtained in Posen by glider pilots (i have several first hand accounts, intervieuws with gldier pilots about this evry subject)

      Based upon these facts i say it is original without a doubt.

      My conclusion is very simple, this is a original and even harder to find then the large eagle. Who is behind the maker MFP - Posen? At this point no 100 % evidence can be given. That is a unclear piece at this point of time but i am convinced that research will bring this also into light once upon a time.

      Cordial greetings,

    12. Hello,

      I would be interested to see iff any of you guys have a Soldbuch or Wehrpass with the following entry:

      Flugzeugf?hrer (L)

      It is important that the (L) is present behind the entry, therefor please check your pieces.

      Iff so could you post a scan of it and also the pages with unit entry's out of that Soldbuch or Wehrpass.

      Thank you in advance + looking forward towards the reply's

    13. Hello,

      Here is a ratehr mixed one, the soldier Uffz. B (still alive today - 95 years old) was a trained glider pilot who did see quite some action. I did get this document togheter with a few otehr documents in 2005 directly from the former soldier.

      When the glider units where disbanded in september 1944 he was attached as a volunteer towards the F.B.D. :speechless1: where he was wounded on 01.04.1945.

      So a Luftwaffe soldier with a Heer unit.

      Cordial greetings,

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