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    Stijn David

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    Posts posted by Stijn David

    1. The riddle,

      As mentioned, you guys (Snoopy and Prosper) has found the last part of the riddle, namely the KG 200 connection. There is a lot written about the KG 200 and some of what has been written is actually pure fantasy it seems as many plans where made but in many cases not performed due to whatever reason.

      First let me share the written down units :

      29.11.40 ? 04.06.41 :Segelfliegerschule der LW ( Neuhausen)

      07.06.41 ? 16.06.41 : I. Staffel / K.G.z.b.V. 1

      17.06.41 - 20.12.1941: I Kampfgeschwader. 2 e Staffel

      21.12.41 ? 15.05.42 : 1.Go.Staffel / K.G.z.b.V. 1

      16.05.41 ? 29.01.43 : 1.Staffel. / L.L.G. 2

      30.01.43 - 01.05.43: Erg.Gruppe ( S) ( Langendiebach )

      01.05.43 - 01.02.1944 : ? / L.L.G. 2

      01.02.44 ? 08.11.44 : 5./II. /Kampfgeschwader 200

      09.11.44 ? 23.03.45 : 14./ Kampfgeschwader 200

      24.03.45 - ?: 4. / Erg.K.G. ( J )

      In any case after the KG 200 was established and under the lead of Oberstleutnant W. Baumbach. It was compoed out of 4 Staffeln with each their own duty.

      I. / KG 200 : droppings of secret agents and each individual subunit had again its own submission

      1./KG 200 : long range droppings

      2./KG 200 : short range droppings

      3./KG 200 : training and maritime operations

      4./KG 200 : later formed and also performed training

      homebase was Finow

      II. / KG 200 : composed once again out of 3 units

      5./KG 200 : so called pathfinders - planes: Ju 90 and Ju 290

      6./KG 200 : did fly the so called Mistel combo's (see picture)

      7./KG 200 : training purposes and reserve + did also fly Mistel combo's.

      The Mistel combo was effectively used and one of the main weaponfacts they performed was teh destruction of the bridge over teh Oder near Goeritz. Many other missions with such things where less succesfull !!! (see the image)

      III./KG 200

      Formed out of the Schlachtgeschwader 5 and was equipped with Fw. 190. These units where mainly used as ground support and also against enemy bombers. A few of the former 'Leonidas' members where transferred during march 1945 towards this unit.

      IV./ KG 200

      composed out of the following units:

      13./KG 200

      14./KG 200

      15./KG 200

      16./KG 200

      This is booked in history as the unit (IV/KG 200) wich did held the so called Suicide soldiers with the Riechenberg Ger?t (the one that prosper is showing).

      This is quite correct as the shown Soldbuch does belong towards a Leutnant who did belong towards the so called 'Gruppe Leonidas'. Wich was the name given towards the 14./KG 200.

      What was the Gruppe Leonidas? Well these where the Luftwaffe members who did sign for the suicide missions. I have a list of 67 soldiers who where on that list, most of them where former glider pilots who where trained towards motorized pilots in order to later perform their suicide mission.

      Approx 75 % of the names on the list have survived the war, the rest (25 %) did die trough accidents, missions, etc .... So a rare beast it is :speechless1:

      This Leutnant did survive a Mistel mission for a simple reason: technical failure. he did start but his plane did have technical problems and therefore the mission had to be aborted. Due to this he survived and did return towards his unit. The end of the war came quicker and prevented a new missions for him. he was captured by the Amricans and released soon after because he was a Austrian. It was with such a combo (see image) he did fly once upon a time

      So it is now up toward syou guys to figure out the first part of the riddle, what has he performed before he came towards teh KG 200 :rolleyes:

      Cordial greetings,

    2. Hello,

      Both of you guys (Snoopy and Prosper) are warm on the last third of his career. Therefore i will during this day reveal that part :cheeky:

      Thank you for the additional pictures, indeed dodgy aircraft but the first one is the He 111 Z(willing), altough it does seems very unusual and it was only built in a limited series it was used in glider units either to tow the largest glider, the Me 321 Gigant or they did tow several Go 242's at once. Therefore that one is close but no cigar !

      The last picture is actually nearly spot on with the history of this man :cheers:

      Cordial greetings + till a bit later

    3. Hello,

      Well with the summer in front of us i tought a little quiz could never be bad, therefore.

      I do post a page from one of my favorite pieces : a Lw. Soldbuch, the page is the page in wich the units are entered.

      It is up towards you guys to answer the following :

      * what kind of specialization (read Lw. qualification) did this person had ?

      * Where would he have been active / theathers of war ?

      The keys are offcoarse in his uits, a hint is to list the units up and then start searching from there on.

      Have fun + will help from time to time ;)

    4. Hi jacky,

      Thanks for the fast answer, and now we go towards a more difficult one =>

      What is meanth with the "Avanti Orden".

      This award is to situate between 1940-45 and was awarded towards German soldiers, however it was not a German award. What was it then?

      Cordial greetings,

    5. Hello forumfriends,

      Yesterday i did visit a archive here in Belgium and came along the following french descritption of a award:

      l'ordre Albert le Valeureux

      I have never ever heard of that one before, it is for certain a foreign (read non belgian) award towards a belgian subject.

      All help is welcome

      Cordial greetings,

    6. Hello,

      What awards are behind these codes? :rolleyes: => thanks towards the online info here i could already find out quite a few but a few otehrs do stump me :Cat-Scratch:

      KO 4 = Prussia / Crown order - 4 the class

      BrH4 = Brunswick / House order - 4 the class

      MK3 = ?

      MG3 = Mecklemburg / Griffin Order - 3 the class

      SA3B = ?

      WF3b = W?rrtemburg / Friedrich order - 2 e class (peacetime)

      BKO4 = ?

      NHSa = ?

      ?ek3 = ?

      This one did have for sure a very nice medal bar, the person behind these awards is the later Major von Wiese und Kaiserwaldau

      He was awarded the Belgian crownorder in 1908 for colonial efforts.

      Looking forward to find out more :cheers:


    7. Hello,

      Glenn, thank you very much for this excellent info, very much appreciated.

      von Wiese und Kaiserwaldau was awarded the Belgian Crownorder for his participation in the expedition with the Duke of Mecklemburg through Afrika 1907-1908.

      Any idea iff you also could trace his brotehr in arms:

      Oberleutnant Weiss - also with the Schutztruppen active in the same expedition

      Thanks !

    8. Hello,

      Is there anyone who can tell me the whereabouts of Oberfeldwebel Walter Richter?

      I have the following info on him :

      * Bordmechanic

      Did win the :

      * honour goblet - date 20.04.1942 (altough his goblet is dated: 16.04.1942, and it is a Alpacka type)

      * german cross in Gold - date : 17.10.1943

      The fact that he did win the German cross does point out that he was a member of a very succesfull crew + he must have survived quite a bit.

      He was with the 2. / KG 1 when awarded the German cross.

      Any idea iff he did survive the war or any other info available?

      Thank you in advance,

    9. Hello,

      Oh yes, and his pinned awards should be :

      * Nischan-el-Iftikhar-Order - Tunesia ( Breaststar towards the Grandcross - model 1882 - 1902 )

      * Civil merit Order - Bulgaria (Breaststar 2 nd. class)

      Then several Russian awards :

      * Badge from the Russian University graduates (right upper)

      * Badge from the schools under the protection of Emperes Maria Fedorowna

      * others = unkown

      Cordial greetings,

    10. Hello,

      As we have seen now alread a few of these stunning birds, we still have not mentioned the producers who where active to produce (restore) them once upon a time.

      Bury Isaak

      Born: 29.06.1782 - deceased: 24.02;1851

      He produced all classes of the White falcon, except for the knights cross 2 Abt. As far as is known he signed his pieces (breast stars) with for example: "J.C.M?ller Bury/ und J?nger / in Hanau" as well as with "Bury & Leonhard"

      Fehrmann, Johann Heinrich

      Born: 07.02.1798 - deceased : after 1866

      He only did produced stiched starsn he is more known from his work as produced from the prussian black eagle order, etc ...

      J?nger, Johann Jakob

      From 1814 he was participant in the company of Bury (see above)

      Leonhard, Johann Friedrich

      Born: 01.08.1795 - deceased: 05.10.1840

      He was the coussin of Isaak Bury and they cooperated - see above

      M?ller Theodor

      Born: 04.05.1839 - deceased: 06.03.1908

      Active in the production of White falcons after 1891 (see reason => Wirsing). He signed his work with "TH.M?ller" as well as with "TH.M?ller / Hofjuwelier / Weimar" . He produced all types of white falcons After his death his sons (Hans & Wilhelm) did produce further - see next

      M?ller Hans & Wilhelm

      Hans : born; 15.04.1875 - deceased: 04.02.1946

      Wilhelm: born: 26.11.1876 - deceased: 07.10.1966

      The first worked in their fathers company and took it over after his death in 1908. They produced all grades of the White falcon, including the later (1915) created "Wilhelm-Ernst-Kriegskreuz"

      Toissant Charles & Pierre Etienne

      Charles : born; 04.08.1720 - deceased : ?

      Pierre Etienne : born; 04.10.1726 - deceased : ?

      Born in berlin as son of a baker, they learend however the profession of jeweler and moved towards Hanau where they did ground the company of the Toissant brothers. They produced pieces in order for Bury. The White falcon awarded towards Goethe was also from their hand.

      Wirsing Wilhelm

      Between 1800 and 1870 active (read alive) in Weimar

      Since 1830 he was a jeweler in Weimar, between 1840 and 1842 he first produced orders of the White falcon (Komturstern and Ritterkreuz 2 e Abt.)

      Since 1850 production of all grades of the white falcon. Rarely he signed pieces, iff so the signature "Wirsing" or "Wirsing / in Weimar"

      Stopped producing due to age and bad health in 1880

      Wirsing, Franz

      Between 1830 and 1890 active in Weimar, son of Wirsing Wilhelm.

      Since the stop of his father in 1880 he took over the small bussines, from 1891 he could no longer follow the concurence and was forced to stop the production. His health was also ruined it seems.

      He produced all gades of white falcons.

      Then a few others (foreign) jewelers should have produced also white falcons, these are exceptions but do exist => for example Wolfers / Brussels etc ... and mostly these then produced in order of a high personality.

      We also have to take into account that these orders where to be given back once the former recipient was deceased. Often these jewels where damaged and they where then restored (iff posisble) and awarded once again. It also happened that attributes (for example) swords where added, etc ... etc...

      Here is a close up from the "Ritterkreuz 2 e Klasse with swords" from the shown medal bar. This cross does most probably come from the production from the M?ller company.

      Cordial greetings,

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