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    Stijn David

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    Posts posted by Stijn David

    1. Hi John,

      No problem => iff one does ask questions we can't learn + im always happy to help out when possible. :beer:

      There where approx. 2.000 Silver C awarded from 1931 towards 1943 (believe me, known numbers are lower then 2.000) , from this i have made already a breakdown and have found out at this very point that the following country's did hold a Silver C in the above mentioned period:

      1.444 : Germany

      208 : Poland

      133 : Hungary

      54 : U.K.

      40 : France

      31 : Switzerland

      27 : U.S.A.

      And then we have multiple country's with a few silver C's earned ;)

      More research is needed but once upon a time i will launch a (hopefully) nice article about this subject, with name listst, etc .... :beer:

      ps: we have to see this all in its context, after the 2 nd. WW aerial inventions etc ... did result in much higher performances of planes, etc ... and it has resulted that the Silver C is nowadays a much more easy to archieve award. But lets not forget that with the glider from before 1945 it was a hard to archieve award.

    2. Hello,

      Nice one for sure, could this colourpatern simply be a enamelmistake?

      With this i do mean a wrong mix of colouring or to high heath during the enamelingproces resulting into a different endcolour.

      In older times when the mix of colours (mostly oxides used etc ... in those times ) was rather delicate + the proces of enemaling is a rather delicate one, we do know the examples of the Russian Saint-Anne with black enamel => that is also the result of the enameling proces where something happened that wasn't supposed to happen (certainly in the very old ones).

      I believe we do have the exact same in this very Bavarian MVO.

      Cordial greetings,

    3. Hello,

      Here is a link towards a thread that has information on the subject - silver C


      Post nr. 11 does show a original award document (there does exist 2 patterns of that one by the way - the shown example by Chris is the first pattern) for what is commonly known as the Silver C.

      The silver C award (correct German name : Leistungsabzeichen im Silber), in the 1930 & early 1940's this was a very hard badge to obtain, one had to fullfill quite a few conditions to earn it. And with the planes they used that was no piece of cake for sure.

      The numbers do speak for themselves - between 1931 and 1942 there where only about 2.000 awarded

      Iff someone does have a certain (glider)pilot that he does wisch to be checked - feel free to mail or PM me, as i have the complete list :beer: (once upon a time it will be published :cheeky:

      As depicted on the document, on had to fullfill 3 different archievements to get that one:

      More to follow ... :P

      ps: Iff someone does have a certain (glider)pilot that he does wisch to be checked iff he was a holde rof the famous Silver C - feel free to mail or PM me, as i have the complete list :beer: (once upon a time it will be published :cheeky:

    4. Hello,

      I did find the following on ebay, oh yeah pnce again :rolleyes:

      It is a fact that these things do belong togheter and they make a nice combo for sure - just it is to much to see these become split up :violent: :

      * EK 2


      * Orden vom Z?hringer L?we 2 e Klasse mit Schwertern


      * Furstliche Hausorden vom Hohenzollern - Ehrenkreuz 3 e Klasse mit Schwertern


      * Hindenburg


      * Wound badge - black


      * small medal bar


      This grouping did obviously belong togheter, the award documents are the proof that we are talking about the very same soldier - please someone do reunite these :shame: (i am tempted but money is killing me at this point

      Cordial greetings,

    5. Hello,

      And here we have the former owner (picture is from his Wehrpass - arround 1940)

      As far as i do know at this point he did his duty during WWI and was to be found on the following tehaters of war:

      1915 : Hartsmannwillerkopf

      1916 :Verdun

      1917 : Arras

      Then 1918 no other trace to be found - only that he was demobilized ahort after the end of WWI.

      I do know that he received 2 awards and thats it (the 2 shown in this thread), hopefully research will bring more about this person as it is always nice to see a order come alive again - especially when it does hold such beauty :love:

      Obviously a older man (at that time 55 years old) and a smart guy / Professor (altough it is unclear for me in what)

      Cordial greetings,

    6. Hello,

      Thank you both for the comments, i am surprised by the way these are constructed. No picture can show it.

      This one did strike me due to the way it is conserved + because it has a background (WP from the original recipient is also with it) .

      I have been looking for quite some times for such a beauty (OZL), they have become more and more expensive and i am just as happy with only one => hopefully it can multiply but iff not, just as well :cheeky:

      Cordial greetings,

    7. Hello,

      Well i can add finally a bit more info on dr. Oskar Morath.

      He was born : 22.04.1885

      He was drafted into the army at 01.10.1908 - Fussart. Regt. 14

      Units as known:

      - 1914 & 1915 / F.A.R. 14

      - 1916 / F.A.R. 16

      - 1917 / Inf. Brigade d. 34 Inf. Div. ( ????)

      - 1917 / Fussart. BAttr. 361

      - 1917 & 1918 / Landw. Fussart. Batl. 29

      I do not know how the entry : Inf. brigade d. 34 Inf. Div does fit in? - hopefully you guys can teach me?

      As for know promotions at this time:

      30.09.1909 : Unteroffizier

      05.08.1914 : Vizefeldwebel

      21.02.1915 : Leutnant

      He was demobilized at 16.12.1918 + seemed to have survived the madness of WWI without a scratch (at least no entry about wounds etc ... are to be found


      1915 : Gefecht am Hartmannswillerkopf

      1916 : Schlacht bei Verdun

      1917 : Fr?hjahrsschlacht bei Arras

      He also must have been entitled to receive the Hindenburg, but no entry + no medal present in his legacy.

      Im looking forward towards all new info that can be added.

      Cordial greetings,

      He held the title of Professor at 1940 (and also dr.) - altough i do not know in what ?

    8. Hello,

      Very interesting thread and nice pieces Chris, congrats on these baby's + the history that stick to them are for sure a bonus. :beer:

      Indeed one does wonder iff these guys ever had the time to rest, teh answer is in most cases rather easy => no they did not have the time, mission after mission had te be flewn resulting in a total breakdown of good crews due to over exhausting. There are numerous occasions known where this did result in a complete loss of a plane and the crew killed. Sad but true :(

      Cordial greetings + thanks for showing,

    9. Hello,

      Thank you for both answers => very interesting (im a bit a WWI dummy, as WWII is my main collecting interest but once so often im blinded by imperial beauty :P )

      Very nice info to see when our object of research was promoted from Vizefeldwebel towards Leutnant der Reserve.

      I also did receive the following info in the meanwhile:

      This person should be mentioned (his award of the OZL) in the "Staatsanzeiger f?r das Grossherzogtum Baden, Sonderdruck I/1916", page 20 !!!

      He was awarded his EK 2 on 25.07.1915

      So the ploth thickens :blush: => hopefully more will be found in a while :cheeky:

      Cordial greetings,

    10. Hello David,

      Thank you for that info, i do not know much more at this point but this mans Wehrpass (WP) is on its it way towards me (should receive it during the next 2 weeks).

      I hope that more info is written down altough i doubt that to much detail will be given as the WP is a WWII issue.

      Anyway i will write down all i have as it is written down.

      Cordial greetings,

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