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    Stijn David

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    Posts posted by Stijn David

    1. Hello,

      Thank you for the hint about the National archives. DO you have any idea on how to start the research or to whom i can write to get the search for this particualr officer started?

      The German soldier (a Luftwaffe member) who has liberated that piece of parachute Silk would have great interest in knowing more about the fate of the Englisch pilot. It would be great iff we can find out more about that englisch pilot and his wherabouts, etc ...

      Cordial greetings,

    2. Hello,

      Here is a picture (postcard size) that i was able to obtain a few days ago, i like it for 2 ways :

      1) The multiple Heer branches that are shown in this posed picture (i can ID from left to right, starting above :

      top row : Wehrmacht (With EK 2 ribbon and what looks like a eastern front) / Civilian

      bottom row : Reichsbahn ? / Kriegsmarine / Luftwaffe

      2) I obtained it offcoarse for the Lw. Uffz. that is pictured, and what do we see on his very uniform :P

      I let you guys ID the Lw. awards (can't be that hard at al :shame: )

      The picture is printed and taken in a atlier at Breslau / so that makes me think that these might be friends or brothers who posed somwhere after 1942 for this picture

    3. Stijn:

      May I have a copy of that article?

      CAn I get back copies of the BDOS journal?


      Ulster :beer:

      Hi Ulster,

      Copying the whole magazine (as that issue has only 1 area : the red cross medal) would probably be just as expensive as getting the magazine itself.

      I have seen in teh past that dealers such as Weitze, etc... have such older issue's +> so my advice, surf a bit arround and find that particular piece.

      OMM stands for: Orden Militaria Magazin

      Cordial greetings,

      ps: indeed the copyright needs to be respected, the BDOS is a marvelous organisation and has done already some good work. As a member myself i would not want to disrespect them. (Have edited as i do not want to hijack this thread to much :speechless: )

    4. Hi Michael,

      Thank you for that info, so we can safely assume that he survived the war.

      Any idea on where i could find out more on this particular pilot? as i believe this is the one i am after. I have it confirmed that he was the only one downed in that area on that very day.

      It would be nice to get more info on him, mayby though some official instancy?

      Cordial greetings,

    5. Hello,

      These dates are from a older BDOS magazine, can find out a few more about these medals iff wanted. :beer:

      The magazine in question was : OMM nr. 87 - issue from december 1998

      Cordial greetings,

      ps: i am slowly learning to become just a small shade of the master, one has to start as a humble apprentice :speechless:

    6. Hello,

      Indeed a very nice combination + altough i am far from a specialist let me take some educated guesses;

      * As there 3 thd classes of both Crown and Red eagle it must have been a higher ranking person.

      * The lack off WWI awards such as the Iron Cross 2 nd. class or the War Merit cross does make me believe that this person might have been deceased already by that time.

      * Then we have the combination of both the Colonial (Afrika) medal + the 2 red cross medals, the III and the II nd. class.

      I also believe that this person has been a doctor of some kind. Therefore i have been browsing a bit and have come up with 3 names (altough it would suprise me very much iff it is one of these gentlemens => therefore our wizards will proove me rather fast wrong :unsure::speechless: )

      1) Prof dr. August Hildebrandt

      Red cross III class : 23/04/1901

      Red cross II nd. class : 1914

      2) dr. Tom Ringel

      Red cross III class : 23/04/1901

      Red cross II nd. class : 1916

      3) Prof. dr. Julius Wietig

      Red cross III class : 23/04/1901

      Red cross II nd. class : 1916

      Can anyone of the rank list guys eliminate these guys ?

      COrdial greetings + hoping i was of some use :unsure:

    7. Hello,

      I have Wehrpass with the DA 4 e Klasse (Long Service medal 4 e class - 4 years) entered, however no date is entered. Therefor ethe following question.

      This person has entered military service on : 01.11.1934

      It is also noted that his military sevrice counted from that day on. So does that mean that this person did receive his medal 4 years service on lets say 01.11.1938 ? Or was it common practice that a eligable person did receive his medal a few monts later and that his document was also dated a bit later?

      Any idea's?

      Cordial greetings,

    8. Hello,

      occupied Belgium. In the city of "Lille."

      This is actually not so complete correct => Lille is actually French Territory, it has indeed a historical connection with belgium,(as well as the city of Lille aka. Rijsel in Dutch) but that is long gone history from medieval times.

      Arround 1200 Lille was still part of what was known as Flanders, this changed in the following years (as borders do change ove rhistory) and so that part of Flanders has become French territory.

      Just to be a bit correct :speechless::cheeky:

      Otherwise love the flare pistol. ;)

      Cordial greetings,

    9. Hello,

      And in order to give the meaning of tehse signs i will add for you guys also a bit of unitinfo on the different signs. (please note that the sign are not shown chronologicaly)

      1) Schleppgruppe 2

      The name Schleppgruppe 2 first appeared during october 1943 and was actually the old VK(S) 4 (= Verbindungs Kommando (Segelflug) attached towards the Luftflotte 4 (hence the 4 in the name) )that was renamed.

      This unit did have the following subunits as of that very date (october 1943):

      1. (DFS) / Schleppgruppe 2

      3. (Go) / Schleppgruppe 2

      4. (Go) / Schleppgruppe 2

      These units where active in Russia and following wartheaters can be highlighted:

      - Crimea (after it has been cut off by teh Russians from the mainland)

      - The ressuply of the 1 e Pz. Army (known more commonly as Kamenez-Podolsk)

      - the encerclement of Tarnopol

      - evactuation of the Krim ( april/mai 1944)

      During october 1944 this unit (or what was resting from that) was offically disbanded

      2) Lw.Kdo DON

      This unit, actually there where 2 glider units attached towards the Lw. Kdo DON, namely:

      1. (DFS) / Lw.Kdo. Don

      1. (Go) / Lw.Kdo. Don

      was created to support the (august 1942) to support the 2 German and 2 nd. Hungarian army.

      The Russian winteroffensivs (1942/1943) did end the relatively quite period and it became the task of the glider units from teh Lw. Kdo Don to ressuply the many walking encerclements.

      At the end of april 1943 the glider units formerly existing unde rthe Lw. Kdo Don where disbanded and the material was devided under the VK(S) 4.

      I do hope this was a bit of interest as in order to point the different unitsigns into their real context. Hopeing to see a few from you guys :blush:

    10. Hi Stijn,

      You are correct.. L.G. Kdo III does stand for Luftgau Kommando III.

      I'm probably wrong but the numbers (63039 A) on his later disc look like a Feldpost number??

      Hi John,

      Thank you for the confirmation. Any idea in wich time period we have to place this item?

      A) Luftgau Kdo III = Hamburg (that is indeed the area from wich our person was)

      And iff my sources are correct then the name as shown Luftgau Kdo III has the following history :

      Formed 1.4.37 in Hamburg.

      12.10.37 renamed Luftgau-Kommando III.

      4.2.38 renamed Luftgau-Kommando X.

      (source: http://www.ww2.dk/ground/hq/lg3.htm )

      B) Then we offcoarse have the number : 63039

      This can not possibly be the feldpostnr. As when i look that one up it has the following unit : (25.11.1944-8.5.1945) 16.3.1945 Landessch?tzen-Zug der Luftwaffe 403/XI

      Then our soldier was already dead (he did die on 03.11.1943 in a crash with his Go 242). So datewise it can not possibly be a feldpostnr.

      The nr. is also written in the Wehrpass as Erkennungsmarke . That would also declare the A (=bloodtype) and the 91 (Stammrollnummer).

      Any idea's? (will post a scan later to confirm this)

      Cordial greetings, :speechless:

      Cordial greetings,

    11. Hello,

      Here is a disc that belonged towards a KIA glider pilot.

      Can anyone enlighten me on what the meaning would be from the lettering?

      Am i correct that L.G. Kdo III does stand for :

      Luft Gau Kommando III ?

      This is his first ID disc, as accordingly toward shis Wehrpass he received a new one later on with the following code :

      63039 A - 91

      Thank for looking + for future explanation :cheeky:

    12. Hello,

      I have received the following item a few years ago from a German soldier who was eyewitness from the downing of a Spitfire in Tunesia.

      The pilot managed to get out of the plane before it crashed and went into German captivity, i have only the date of the downing of this spitfire, namely 22 april 1943. The shown piece is a original piece of parachute Silk cut from the spitfire pilots chute.

      Is there anyone who can help in the following questions:

      * What unit could teh SPitfire have belonged?

      * Are there loss lists known for that very day in the African theater?

      Thank you in advance + hoping to get a bit more info.

    13. Hi Christian,

      Not such a s trange question at all, indeed we have a very same system used in belgium and you can find these remembrance table's often on large monuments.

      Almost every small town has such one, so it would not suprise me iff Guy has a picture from the momument where his familymember's name can be found.

      I have also encountered numerous times on graveyards in belgium that the former holder of certain awards are even remembred in their dead that they did held a certain decoration => for example, the Belgian WWI firecross can often be found either pictured, as a large facsimile in bronze on a certain tombstone, etc ... (the very same ways as in WWI a holder of the EK 2 was remembred)

      Cordial greetings,

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