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    Posts posted by Dolf

    1. The only 3 Italian aircraft among the 50.

      The Fiat G.55.

      After 1943, the "Regia Aeronautica" divided in two factions, one that kept fighting for the Germans and another that joined the Allied Forces.

      This one, from the "1? Squadriglia (1? Gruppo di Caccia)" of the "Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana", based on the Reggio Emilia Airfield on northern Italy, in the Summer 1944, apparently remained on the Axes side.


    2. A couple of French birds. On the entire 50 pieces collection only 3 French, so just missing one (apparently #50, a Morane-Saulnier).

      The Bloch Mb 152. This particular aircraft, flown by Lieutenant Maurin, was hit (I have no indication if by anti aircraft fire or in a dogfight) while on a patrol flight on May 15 1940, and later captured by the Germans.


    3. I couldn't agree more Rick! :beer:

      Anyway, these are 1/72 scale, and one thing that is easy to get is the right decals for them, so I guess sooner or later I'll have them politically "(in)correct", but certainly more accurate ;)

      Dolf :cheers:

    4. The collection is growing, only 6 to go.

      So just a few more pics of some of those I haven't posted yet.

      Starting with the only Soviet already received but not yet posted.

      The Yakovlev Yak-9. This one was flown by Commander Ivan N. Stepanenko (33 confirmed kills and 8 not confirmed), of the 4th Fighter Regiment.

      Kursk, Summer 1943.


    5. And one of his aircraft, a Bf 109F-2 "Special".

      I heard rumors about why it was "special", but not sure if that's a fact or just rumors! It seems it had a lighter for his famous cigars!... :o It seems it was also better protected (the armour on the rear of the seat!) and apparently it had a more powerful engine than the other 109F aircraft!

      All these 3 pics come from a very old Jane's book, "Messerschmitt Bf 109"


      Dolf :cheers:

    6. ssssssswwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeetttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      these boys rock!!!!!!! and boy thats was fast to!!!!!!!! :beer::beer:

      Yes, Sir :beer:

      By the way, here is a picture of Oberst Erich Hartmann, wearing some German Award (not my field but it seems to be a Knight Cross with Oak Leaves?!... Please correct me if I'm saying anything possibly absurd :unsure: ).


      Dolf :cheers:

    7. right well i saw the cool other thread on the 1/72 planes so heres my big scale models!!!! first up we got eric hartmans plane from 1944!!! its limited edition number 199!! all good!!

      Hi paddywhack,

      Got mine today (man, that was fast, left the UK before yesterday, delivered today! :D ), not a low number as yours (mine is 0684) but the same beautiful bird! :jumping:

      As you already posted pics of yours I'm just posting a "couple" of mine... :cheeky:


      Dolf :beer:

      In flight...

    8. The "B" reverse. Not sure I buy Glenn's "top" explanation.

      Since I recently saw one for sale with the inverted "B" at 5 o'clock (sadly I forgot to copy the pic then and can't find it again now :(:blush: ) I also don't know anymore what to think about that! :unsure:

      The theory seemed convincing and logical, but now I just don't know!

      Well, that one with the "B" at 5 o'clock is the only single piece I've ever seen without the "B" at 12 o'clock (for those pieces who have the "B" of course), so it could have been an error, a mint mistake, who knows.

      And after all, just one exception don't makes a rule, but it could help questioning the usual 12 o'clock rule!

      Just my 2 cents,


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