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    Posts posted by Dolf

    1. Who makes these items and can you post a link to their website?


      They are made by "Ediciones Altaya" in Spain, and distributed in different countries in Europe, as far as I know at least in France, Spain and Portugal.

      Here is the direct link for this particular collection, on their site in Spain:


      They have many other collections and as I don't know if you can read Spanish that's why I'm directing you to the exact link to this "Combat Airplanes of WWII" collection.

      Right now here in Portugal #38 was released last week, so next week #39 (another USSR plane, Ilyushin Il-10) should be available. One new aircraft every two weeks, 9.99Euros each! That's pretty cheap if compared with similar aircrafts from other well known manufacturers.

      I have no idea if these are available in the US, anyway hope it helps,


    2. Dolf,

      I think I'll start a dedicated thread for figures if you would like to re-post yours there to get us started. I think a lot of modelers here are just shy.... :blush:


      I wouldn't mind at all, that might encourage other figure modelers to post their stuff ;)

      I posted here because I found no other section to post them and as I saw another kind of figures (those Dragon action toys; btw I also have a few of these to post :D ) posted somewhere in this section...

      So definetely a new thread might be very welcome I guess.

      Would you be able to migrate my pics to that new thread, or should I post them myself again once the new thread is created?

      Thank you,


    3. Nice. I've never tried figures, but seen many that I like. I believe there are more figure guys here, but none have posted.




      These 120mm can be very attractive indeed, with lots of great details.

      Other figure guys here, come on, post your stuff :jumping:


    4. Dah..... :sleep: I guess you would be right!! :P

      1/72 is my favorite scale for military.


      Yes, a nice scale, and the one for which one can find almost everything for helping on dioramas, and probably with the largest variety of items to chose from. It's also a nice scale to stock stuff ;) I just don't know where I'd stock 50 of these birds if they were on 1/32 scale :P


    5. Nice work. Are you still modelling??


      Thanks. I'll post more later.

      Well, actually no, even thought I still have a lot of different kind of models stocked, that I kept for when I'll be retired. Unfortunately I feel that my eyes wouldn't be able to help on small details as 20+ years ago... :(



    6. Not really military modelling, as with this collection of 50 metal aircraft of the WWII the planes are already entirely made when bought, only have to glue a few pieces, such as the wheels, the guns, antenas, and some minor stuff, anyway I guess this would be the right place to post a few.

      Starting with the Polikarpov I-16 (USSR)


    7. A few pics of a diorama made a long time ago (more than 20 years ago!), quite some scratchbuilding job here as I remember.

      The bridge was entirely made at home with plaster, as well as the inside of the house in ruins. The river of course was made by me with some kind of epoxy material which I can't remember exactly anymore. Also made the windows with those broken "glasses" made of thin transparent plastic sheets.

      I called this scene "Ambush". It takes placed not far from Cherbourg, France, early during the war. One of the Partisans inside the house is ready to make the bridge blow with his detonator. There is even a cable going around the house, connected to a few "dinamite" charges placed under the bridge, so if this was a real picture of a real situation, it would have been taken just a second before the big boum... :P

      Hope you guys enjoy it.


    8. Also one of my favourite planes :cheers:

      Yes for some reason the second link isn't working,sorry about that.

      Did you notice how cramped the cockpit is,imagine trying to bailout of that :speechless1:



      I recently saw one of those documentaries on some cable channel (not sure if Discovery or History or Odissey or National Geographic, one of these anyway) and the name of the documentary was something like "The 10 best fighters ever".

      I must confess that I was sad that they placed "my" BF 109 only on 5th place, after the P51 Mustang (1st), the Spitfire (2nd), the Mig 21 (3rd) and the F 18 Hornet (4th).

      There were 5 others, I can't remember them all or the order in which they placed them, but I know there was the F80, the Harrier and the Red Baron aircraft at least.

      Well, that changed nothing to me as the BF 109 is and will allways remain for me the best ever :love:

      It's almost certain that no one will ever beat the score of the Ace of the Aces, Oberst Erich Hartmann, with 352 victories!!!

      And what was he flying with?... Various models of the BF 109 :P

      Yes, I noticed how cramped that cockpit is!

      Hard work when modelling one of those birds, even on the 1/32 scale! :o

      Cheers :beer:


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