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    Posts posted by DDD777

    1. Yes, i'm familiar with that site. The point is, the painting shows a man with both the 12 and 4 year long service medals and a KVKII. Are any of those present in the photos?

      I recive the pictures of unnamed guy by mail.

      My opinion, the mann from painting and Horn are absolutely different people.

      1 Horn is with big scar on the left part of his face.

      2 Horn dont have KVK II, this is 99% sure.

      3 The painting guy dont have a Hindenburg Kross.

      4 Horn was 43y old recieving DKiG, the guy is 30-35y old.


    2. I 'think' I have a painting (watercolor actually) of this guy (going by his awards). I'm trying to research if this may be the 'right' guy.

      I joined this forum due to this thread. Hoping you might contact me (rc@phoenixpwb.com) wherein we might exchange some notes since I don't know how to post images to share the watercolor.

      Rick Costello

      Hello Rick,

      thank you for looking ) I have this 2 pictures ( unfortunately the originals are not my and there are placed in Sanct Peterburg now, together with the rest of the Horn awarding doc's and medals ) of the hero!

      I hope this help us to recognize the personality of the person on watercolor wink.gif

      My mail by PM.

      Thank you


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