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    Posts posted by StephenLawson

    1. :P Strangely enough, I can relate to this. Stephen, Any close up shots of those planes or the Red Baron hot rod back there???

      Greetings JIm,

      Yes I have some images around here I could post later. The Red Baron Dragster in the diorama above is pretty much OOB. But here is one I tricked out...

      Click Here>>>Red Baron article

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    2. As to the composition of the pieces for the garage The major pieces should be immediately visible. The 1/28 Revell Fokker Dr.I with a Clerget engine, The Monogram Red Baron Dragster. Then all but one of the skeletons are Monogram items (Lil Coffin & Rommel's Rod.) One of the skeletons is a Fujimi mechanic carved down using a dremel motor tool. The rest of the items are from the Fujimi garage set, local Rail-Road hobby shop, Verlinden Cardboard boxes with model company logos on them. Resin crates with Model company decals applied.

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    3. Dear forumites what follows is the most tragic example of Advanced Modelers Syndrome (AMS.) I just found this article in our local Newspaper. A local UPS driver made his usual stop at a home in a Denver suburb. He noticed that there was a mountain of previous deliveries stacked outside the adjoining garage. The driver also heard the sound of growling of a small canine in the garage. Fearing the worst he called the local police, fire & rescue and animal control. When they opened the garage the grisly sight before them was too bizarre for the local TV news people to broadcast. BE WARNED AMS IS DANGEROUS! Due to the recent closing of the Glencoe institute, no one was available for comment. I can't hardly bear it...

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    4. Greetings all;

      Have been very busy. I still work for a living...Panzerman can attest to that or at least he can verify I show up to work. I have been very busy with the website. Starting Oct. 15, 2006 our list of downloads has decreased as we prepare to add newer kit reviews. While the CD versions will still be offered on all reviews, the DLV versions will no longer be available on some kits. This will be based on kit availability and past customer demand. We are just growing folks. Also I have been asked to moderate a small early aviation modeling site. Busy busy... Oopps just saw I have a message waiting later then. Stephen

    5. Stephen, Are all your planes and figures in 1/48 scale? I really like the Voss figure you made. I wish I could do one just like that, but in a larger scale. Again, it is very good.

      Regards Dave

      I do have a few 1/12 bust figures but most of my noncontract building is confined to 1/48.

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    6. Laurence

      You had asked about 28mm scale. The scale works slighly different than with models. The scale is measured in mm from foot to eye level. The problem is that no two manufacturers 28mm are the same. Some are on the large size and rather fat while others claim they are 28mm but only measure in around 25mm. A 25mm figure should equate out to 1/72nd scale. 28mm is closer to 1/54th scale.

      Finally some more German Colonial troops and askaris.


      Figures by Marc Copplestone. I really like his sets. Those are the German mercenaries right?

    7. Very nice work indeed!!

      Where in the world do you display all your models?? 1/48 is a fairly large scale for the number of projects you complete.

      Hey Jim / Panzerman: You have seen our old display when we were at Wings over the Rockies. Now we have our own string of hangars near Ft. Lupton at Platte Valley Airfield. My models are on display there. The foundation gives my builds to people who donate over 400.00 dollars to the Foundation. This set of figures will go with Voss' Alb. D. III from Jasta 2. I am awaiting display boxes to mount them.


    8. Here is a bit of fun Mike Good of Jaguar fame did some figure for aircraft displays here is the photo he worked fom on one set. Ltn han Pippart CO of Jasta 19 being helped on with a Flieger combination suit.

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      Here is my version of the scene.

    9. Hi Sorry, I am up to my neck in work and have the hobby on a backburner, Will get to this SOON !!

      Thanks Chris :-)

      No worries Chris I'm on vacation. Forgive the enthusiasm but I am loving every minute of this one.

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