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    Posts posted by douglynn

    1. Right, where to start.

      KSV as you know Doug stands for K?stensicherungsverband which means coastal security forces, these were the small ship units that did the unglamorous but highly dangerous donkey work of the KM in Norway. They provided escorts for coastal convoys which were constantly being attacked by the RAF strike wings based up in North England and Scotland as well as Fleet Air Arm strikes when carriers of the home fleet decided to have a bash at jerry. Vorposten flottillas were largely made up of civvy trawlers and whalers converted for KM use.

      Remember that the minensucher badge was a catch all award for all the small coastal craft (minus the S-boote) not just the mi outstanding simon

    2. I was chatting to Ian Jewison earlier today and he told me the designation of the unit where the pink slip was issued (GPWW Camp) is German Prisoner of War Working Camp. My guess is they wanted to employ him as a driver so had to put him through his test before he could legally take a truck on the roads in what was by then peacetime Britain. So it was almost certainly because they needed him to drive, not because he wanted it. Interversting nevertheless though.

      super book

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