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    Posts posted by chuck1673

    1. I recently received my great uncles effects from World War II. In the box was a Iron Cross. One side of the cross has a crown on the top, a "W" in the center of the cross and the year 1914 on the bottom of the cross. The other side of the cross has a crown with the letter FW underneath the crown on the top of the cross. The center of the cross is a leaf, and the bottom of the cross has the year 1813.

      From researching sites like Wikipedia, it seems that it is World War I Iron Cross. Is there any other way to really authenticate whether this is a legitimate WWI Iron Cross?

      My great uncle served in North Africa, France and Germany during WWII. He came home and died in 1950 from his war wounds. As far as I know, his WWII effects stayed in the basement of my grandmother's house since 1950 unopened until she gave them to me.

      Please advise if posting pictures would help?

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