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    Graham Stewart

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    Everything posted by Graham Stewart

    1. 5779 Pte Henry William Randall(or William Henry) was infact a Territorial in the Welsh Regt and this is why he has two numbers. The second six figure number was issued in Jan 1917, and all Territorials at that time had their regimental numbers changed from four figure to six figure. Sadly I don't have my notes with me or I could have told you which Battalion he was serving with from the six figure number. As it is the both Medal Index Cards and Medal Roll Books are littered with clerical errors, but are still a fantastic source for both researchers and family historians.
    2. Brilliant TI. I'll add those names to the original photo and when I 'pop me glogs' and it ends up passed on at least the new owner will have something to go on.
    3. Oddily enough the regimental journal seems to give very little information about what actually happend, which I found very surprising. At the same time it has some cracking photo's of the lads in action throughout the whole tour. Sadly I'm won't be able to reproduce them here for sometime. A great job Leigh - well done.
    4. Certainly haven't and not really sure what it's made of, but I have seen badges made with bread and sweets and it's roughness seems to indicate something unusual. When I do get the time I'll try and add some of the more unusual RRF badges.
    5. Thanks for that information TI. It's typical that these group photo's never have any information on them for collectors/researchers and not being an ex-fuzzy wuzzy I had't a clue which battalion they were never mind who. So if any names come to mind please repost and add.
    6. Too right. Obviously the gentleman who wrote the original seemd to have had touch of dementia and should have referred to the Fusiliers Brigade and not the RRF. I should have put it in earlier with a comment, but overlooked it in all that I had to browse and attach. Still it's a very good photo and hopefully worthy of inclusion.
    7. Who are they and which RRF Bn do they belong to. Seem to have two Para's there too.
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