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    Everything posted by Markus

    1. My new addition: Commander Dragon of Annam Badge.
    2. Many thanks Veteren for your additions and clarifications. I enjoy the history of these orders and agree it is important to keep the facts straight.
    3. Wow timing is everything! I Don't know if you saw my earlier post asking about wether Republican or Monarchy El Rafidains are more scarce? Demand sure has driven up the price on these orders! On another note, Do you ever see any old monarchy Persia Lion & Sun Breast stars at your Iraqi dealers that are reasonably priced? Markus
    4. Lorenzo, In your collecting efforts, do you find the Republic or the Monarchy El Rafidain more scarce? I have heard that the Republican issue El Rafidain is more in demand in Iraq, since people want a piece of history associated with Saddam's rule. Are all the Republican El Rafidain's made by Bertrand? Markus
    5. Thank you for your post. Bolivia has some beautiful orders! Here is a rough english translation by Babelfish: Supreme decree of the 26 of March of 2004 CARLOS D. TABLE GISBERT CONSTITUTIONAL PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC Considering: That the President of the Republic Marshal Andres Santa Cruz and Calahumana instituted the 17 of November of 1835 the Decoration “Bolivian Legion of Honor”, to recognize and to award the merits of citizens who had contributed with the engrandecimiento of the Republic.That the National Government again established the use of the Decoration “Bolivian Legion of Honor”, by means of Supreme Decree 22243 of 11 of 1989 July, in order to distinguish and to compensate the Bolivian citizens who have rendered serṿicios eminent to the Republic.That the permission of the Decoration “Bolivian Legion of Honor”, was exclusively for Bolivian citizens, reason why, becomes necessary to also extend this decoration for foreign citizens and institutions.IN CABINET ADVICE, IT DECREES: Unique article. -I. is approved the Regulation of the Legion of Honor “Marshal Andres Santa Cruz and Calahumana”, like integral part of the present Supreme Decree. II. Interjection b) of Article 56 of the Regulation of the Diplomatic Ceremọnial, approved modifies by means of Supreme Decree 22243 of 11 of 1989 July, designating to the Legion of Bolịviana Honor like Legion of Honor “Marshal Andres Santa Cruz and Calahumana” and, extending its permission to foreign citizens and national and foreign institutions that have served eminent to the Republic, in that stand out the high civic values on which the Republic is based. III. Minister of Outer Relations and Cult is the person in charge of the implementation of the Regulation of the Legion of Honor “Marshal Andres Santa Cruz and Calahumana”. REGULATION OF THE HONOR LEGION “MARSHAL ANDRES SANTA CRUZ AND CALAHUMANA” Article 1. - The Legion of Honor “Marshal Andres Santa Cruz and Calahumana” instituted by Supreme Decree 22243 of 11 of 1989 July intends to distinguish and to compensate the citizens who have served eminent to the Republic. Article 2. - It turns out pertinent to extend the permission of this decoration to foreigners and institutions that have served eminent to the Nation. Article 3. - The decorations of the Legion of Honor “Marshal Andres Santa Cruz and Calahumana” by hierarchy order and preference are the following: a) Great Necklace b) Great Cross c) Great Official d) Commander e) Official f) Horseman Article 4. - The dignity and the Title of Great Master of the Legion of Honor correspond to the President of the Republic in the Degree of Great Necklace, Minister of Outer Relations and Cult will exert the position of Chancellor of the Legion in the Degree of Great Cross, and the Chief of a main directorate of Ceremonial of the State, will exert the Secretary of the Legion, in the Degree of Great Official. Article 5. - Marshal Andres Is attribution of the President of the Republic to confer the Legion of Honor “Santa Cruz and Calahumana” by means of Supreme Resolution. Article 6. - The requests for the permission of the Legion of Honor, will be directed in writing to the Minister of Outer Relations and Cult, who will have the elaboration a ex̣pediente that points out all the antecedents of the candidate or the institution if so, detailing to the merits and served to the Nation, the same that will be elevated to consideration of the Exc. Sir President of the Republic. Article 7. - The President of the Republic will grant the Legion of Honor to the Bolivians, foreigners and institutions that had become deserving to this distinction still after deceaseds, in testimony of national gratitude by their served merits and eminent to the country. Article 8. - The Legion of Honor “Marshal Andres Santa Cruz and Calahumana”, will grant itself to perpetuity. Article 9. - The “great Necklace” will be of golden color, has ten stars interlaced by kantutas of red, yellow and green color, and as well, are put in by stars of eight ends with a RB standard, that means Republic of Bolivia. To means of the Great Necklace it hangs an emblem of 6 centimeters of diameter of silver sobresea bream that will in center take to an oval of blue color with the efigie of Marshal Andres Santa Cruz and Calahumana where will be engraving in letters sea breams “Legion of Honor Marshal Andres Santa Cruz and Calahumana” surrounded by 6 rays in forward edge and 12 rays in second line. Botonier will be of color golden with cintillo blue. Article 10. - The Decoration in the degree of “Great Cross”, will be composed by an emblem of 6 centimeters of diameter of silver sobresea bream that will in center take to the efigie of Marshal Andres Santa Cruz and Calahumana in its surroundings will be surrounded by an oval of blue color where Legion of Honor will be recorded Marshal Andres Santa Cruz and Calahumana surrounded by five vanes of color golden with white enamel cover. These vanes will be united by kantutas. The band of the decoration will be of blue color of 10 centimeters in width and will finish in rozón that will take hanging the horseman jewel. Botonier will be of blue color with the golden center and cintilla of both golden sides. Article 11. - The Decoration in the degree of “Great Official”, will be composed by an emblem of 6 centimeters of diameter of silver sobresea bream that will in center take to the efigie of Marshal Andres Santa Cruz and Calahumana, in its surroundings will be surrounded by an oval of blue color, where Legion of Honor will be recorded Marshal Andres Santa Cruz and Calahumana, surrounded by five vanes of color golden with sobreplace setting of white enamel. With botonier blue, the golden center and cintillo left of golden color and the right of silver-plated color. Article 12. - The decoration in the degree of “Commander” will be composed by an emblem of 5,5 centimeters of diameter of silver sobresea bream that will in center take to the efigie of Marshal Andres Santa Cruz and Calahumana, in its surroundings will be surrounded by an oval of blue color where Legion of Honor will be recorded Marshal Andres Santa Cruz and Calahumana with four vanes sea breams with white enamel. The vanes will be united by kantutas. The jewel will be finished off by a crown of laurels and a hook where it will pass a tape of blue color of 3 centimeters in width to hang the jewel to the neck. The Botonier will be of blue color with golden center and cintillo of color silverplated in both sides. Article 13. - The decoration in the degree of “Official” will be made up of an emblem of 5 centimeters of diameter of silver sobresea bream that will in center take to the efigie of Marshal Andres Santa Cruz and Calahumana, in its surroundings will be surrounded by an oval of blue color where Legion of Honor will be recorded Marshal Andres Santa Cruz and Calahumana, surrounded by four vanes of color golden with white enamel cover, these vanes will be united by kantutas, with a tape of blue color in whose surface will be rozón or bun with tape of the same color. This it will be hung in the left lapel of the decorated one. The Botonier blue with will be gilded. Article 14. - The decoration in the degree of “Horseman” will be composed by an emblem of 4 centimeters of diameter of silver sobresea bream that will in center take to the efigie of Marshal Andres Santa Cruz and Calahumana, in its surroundings will be surrounded by I make oval of blue color índigo where Legion of Honor will be recorded Marshal Andres Santa Cruz and Calahumana, with four vanes sea breams with white enamel, the vanes will be united by kantutas. The mentioned decoration will hang of a blue tape to be hung in the left lapel of the Decorated one. Botonier will be a ganchito of blue color. Article 15. - The right to use and the property of the Legion of Honor will be lost “Marshal Andres Santa indicated Cruz and Calahumana” by the causal ones in Article 42 of the Political Constitution of the State, by treason to the Mother country and irregularities verified in the file of antecedents of the decorated one. Minister of Outer Relations and Cult, will emit a Resolution cẹrtificando the lost one of the right to the use of the Legion. If so the jewel and the diploma will have to be given back by their beneficiary. Article 16. - The Chief of a main directorate of Ceremonial of the State, will be the deposit taker and guardian of the standards and diplomas of the Order and will take to the official registry in the Great Book of the Legion, detailing the granted decorations.
    6. Hey Lorenzo, Your prototype piece is incredible. The reason you can't find out anymore about it .... it's probably one of a kind. The Two Rivers order is one of my favorites as well. It's great that you have been able to combine your hobby and tours of duty in Iraq. Most interesting history of Iraq! I hope everything comes together for Iraq and it doesn't devolve into chaos down the road. The whole Middle East seems to be changing all at once with the "Arab Spring" movements and I sure hope things fall on the side of democracy! Be safe over there and God Bless! Markus
    7. Hi Lorenzo, I have always admired your collection of Two Rivers medals (and all the great Iraqi military you've collected). You have by far the most impressive collection I have seen on this order. This order has been hard to find. After searching for the Two Rivers order for quite a while I saw these three pop up on a German Dealers website and I jumped on them. The prices ranged from $600 to $700 each, so I was very happy to get old auction pricing. The current prices seen on Emedals and Naja coins blow me away! You sure are lucky to have nabbed this order before pricing went crazy! I just have the breast star and not the sash or complete set. Thanks for posting your Two Rivers...always a pleasure to look at. Markus
    8. Congrats Gavin! I Particularly like the piercing of the plaque on your medal. Seems like this piercing technique was only used on the earlier medal production. If this medal is still being produced, I'm sure the quality is no where near the quality of the early French medal makers.
    9. The Grand Breast star of El Rafidain.
    10. Order of El Rafidain Commanders Badge in Garrard case.
    11. I have drooled over the Iraq Order of El Rafidain for quite awhile, admiring the great design of this order. Searching for some reasonable priced medals of this order for over one year, my patience finally paid with these fine examples!
    12. Stunning medals Gavin! You have excellent taste! You are like a kid in a candy store picking out the tastiest pieces. Can't wait to see your next choices. Markus
    13. Very nice Gavin! You have built quite a fine collection of Persia Lion & Sun orders. Markus
    14. Thanks Bison for your additions to this thread! I really value all the expert members sharing their knowledge on this Forum. The French Colonial and French Protectorates medals are a hard group to beat with the beautiful designs, world class French medal makers and diversity of this group. I have been collecting the Nichan Aftikhar medals as well, trying to assemble one medal from each Bey era. Do you view this medal as both French and Tunisian or firmly place it in the French section of medals? It seems like this medal ceased to exist as an order immediately after the independence of Tunisia. Best Regards, Marcus
    15. Beautiful addition to your collection Gavin! The Dragon has nice detailing and is yet another variation of the many makers of the Dragon of Annam. I could just collect these Dragons and be very happy and content with my hobby!
    16. Here is the Tunisian made version of Nichan Iftikhar All Bey.
    17. Just arrived a Nichan Iftikhar All Bey. (1883-1902) French made. I really like the cipher's shape, a nice artful design.
    18. Close-up of medallion
    19. Back of medal with maker Mark.
    20. Just arrived today! French made Persia Lion & Sun, Kretly maker. Thanks again Gavin for your help! Markus
    21. Hi Gavin! I have never seen variations in the Order of Nichan El-Anouar order ribbons or the Morocco Ouissam Alaouit ribbons. The Dragon of Annam I have seen in three different ribbons. Very early models had a ribbon like the Cambodia order, white ribbon with gold stripes. Later models had the French government issued ribbons of orange ribbon with yellow stripes or the Annam issued medals with green with gold stripes. Markus
    22. The relationship of these medals: They were instituted under French colonial rule for French colonial territories and awarded to both French and citizens of the colonial countries. Markus
    23. I think the French Colonial medals really stand out when it comes to design and manufacture. The French medal makers incorporated design elements from the colonies and created unique pieces that stand out as both beautiful and unique. With all the colonial medals, there where multiple French makers, so slight variations of design are noticed even in the same order. In the attached image is: Order of the Dragon of Annam (French colonial Vietnam) 1886-1960's Lemaitre-maker Order of Ouissam Alaouit (French colonial Morocco) 1913-1956 Arthus Bertrand-maker Order of Cambodia (French colonial Cambodia) 1864-1948 Boulanger-maker Order of Nichan El-Anouar (French Somaliland Djibouti) 1867-1963 French maker Markus
    24. I recently acquired a Nichan Aftikhar Sodock medal (Tunisian made) with a green and red striped ribbon. Were all the early Nichan medals with this color of ribbon or were there two ribbons issued like some french colonial medals with one from French government and one from Tunisian government? All the later Nichans seem to come with only a yellow and red striped ribbon. Markus
    25. Thanks Megan, really nice early medal and a great addition to this thread. I have only seen the Kingdom Order of Agriculture in archive photos only, never for sale. It must be quite rare! Regards, Markus
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