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    Christian Zulus

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    Posts posted by Christian Zulus

    1. :jumping:90th anniversary of the "Great Socialist October Revolution" :jumping:


      in a few days - 7th of november 2007 - Russia & the world is celebrating the 90th anniversary of that great event in the history of mankind:

      <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/October_Revolution" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/October_Revolution</a>

      NOVOSTI, the official press agency of the Russian Federation, already presents a nice collection of 21 photographs at their website:

      <a href="http://en.rian.ru/photolents/20071102/86165596.html" target="_blank">http://en.rian.ru/photolents/20071102/86165596.html</a>

      Hughe events will take place in Putin's Russia :D .

      For your personal celebration of the anniversary, I found at YouTube a very well composed slideshow of historic CCCP-posters with the Hymn of the Soviet Union as the soundtrack - enjoy:


      (Slideshow by "Bevanite" from Canada: http://www.youtube.com/Bevanite )

      The book about the October Revolution by the US-journalist John Reed:

      <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Days_that_Shook_the_World" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Days_that_Shook_the_World</a>

      Eisenstein's great movie "October":

      <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/October:_Ten_...Shook_the_World" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/October:_Ten_...Shook_the_World</a>

      Best regards :beer:


    2. Dear Bryan,


      if you and our members wouldn't mind, I propose to transfer the following postings from the dealer's-thread http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=16363 to the flag-thread http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=16651 :

      Posts #34, #35, #37, #38, #39, #40, #41, #42, & #43

      These are postings about a YU-Flag 2cl to a close personal friend of mine, who passed away many years ago.

      Many thanks :cheers: .

      Best regards :beer:


    3. New question #160


      due to the fact, this question is an very easy one, I made two different parts of it.


      We all know him and his career :D .

      Some month after the great victory in GPW, Marshal Zhukov faced some difficulties with the NKVD, some Politburo-Members and also with comrade Stalin. Zhukov's brilliant career come to an end somehow.

      Let us assume, that Zhukov would have left the Soviet Union and moved over to England. O.K., he would have lost his Soviet citizenship immedatly, his rank as a Marshal CCCP, etc., etc., but the Crown would have confered the British citizenship to that most famous WW-II-General within few weeks.

      Question part #1:

      1) What would have been Zhukov's full name written down in the British official documents :unsure: ?

      Zhukov got the Hero-Star #4 with the s/n. 1.

      Question part #2:

      2) For what did Marshal Zhukov receive his 4th Hero-Star :unsure: ?

      The winner is, who answers both question in the correct way.

      Best regards :beer:


    4. Dear Frank,

      many thanks for giving me victory #33 :cheers: .

      Well, I am not an expert in hair-styling for old ladies ;) - Ed's mentioned "blue hair" is more common to me ...

      The next question - #160 :jumping: - will be an very easy one ... :D

      Best regards :beer:


      Dear Christian,

      I will accept your answer.

      What I really wanted to know was: She was often called "purple Dragon or lila Dragon".

      The reason for this was: Older women have often a yellowed appearance when the hair has turned into grey.

      Blue rinse is a delute hair dye to reduce the yellow and makes yellow grey hair appear blue - white. The poor quality of East German chemicals made poor Margot`s hair very often look purple or lila instead of grey-blue.

      Your turn now


      Frank :cheers::cheers:

    5. Dear Vic,

      didn't Delmar got any decorations during the age of the CCCP - at least a RB :unsure: ?

      (for top-spies - Ruth Werner, Markus Wolf, etc., etc. - a RB was usually the highest decorations, they could achieve ...)

      Best regards :beer:


      The only Soviet spy who managed to infiltrate secret U.S. nuclear facilities has been honoured posthumously with Russia's highest honorary title by president Vladimir Putin. The 'Hero of Russia' medal was donated to Moscow's Military Intelligence Museum.

      Speaking at the award ceremony, Vladimir Putin stressed this man's work strengthened Russia's defence capabilities considerably.

      During World War II, George Koval, also known as 'Delmar', collected secret information about the production of the first U.S. atomic bomb and sent it to Moscow.

      Koval's work drastically reduced the amount of time it took for Russia to develop its nuclear weapons.

      Story from Russia Today

      Here is the story in fuull on Russia today


      Order of Victory

    6. Gentlemen,

      that's really a very bad story :angry: .

      Such incidents happened several times in CCCP and later in Russia, where even the hero-veteran got murdered :mad: .

      William, that's a very interesting theory:

      I read somewhere that brave veteran was figting with the robber by holding on to his uniform & awards and managed to save Glory 1st class!!!! The thief eventually escaped with veteran's jacket, but 1st Glory was left in Kuznetsov's hand.

      That's what we call brave soul!!!!


      And your theory might indicate, that the Glory 1st class had been the veterans most important - in his personal view - award :unsure: .

      We should put the s/n. of the stolen orders to the GMIC-stolen-section here :jumping: .

      (The s/n. of his two Glories and his HSU are known.)

      Best regards :beer:


    7. If you take purple as a generic term for another colour you should have it.


      Frank :rolleyes:

      Dear Frank,

      well "purple" might be seen as an intensive "red" - like "Red Dragon", but "purple" has in American English also a double-meaning ... :P

      In German language comrade Margot had been called: "Roter Drachen" (red dragon) or "Rote Hexe" (red witch) and many other "nice" names .... :cheeky:

      Best regards :beer:


    8. Dear Frank,

      you are speaking about Margot Honecker (former: Feist), who lives in Chile and gets about EUR 1.500,- per month from the German Embassy in Santiago:


      Sonja Y?nez Betancourt (former: Honecker, born 1952) is the daughter of Margot & Erich, married to Mr. Betancourt in Chile, where also mother Margot has her residence.

      Erich Honecker's eldest daughter is Erika Honecker (born 1950) from the marriage with Edith Baumann.

      Margot Honecker was more or less an authentic "Purple Dragon": Clever, intelligent, but totally uneducated and supporting her husbands career 150 %. The people in the DDR hated her like sXXt ... :rolleyes:

      Best regards :beer:



      Every month I get my pension from the German Embassy. (1500,--Euro) My husband is still with me even he is dead. My Father was a shoemaker. Before my husband married me he was married to another woman. (It is said that he was married twice before he married me). My doughter was born before my husband was devorced from his first wife.That caused Problems with Moscow. Some people called me "Miss Education" or "Purple Dragon" and a lot of people hate me.

      What is the name of my husbands eldest doughter ? Why did some people call me "Purple Dragon"


      Frank :cheers:

    9. Dear Frank,

      congratulations to your victory #11 :cheers::jumping:

      Now you are - together with Bryan - already at 3rd position in the ranking of the "good-answerers" of Christophe's quiz :D . It's rather strange, that the leading positions in the quiz-ranking are hold only by persons, who speak either German or French as their mother language ... :rolleyes:

      Yor answer is absolutly correct: Ruth Werner has been one of the absolute top-spies for the Soviet Union and she got both RBs from the GRU:


      Ruth's brother had been the world famous historian & economist J?rgen Kuczynski:


      Question #159 is now your turn :jumping: .

      Best regards :beer:



      the Lady must be Ruth Werner,

      other names: Ursula Ruth Kuczynski, Ursula Beurton

      Her Name in GRU was Sonia

      She was working in Mandchuria, China in 1934,helped chinese communists with explosives, sent reports to Moscow, 1935 she went to Poland For her outstanding work for GRU she got the RB

      She gave very Important Informations which helped the Soviets on their development of the A-bomb.

      bacK to work


      Frank :cheers::cheers:

    10. New question #158


      again a question about a rather renowed person in the history of the world of communism.

      Who am I :unsure: ?

      I am non-Russian, got rather old (1907 - 2000), had many names in my long life and among the decorations I got there are also 2 RBs. The first RB I have got in the year 1937 (see the pic) and my second 1969.


      1) Tell at least 2 of my names an my famous nickname.

      2) For which "company" did I work?

      3) For what did I receive my 2 RBs?

      The winner is, who can answer ALL 3 questions :jumping: .

      Best regards :beer:


    11. Dear Christiophe,

      many thanks for your congratulation to my victory #32 :cheers: .

      Well, your question wasn't that easy, as it looks ;) . At first sight, it looked like the history of a labour award, but the starting year 1924 brought me to comrade Lenin - then it was easy, having your interest for architecture in mind :D .

      Best regards :beer:


      Hi Christian,

      This is perfect!! Congratulations for your new victory!!! :jumping::jumping:

      Your turn, now... :beer:




      Dear Christophe,

      congratulations to your proud victory #30 :cheers: .

      Ed's question was really a hard job :jumping: .

      The answer of your question about Soviet architecture:

      It's Lenin's Mausoleum :D .


      It was built in 3 days time in 1924 (wood construction and 7 month later upgraded), 1930 the stone monument, during the GPW Lenin's body was removed, 1953 - 1961 comrade Stalin had been guest inside the building and in 1973 there had been the last improvments (a new sarcophagus).

      Best regards :beer:


      Question #157

      It's not a Who am I? question, but a What am I?

      What I am?

      I'm "born" in 1924, in 3 days time. 7 months later, I have been upgraded, and again in 1930. My latest significant improvement took place in 1973. I have been very quiet during the GPW, and much more "busy" in 1953-1961. But, I always have been a passionated topic...

      What am I ?

      What happened on my major milestones in 1924, 1930, 1941-1945, 1953-1961 and 1973 ?

      The first one to fully answer these two questions is the winner.

      Good hunt and good luck!!! :rolleyes:



    13. Dear William,

      either there is another "Eugene Rabkin" around in the Soviet collectors community, or the same person changed his behaviour towards mankind dramatically ;) .

      No doubt, the items Eugene offers are 1st class in terms of quality & asked price - an aspect, I always noted here at GMIC (not refering to the personal problems, I - or other members - have with him!).

      Best regards :beer:


      BTW: You can still read all the nasty postings of "Eugene" at the "other" Soviet forum ... :mad:


      I'm not sure what you refer to and what happened between you and Eugene, but I know him personally for more than 5 years and he's nowhere near the person that you portray.

      I can assure you he's quite a gentleman and person who keeps his promises. From my dealings with him - he's not that much after making quick buck (as compared to other dealers), but rather after studuing ad preserving history. Most of my Soviet items would not be in my collection if not for Eugene.

      There are numerous collectors out there who can support my statements and provide their own in Eugene's defense.


    14. While we really should ignore stuff from Other Fora, some problems persist. Nice to be among (mostly) gentlemen here.

      Dear Ed,

      I am convinced, that we all (at the communist section of GMIC) are 100 % gentlemen and most of us have a genuine "democratic" attiutude towards history :D .

      But - as you mentioned - some problems persist :mad: . AND we can not ignore the "history" of communication of certain prominent experts & dealers in the field of Soviet & Mongolian awards .... :rolleyes:

      Eugene Rabkin is a member of GMIC http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showuser=857 . That's fine :D . AND it would be very fine, if Mr. Rabkin would adopt his style & manners in communication to GMIC - we are gentlemen :D .

      Just my few cents to the "Rabkin-issue" ...

      Best regards :beer:


    15. Christian,

      You are kidding, right? You could have not seriously thought this was the same person??? :jumping:

      Actually when I think about it more - our Eugene is sort of a Professor - in Russian / Soviet awards :) His knowledge and expertise in the field is unique.


      Dear William,

      I am not kidding, because I really thought, that this nasty guy, who frequently insulted me - and other collectors of Soviet awards - in the worst manner & style you can imagine, might be that professor :jumping: .

      No doubt: Eugene Rabkin is an expert and he offers - as a I noted several times at GMIC - good items for very favourable prices. But his communication - five years ago - towards other collectors at the "other" Soviet forum had been extraordinarly bad & disgusthing :angry: . (Just read his commentaries to my postings as "CZ" and "banned" at the "other" Soviet forum :speechless1: . )

      Best regards :beer:


    16. Gentlemen,

      I have read somewhere, that the old form of the YU Submarine Badge was given till the end of communist Yugoslavia to all non-officers and the officers got the new one in the 1970s.

      Any confirmation of that information :unsure: ?

      Best regards :beer:


      Early variant (1960) of the YU Submarine Badge

      Gentlemen, that's the above mentioned YU sub badge I have in my collection:

      The red star at the top is enamel of rather good quality and NOT painted.

      You can read IKOM ZAGREB (in large letters) at the small (tombac) screwplate on the rv.

      Best regards :beer:


    17. Christian,

      That's not him, you've got him confused with another Eugene.

      I know him in person and he looks nothing like the guy in your link :)

      And he's not a Professor and does not live in Russia.



      for more than 5 years I thought, that "our" Eugene Rabkin might be the - more or less famous - professor Rabkin :blush: .

      Eugene & Rabkin are two rare names - specially in that combination ... :rolleyes:

      How does the "phaleristic" non-professor Rabkin look like - any pics in the www :unsure: ?

      Best regards :beer:


    18. I stand to be corrected but isn't being Jewish a faith rather than a nationality?

      I suppose you meant he was a Russian Jew right?

      Dear Jim,

      of course it's a faith, but according to the constitution of the CCCP, Jews had been seen as a own nationality and the nationality "Jewish" was noted in their CCCP-passports (as: "Russian", "Georgian", "German", etc., etc.).

      As Communists & Jews, the Wolf-family had to leave Germany very, very early and they moved to Moscow. All of them received Soviet citizenship and had CCCP-passports. As far as I know, the Wolf-family always kept their CCCP-citizenship besides their (new) DDR-citizenship.

      So I guess, it had been correct, to write, that the young Red Army 1st Lieutenant had "Jewish Nationality" (he didn't have the stamp "German" in his passport ;) ).

      Best regards :beer:


    19. Dear Charles,

      that has been a more than perfect answer - above 100 % :D:jumping: .

      Congratulations to your victory :cheers: .

      Question #155 is now your turn again :D .

      Best regards :beer:


      BTW: Here is a complete listing of the Soviet Awards, Markus Wolf got and a pic of Konrad & Markus Wolf's tombstone in Berlin: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=13550 . That's the mentioned movie of and about Konrad Wolf in the GPW: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=159552 .

      The "Wolf Family":




      From the movie: Konrad Wolf gets town-commander of Bernau

    20. Dear Luigi,

      that should be no problem at all, to get your "Bogdan 3cl" researched :D .

      At least 3 well known experts of Soviet Awards offer such services: Gregory, Alexei and Eugene.

      They can provide all papers, records, award cards from the hughe Red Army archive in Podolsk near Moscow and you will know exactly, who got the order for which deed and what had been his military career.

      The costs for such research are pretty low, but it can take some time ... If the original owner of your order had been in the ranks of the NKVD (the later KGB), a research might not be possible, because the archives of these services are still closed :( .

      The fact is, that a researched order of that high-end category will rise in value quite a lot - specially if the citation or the owner is rather interesting.

      Best regards from Vienna :beer:


      Dear Collectors Friend ,

      I have findi this order in a veteran family of italian" Savoia " Cavalry Regiment officer .

      The number engraved is is 2449 ,

      I think is a war booty because I've found in the same home many russian sabres , it is possible to obtain the name of this awarded russian hero ?

      Forgive my poor english and greetings from Rome.


      Front decoration

      Rear decoration

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