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    Christian Zulus

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    Posts posted by Christian Zulus

    1. FoN - development of prices


      I think, that the FoN had been never THAT bargain and was always rather expensive, due to it's extraordinary beauty, craftmanship and certain rarity.

      In the mid 1990s I had to pay for the presented Gladsky-set http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=213411 about USD 250,- . Quite some money for a Soviet award at that time :rolleyes: .

      So, the increase in prices for the FoN is not sooooo dramatic, as with other orders and still on a rather moderate level.

      Best regards :beer:


    2. No to the first and quite possibly to the second.

      Dear "slava1stclass",

      congratulations :cheers: .

      In my view, the Glory is the most important Soviet Military Award of the GPW, besides the Victory (both had been issued at the same day ;) ).

      So you might become the 2nd "Lord Ashcan" for the "Order of Glory", instead the Britisch VC :jumping: .

      Michael Ashcroft has more than 150 VCs :speechless1: in his collection:




      Best regards :beer:


    3. Dear Milan,

      great news :cheers: .

      Please tell him greetings from me and inform him about the latest perspective of our YU-Book-Project: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=213259

      Tell him also, that I am very interested to cooperate with him, despite the fact, that I am not THE phaleristic expert in YU-items.



      Hello Christian

      hr should be already at home and he is recovering pretty good and fast. I will have contact with him this weekend and post you the latest news




    4. Now they are all over priced by dealers. :speechless:

      Dear Bryan,

      Eugene offers a very nice one - s/n. 42003 - for USD 525,- (without booklet): http://www.russianglory.com/Drujba_42003a.jpg .

      Igor offers a exceptional beauty - s/n. 34574 - for USD 655,- (without booklet): http://www.collectrussia.com/DISPITEM.HTM?ITEM=16996

      It seems, that the FoNs got already rather rare and the price tags are getting more numbers, but the FoN is still somehow affordable to the "normal" collector :D .

      Best regards :beer:


    5. For keeping the unity :jumping:

      potentially trawl through 94 pages of quiz

      Dear Nick,

      that's THE point - no question. It's also nasty for me to trawl through the pages, if I am looking for some specific information :( .

      Christophe's quiz is not only entertaining, but extraordinary educative and contains tons of informations.

      Christophe has already installed a comprehensive index about all questions, which contains all the mentioned persons, medals, topics etc.

      You already installed a system, where it is possible to dial directly - without to trawl through the pages :D - the wanted page.

      For keeping the unity of Christophe's quiz-thread, the most "elegant" and "consumer friendly" solution might be, if Christophe might write the pages to the topics of his quiz-index - i.e.: Marshal Zhukov - p. 34, p. 74 & p. 89 or Red Banner of Labour - p. 12 & 58, etc., etc.

      Splitting up our quiz-thread would mean, that a GMIC-member, who is looking for informations about i.e. the Red Banner of Labour, would have to check two (2) threads :( .

      Keeping the thread + pages (maybe already linked :love: ) at Christophe's very precise index :jumping: .

      Just my few cents to the discussion ... :rolleyes:

      Best regards :beer:


      BTW: Another "consumer friendly" solution might be, if Christophe's quiz is transfered into a genuine GMIC-section(like the Yugo Forum), the old questions are splitted up according to certain topics in different threads and every month, the content of the thread containing the recent questions, will be also transfered to the specific topics.

    6. I have not seen such a low number before.

      Dear Paul,

      Dimitry http://www.russian-medals.net/ still offers for USD 5.000,- the cased FoN s/n. 2251 to a high ranking Romanian communist - confered in 1977. It comes with a special order booklet and a high-class leather box. Well, the asked price is a bit high ... :rolleyes: .

      Best regards :beer:


    7. FoN as a "mascot"


      many thanks for your compliments :cheers: .

      But the more important FoN in my collection is the other one - less patina, but no orders booklet :( - s/n. 24318, which had been one of my first Soviet Awards in my collection and which I use as a "mascot" or "lucky charm" at very important occasions: birth of my daughter Milica, etc.

      In my view the motto "Friendship of Nations" is of extraordinary importance in our time and I really love the "opulent" design of the FoN :love: . The FoN's design of the 1970 is a true and authentic reminisce of the great era of "Socialist Realism" :jumping: .

      Best regards :beer:


    8. Dear Christophe,

      as already stated, GMIC opens page per page - so, it makes NO difference, if a thread is long or not :D .

      Best regards :beer:


      Dear Ed,

      the internet connection opens only one (of the almost 100 sites ;) ) of Christophe's quiz.

      So, it wouldn't make any difference, if we would split up the quiz.

      I can't imagine at all, that GMIC works at all on none ultra-high-speed internet connections - you would wait for minutes for uploading a site :( .

      Best regards :beer:


    9. A serious question: Will there come a time when -- accounting for those on slower internet connections -- we need to split this thread off into a "Volume II"? Maybe that is a reason that quiz participation has declined???

      Dear Ed,

      the internet connection opens only one (of the almost 100 sites ;) ) of Christophe's quiz.

      So, it wouldn't make any difference, if we would split up the quiz.

      I can't imagine at all, that GMIC works at all on none ultra-high-speed internet connections - you would wait for minutes for uploading a site :( .

      Best regards :beer:


    10. Gentlemen,

      according to titles we have following participants of our quiz:

      5 scores (+ more): "Honoured Socialist Answerer"

      Jim (JimZ), Simon (Red Threat), Auke (Ferdinand), Belaruski, Ed (Haynes) and Carol I

      10 scores (+ more): "Meritorious Socialist Answerer"

      Bryan (Soviet) and Frank (Knarf)

      25 scores (+ more): "Hero of Socialistic Answering" - HSA

      Christian (Zulus) and Christophe

      Best regards :beer:


      Time for a few stats :

      This small game has now been launched more than 23 months ago now (on 1 Nov. 2005), and since :

      * 152 questions asked,

      * with 1,860 answers,

      * This quiz has been viewed more than 19,670 times.

      * 36 Members of the Forum played, and 26 correctly answered at least 1 question :

      Nb of good answers :

      * 30 : Christian (Zulus)

      * 29 : Christophe

      * 11 : Bryan (Soviet)

      * 10 : Frank (Knarf)

      * 8 : Jim (JimZ) and Simon (Red Threat)

      * 6 : Auke (Ferdinand), Belaruski and Ed (Haynes)

      * 5 : Carol I

      * 4 : Wild Card.

      * 3 : Andreas (Alfred), Ivan (Piramida) and Kim (Kimj).

      * 2 : Chuck (in Oregon), Gerd (Becker), Jan (vatjan) and Order of Victory.

      * 1 : Dan (Hauptman), Darrell, Daredevil, Dave (Navy FCO), Dudeman, Filip (Drugo), Rick (Stogieman) and Steen (Ammentorp).

      This is a great achievement. Thanks to all for your participation. :beer:

      Now, let's continue to have fun with the 153rd question... Frank's one!!! :jumping:


    11. Sometimes Igor posts pics of the items that have been already sold.

      It's some creative marketing on his side, after all if we can't afford to buy from his site, at least we keep coming back to drool over some nice groups :)


      Dear William,

      but at least he sells (or sold ;) ) such extraordinary groups - and someone has to money to by them ... :rolleyes:

      Best regards :beer:


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