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    Christian Zulus

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    Posts posted by Christian Zulus

    1. Gentlemen,

      the person in question had been Lieutenant General of the Ukrainian Forces Mykola Sabilyi :jumping: .

      That's the "menu-card" of the wine tasting party to his honour:

      The General had been a great fan of heavy & sweet wines, so I offered him 3 of the very best wines we had in Austria in 1996 :D .


      congratulation to your victory #10 :cheers:

      It's your turn now again ...

      Best regards :beer:



      Just half a victory in my opinion... :rolleyes: But, Frank is clearly the one who performed the better. :beer:

      Congratulations to Frank for his new victory. :jumping:

      Christian, we are now waiting to know who your Lieutmnant General is.


      After Christian's answer, it will be your turn.



    2. He acted in para-military separatist forces of Croatia.

      Dear Sasa,

      many thanks for the info :cheers: .

      I tried to collect some more infos about that "soldier of fortune" in a high-ranking general's position.

      King Tomislav Brigade of the HVO, the Bosnian-Croat Army, had been under command of the Croatian-Canadian Brigadier-General Zeljko Glasnovic in the early 1990s during the YU-Wars.

      "Glasnovic - as a Col.-General - had been the commander for training and military doctrine of the Federation Army of BiH till 2002, resigned and left the Federation Army. Since resignations, departure from the Army, honorable and dishonorable dismissals, firing of officials, arrests and such are not so rare in the Federation, it makes sense that hardly anyone reacts to such news at this point.

      However, regarding General Glasnovic, it is important to consider his reasons for resignation and leaving the army. Namely, General Glasnovic is a true professional who forged his military skills in the (professional) Canadian armed forces and then as a legionnaire fought in several wars all over the world, including the Gulf War, and then joined the Croatian Army and the Croatian Defense Council (HVO) [bosnian Croat armed forces], and finally led the operation train and equip. Is his resignation motivated by personal dissatisfaction with his status and disputes with the Minister of Defense Mijo Anic?"

      Complete article about Gen. Glasnovic: http://www.ex-yupress.com/slodal/slodal57.html

      Does anyone have some additional infos, like: war crimes, etc. :unsure: ?

      Best regards :beer:


    3. I think Glasnovic is not Yugoslav general !!??

      So, off%20topic.gif

      Dear Sasa,

      you are absolutly correct, that Glasnovic hadn't been a YU-General, but he acted in the region of (former) Yugoslavia before october 2000 and so Glasnovic - and many others - could be discussed in our Yugo Forum.

      Well, that's just my opinion ... :rolleyes:

      Pozdrav :beer:


    4. Gentlemen,

      today I had a meeting with military historians in our Army HQ and there might be the possiblity, that we could publish a high-end & top-quality comprehensive book about (communist) YU-Awards at the renowed Austrian MILITARIA publishing house: http://www.militaria.at/ .

      2008 MILITARIA will publish a comprehensive book about pre-communist (up to 1941) YU-Awards in English, Serbo-Croation and German with top-quality photographs of av., rv. & side-view of all awards, cases & documents.

      :jumping:Our book could be the 2nd volume of YU-Awards, covering the period from 1941 to october 2000. :jumping:

      In the coming weeks I will get further informations.

      Best regards :beer:


    5. In the red circle ? I think this is our friend, Christian... :rolleyes:

      I understand Christian organised for him (and others) a trip of Vienna and its surroundings...


      Dear Christophe,

      another extra point for you :cheers: .

      Sorry .... , I have never been the Military Commander of Kiev :D .

      Best regards :beer:


      BTW: All my friends are wellcome to join me for a round tript dealing with the "Capture of Vienna" :cheers: .

    6. I don't know the exact name of the guy on the left of the picture is, but I know who this guy is. Do I get some extra point for that? :rolleyes:

      By the way, Christian is this Marshall (or General I don't know) which you made him a round trip concerning the capture of Wien?

      Dear Bryan,

      o.k., one extra point, but I guess, that it might be to less for the victory ;) .

      Best regards :beer:


    7. Dear Ed,

      wise words :cheers: .

      The founding of the Non-Aligned Movement http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-Aligned_Movement had been an important role of Yugoslavia in it's history. The acting Secretary General of that organization is since 2006 comrade Fidel Castro.

      But I had the same impressions like Colin already in the 1960s (I visited YU the first time in 1962): There had been not so much difference to Italy or Austria - you couldn't "feel" communism ;) .

      Best regards :beer:


      It boils down, I guess, to a matter of definition. Yugoslavia, while it followed its own unique path under Tito, was clearly neither capitalist nor a Cold-War ally of the USA and its chums in NATO. Remember that, together with people like Nehru and Nasser, Tito was founder of the non-alligned movement, and that Yugoslavia maintained a distinctly socialist economy. Phaleristically, it falls easily into a wider "Communist/Socialist" world. Only if one expects any sort of doctrinal adherence to a mythical "Communist" monolithic ideology world its inclusion here seem strange?

      The Yugoslavia we examine here was a very different creature from what was earlier allied to Hitler or what now exists in post-Tito fragments.

    8. Military Commander of the CITY of Kiev (not Military District) in 1996


      sorry ..., maybe I have been too unprecise :blush: .

      Our comrade in question had been in that time (1996) a Lieutenant-General of the UKRAINIAN ARMY and the Commander only of the CITY of Kiev.

      For the Commander of the Kiev Military District his rank would have been too low. Usually the Commander of Military Districts in the Soviet Union had been (full) Generals or even GPW-Marshals.

      Our comrade in question retired many years ago.

      Here a photograph of the 100th-year-anniversary-celebration 1996 at the "Kommandogeb?ude Feldmarschall Radetzty" of the Military Command of Vienna (MilKdo Wien), where our Lieutenant-General is walking to his seat:

      Best regards :beer:


    9. Was Yugoslavia a communist country? Will also edit to ask what it had to do with the Soviet Union?


      Did'nt seem like it when I was there in the late 80's.


      Dear Colin,

      very good question :cheers: .

      Well, I would say, that in the 1950s - 1960s Yugoslavia converted to a rather "socialdemocratic" country, but with authoritairian structures. Somehow a vital "melange" between Sweden and China :P , despite the fact, that life in Yugoslavia was rather free & liberal and the YU-Passport had been the best passport in the world: No visas to East or West :D .

      Communsim - or Socialism - has a broad range of types of social systems and "Titoism" is just one part in the history of Socialism.

      Best regards :beer:


    10. Dear Frank,

      congratulations - Kiev is correct :cheers::jumping: .

      Our Military HQ in Vienna is named after the Austrian Fieldmarshal Radetzky http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Radetzky_von_Radetz

      Sorry ..., there is no coincidence concerning the name :( .

      So, if nobody could name the Military Commander of the City of Kiev in the mid 1990s, then this will be your victory #10 :D . Let's wait ... :rolleyes:

      Best regards :beer:



      Very difficult question so I can only guess.

      Mr. V.G. Radetzk(i)y who was Military commander in the Kiev region in the 1990.

      Radetzky Kaserne and his name would fit together.

      Regards Frank

    11. Question #152


      due to the fact, that I am the first person, who answered 30 questions correctly at Christophe's GMIC-quiz, I will give the new question #152 a very personal touch :D . It's a question about a person, who visited me in Vienna in 1996.

      Who am I :unsure:?

      During the mid-1990s I had the rank of a Lieutenant General and was the military commander of an important city in Eastern Europe.

      During 1977/78 I worked - besides General of the Army Vasily Ivanovich Petrov (later Marshal SU) - as a military adviser to the Ethiopian Forces at the "Ogaden War" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ogaden_War and had been very successful.

      I got a large number of orders & medals, as you can see at the photograph from the 9th of may 1998 in my home town, among them: Motherland 2cl & 3cl and 3x Red Star - also for conducting military operations in Ethiopia.


      1) The name of the city, where I had been military commander in the 1990s ?

      2) What is my name ?

      Some hints:

      In 1996 there had been the celebrations of the 100-year-anniversary of the "Radetzky Kaserne", the headquarter of the Military Command of Vienna. Many military commanders from all over Europe had been invited and I took care for that heroic general from the ex-CCCP-Army. The Lieutenant General had been guest in my residence and I showed him around in Vienna.

      The Military Command of Vienna issued a special anniversary badge of that event, as you can also see on my jacket at the photographs:

      The Lieutenant General in question confered a very nice table medal 1996 to me, which might give a hint, where he was coming from:

      Best regards :beer:


    12. Dear Frank,

      many thanks for the congratulations :cheers: .

      And these are really wise words ... :D

      Best regards :beer:


      Dear Christian,

      You have got it :jumping:

      My boss used to give us documents to analyse. We always had to be very careful because one little word could give a hint or even change the whole situation, which sometimes can cause a lot of trouble. I did a lot of mistakes at the beginning . In emergency these mistakes can cost lifes. :violent:

      It is your turn now!


      Frank :cheers::cheers:

    13. If does become a reality then I am in some serious negative equity :banger: but this is taking us :off topic:

      Dear Vic,

      today the establishing of a 80-billion-USD-fund for helping suffering housing-loans by international banks was announced. So, that might stabilize the real-estate-prizes in the UK, USA, Spain, Ireland, etc. :D

      Best regards :beer:


    14. Dear Bryan,

      congratulations to your appointment :cheers::jumping::love: .

      You are the right man in the right position - and there is a lot of work to finish in the #3-section of "Soviet & Communist Era Militaria & Awards".

      French people have a high esteem among our native collectors, due to historic facts ;) .

      Bryan, you will have my 100 % support!

      Best regards :beer:


    15. ZHUKOV :jumping:

      Dear Frank,

      no, I had been my mistake, looking for an Italian Order ... :blush:

      Mussolini and Zhukov had one extraordinary high ranking order in common:

      Knights Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath


      The award is confered by the Souvereign in the Henry VII Lady Chapel at Westminster Abbey in London


      Best regards :beer:


      Hallo Christian,

      Mr. Mussolini was Italian citizen. That does not absolutely mean that the wanted person must have an Italian

      decoration. If You read my question very careful you will find a five year turn.

      Sorry to cause you some problems. :(


      Frank :cheers::cheers:

    16. Dear Frank,

      so, I has to be of the Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana either:

      - Cavaliere di Gran Croce decorato di Gran Cordone

      - Cavaliere di Gran Croce

      - Grande Ufficiale

      Quite a few non-Italian Admirals & Generals got the "Grande Ufficiale" in the 1950s & 1960s ... :rolleyes:

      Due to one of these high ranks of Italia's most supreme Order, I might guess, that the awardee might be one of the really famous Soviet Marshals: Either Zhukov or Konev :unsure: ?

      The might have got their decorations from the President of Italia in the 1950s :unsure: ?

      Best regards :beer:


      Hello Christian,

      You have done an exellent homework. But .... :rolleyes:

      As I said: the installation ceremony takes place every five years.

      so it cannot be Commendatore.



      Frank :cheers::cheers:

    17. 86,000 GBP would not buy you any thing property wise in the UK :speechless:

      Dear Vic,

      well, the price tags for real estate & flats in the UK are still far too overpriced (in comparison to the rest of Europe). I guess, that within the coming years a nice flat in Lancashire for under 100,000 GBP might become reality ;) .

      Best regards :beer:



      Dear Frank,

      there had been a long row of these "CA"-mangers in the GDR:


      Georgi K. Schukow - 9. Juni 1945 bis 21. M?rz 1946

      Wassili D. Sokolowski - 22. M?rz 1946 bis 31. M?rz 1949

      Wassili I. Tschuikow - 1. April 1949 bis 26. Mai 1953

      Andrei A. Gretschko - 27. Mai 1953 bis 16. November 1957


      Andrei A. Gretschko - 27. Mai 1953 bis 16. November 1957

      Matwei W. Sacharow - 17. November 1957 bis 14. April 1960

      Iwan I. Jakubowski - 15. April 1960 bis 9. August 1961

      Iwan S. Konew - 9. August 1961 bis 18. April 1962

      Iwan I. Jakubowski - 19. April 1962 bis 26. Januar 1965

      Pjotr K. Koschewoi - 27. Januar 1965 bis 31. Oktober 1969

      Wiktor G. Kulikow - 1. November 1969 bis 13. September 1972

      Semjon K. Kurkotkin - 14. September 1971 bis 19. Juli 1972

      Jewgeni F. Iwanowski - 20. Juli 1972 bis 25. November 1980

      Michail M. Saizew - 26. November 1980 bis 6. Juli 1985

      Pjotr G. Luschew - 7. Juli 1985 bis 11. Juli 1986

      Waleri A. Belikow - 12. Juli 1986 bis 12. November 1987

      Boris W. Snetkow - 26. November 1987 bis 13. Dezember 1990


      Boris W. Snetkow - 26. November 1987 bis 13. Dezember 1990

      Matwei P. Burlakow - 13. Dezember 1990 bis 31. August 1994

      That Circus Aliosha is also known under the name "Camping Allemagne", or correct: советская армия :P .

      I guess, you are asking for the title (& order) of a Commendatore http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commendatore :

      Mussolini gave that title to Enzo Ferrari ... :rolleyes:

      The installation ceremony takes place in Rome, in the Quirnal Palace http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quirinal_Palace , due to the fact, that the order is confered by the President of Italia.

      O.K., we still don't have the awardee :( .

      Well, I guess, that quite a few of the above mentioned CCCP Marshals & Generals got a Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italia ... :rolleyes: .

      I would concentrate to the Marshals, who were personally involved into the liberation of Europe from the Nazis (and the Mussolini-gangs) :unsure: .

      Best regards :beer:



      now an easy one:

      Circus Aliosha had several managers during the long stay in Eastern Germany.

      One of the directors had been awarded a very high decoration. He had the same honorary title as the lover of Miss Claretta Petacci.

      The installation ceremony takes place every five years. Where ? (need the complete name of the place)

      Who was the director?


      Frank :cheers::cheers:

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