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    Christian Zulus

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    Posts posted by Christian Zulus

    1. Thank you Valuk, :cheers:

      Avers seems to be 1st class. Why are you sure that it's 2nd class?



      that order's av. is a 1st class for sure :D .

      Silver figure on a gold star and that star on gold rays.

      1st class & 3nd class have silver figures on a gold star, but the differnce are the rays under the gold star.

      Best regards :beer:


    2. Lieber Waldemar,

      congratulations to these rare YU-Awards :cheers: .

      You invested a lot of hard earned bucks for these beauties .... :rolleyes: .

      Please could you post some close ups (av. + rv.) of the Partisan Star 2cl, Labour 1cl, etc. :love: .

      Is the Partisan Star 2cl IKOM or CCCP made :unsure: ?

      Well, you have the fastest growing YU-collection :D .

      Best regards :beer:


    3. Ok..lets say its a submarine at this stage..... still not the K-11.

      Jim :cheers:

      Dear Jim,

      many thanks for narrowing on 1965 - 1970 + Soviet submarines :cheers: .

      So, I have in front of me the National Geographic book of Peter Huchthausen "K-19, the Widowmaker" and the appendix about Soviet submarine accidents.

      O.K., it's not K-11, but on 15th of july 1965 we had an accident in the Mediterranean Sea with B-31, Tango-Class, with fire on board and 4 crew members died.

      What about this guess :unsure: ?

      Best regards :beer:


    4. Gentlemen,

      I just found that pic in the internet:

      A well polished "Order of Glory" 3rd class used as a necklace :speechless1::speechless::jumping: :

      Despite the fact, that the (female) bearer of that order dosen't seem to be a GPW-Veteran, the ribbon is missing and the whole affair is against the regulations & statutes of that order, the "surrounding" of that "Glory" doesn't appear so bad ;) .

      It seems, that CCCP-decorations are now used in the juwelry-industry in the RF :rolleyes: .

      Best regards :beer:


    5. A Monument to Felix Dzerzhinsky (Faculty of the Border Troops of the Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus) was unveiled on May 26, 2006:

      Official announcement of that ceremony:


      Unveiling of the monument to F. Dzerzhinsky will be held on the Eve of the 88-th anniversary of the Border Guards

      On the 26-th of May on the eve the Day of a Border Guard Man a meeting dedicated to the ceremony of the unveiling of the monument to F. Dzerzhinsky will be held at the faculty of the border guards of the educational establishment ?The Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus?. F. Dzerzhinsky, Soviet statesman and party figure born in Belarus who put much effort and energy into consolidation and improvement of the border guards as well as teaching and training for border guard personnel.

      The right to unveil the monument to F. Dzerzhinsky will be granted to a border guard veteran and a faculty cadet.

      Chief of the state Border Guard Committee of the Republic of Belarus Lieutenant-General Alexander Pavlovsky, veterans, cadets of the border guard faculty and guests will take part in the ceremony.

      Maxim Semyonov

      Information providing service

      Web-site of the State Border Guard Committee"


    6. Dear Jim,

      many thanks for your hints :cheers: .

      So, we deal with the early era of comrade Brezhnev till 1970 :D .

      4 of the comrades died at the incident and 3 survived and all 7 had been proposed for the HSU. Neither the passed away comrades, nor the survivors got the HSU, nor any other CCCP-Award.

      Well, the question is: Which herioc incident happend between 1965 and 1970 within the armed forces of the Soviet Union, that didn't result in approbriate decorations (+ some KIAs) :unsure: ?

      Best regards :beer:


      The question with some more hints thrown in:

      In post war Russia, one particular incident specifically between 1965-1970 resulted in seven people being proposed for the Hero of the Soviet Union title (more than half of them would have recieved it psothumously). However, following the results of investigations into the instances, they were circumstances that led to none of them not receiving the HSU. This was not a downgrade, the awards were not given.


      What bound these people together?

      What was the incident that earned them this nomination?

      Why did they not receive the title?

      Keep trying guys. I am not going into specifics and I'll throw some more hints if I see we're getting stuck.

      Jim :cheers:

    7. Gentlemen,

      as already mentioned in GMIC-post http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=203201 we celebrate today the 130th birthday of Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix_Dzerzhinsky :love::jumping::jumping:

      Our "Iron Felix" had been one the brightest figures of Socialism in the 20th century. Born into a noble family of Jewish-Polish aristocrats in Belarus, he emerged as one of the key-figures of Soviet Russia in the early years of Lenin & Stalin.

      Comrade Stalin spoke at his (early) death in 1926:

      "When now, at the open coffin, one recalls the entire path Dzerzhinsky traversed - prison, penal servitute, exile, the "Extraordinary Commission to Combat Counter-Revolution", the restoration of the ruined transport, the building of the young socialist industry - one feels, that this seething life can be expressed in one word: burning. Burning, and heroic valour in combating difficulties."

      "Dzerzhinsky's fine personality, his iron will, his boundless devotion to the people, his heroism, will forever serve as an example to coming generations." ("Soviet Calendar", Moscow 1947)

      Best regards :beer:


    8. Lieber Waldemar,

      another great find :cheers: .

      So, your ribbon is correct and the posted one is wrong :unsure: ?

      The design of the medal is really cute, but dosen't appear in the YU-communist style. Is it a new medal issued during the Milosevic era of socialism :unsure: ?

      During that time, the government often used the old dies for orders and medals from Tito's era.

      Best regards :beer:


    9. Lieber Waldemar,

      great finds :cheers: .

      Medical treatment and welfare of the wounded had been extremly important among Tito's partisans :jumping: .

      Communist partisans would have never left the wounded behind the lines of the Nazi-butchers :love: .

      What did you pay for these 2 medals :unsure: ?

      Best regards :beer:


    10. Hi Frank,

      Interesting try - but wrong answer. Christian was closer to the answer than you are.

      Come on gentlemen,

      Jim :cheers:

      Dear Jim,

      so I guess, that your question has to do with another Soviet nuclear submarine incident, where 7 comrades had been nominated for the HSU and some of them already died during the incident :unsure: ?

      I have to look in the "National Geographic" book about K-19, where all the other incidents with submarines are listed :D .

      Best regards :beer:


    11. Interesting book, I have one copy too.

      I have heared that reprints of the book are on the market! Not all books are from 1945.



      Dear Andreas,

      there is a reprint of a booklet from the British Forces about the same topic at the market, which I also have in my collection (I don't have the original :( ). That booklet is larger in format. I have never heard about a reprint of the US-booklet :unsure: .

      You have informations, that there are edtions - with the same content - of the US-booklet AFTER april 1945 (after the death of Roosevelt) :unsure: ?

      Best regards :beer:


    12. Thanks. Very interesting book. It is very interesting to read.

      Dear Sergey,

      many thanks for your interest :cheers: .

      It would be very exciting to compare the content & orientation of "our RED ARMY ally" from spring 1945 with some official writings by the US-Adminstration about the Soviet Army - let's say - 5 years later ;):violent: .

      That 1945-US-booklet is really very, very authentic & correct and free of any ideology :love: : No freedom & "Empire-of-Evil" bullsxxt at all :jumping: .

      Best regards :beer:


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