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    Chris Liontas

    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Chris Liontas

    1. I saw this today looking for Verlag Militaria's book on Freddrick the Great. I dont collect the IC anymore, but I am ordering one. This book looks to be fantastic, and if it is anything like the other Verlag books I have, it will not dissapoint. The photos and the information on contractors/subcontractors will be amazing to have. Whoever gets it first needs to post their opinions!!

    2. Group of Feuerwerksleutnant.a.D. Karl Porske. From 04.07.1917 - 10.05.1919 at Führer der Marine-Luftschiffe (FdL).

      Eisernes Kreuz 2.Kl.

      Eisernes Kreuz 1.Kl.

      Friedrich-August-Kreuz 2.Kl.

      Friedrich-August-Kreuz 1.Kl.

      Hanseatenkreuz Hamburg

      Preußen - Dienstauszeichnung für 25 J

      Erinnerungsabzeichen für Besatzungen von Marineluftschiffe

      Türkei - Rettungsmedaille

      Türkei - Saniya-Medaille

      attachicon.gifFwkLt Karl Porske.jpg attachicon.gifKarl Porske.jpg

      that photo is amazing, as are all these badges. I wish I had something to contribute, but I dont have anything German aviation specific right now. These pieces are wonderful.

    3. Just having a quick sortout, Wermacht clergy

      The first on the left is of Catholic faith, (Denoted by the effigy of Christ on the cross), the second and third, unknown but I suspect Protestant or Lutheran, (The cross was the same without the effigy, (I could be wrong!)

      The Second one is Father Bernard Schmidt from the 299th ID. You did a great job colorizing that one!! Only one thing was different on his original tunic in that is collar tabs were field grey backed rather than violet. Otherwise that is a GREAT colorization. Here is the tunic to compare :)

    4. Hi guys!! It is coming I promise!! I posted this, wrote up a draft to post, then......well lets say I am easily distracted. :( Work has been killer, and I forgot about this thread.

      Will post it this weekend I promise.

      "ragged bit of canvas???" You wound me sir!! That would be like calling your Jager uniforms a "moldy dishrag" :)

      Here's a bad preview.

      ragged bit of canvas.....lol

    5. I thought this might be a great place to share aviation collectable from the First World War. Aviation was one of the true firsts in World War I, and it is amazing to see how the aircraft and technology changed from 1916 to 1918. I know there are several of us that collect aviation related articles, if you have anything to share please do.

    6. I agree with Chris, With that many setups, pants are going to be a nightmare. If you are set on doing a full manequin, then you can allway get some nice repro pants as a "stand in" for the time being. German field grey is expensive, and well faked. Make sure you get some opinions on whatever you want to buy.

      --the 1918 should be fairly straightforward. The most expensive things will be the tunic, the cammo helmet (get a good one, it will totally bring out your display), and the grenades. The other equiptment wont be too bad.

      --the 1914 will depend if you want a matching field grey cover to your pickelhaube, and what kind of unit you want. If you want standard prussian line, it will be costly but not prohibitive. If you want to go something like GdC, it will take a while and be expensive, very expensive (although it should hold a good value for you)

      There are quite a lot of imperial collectors here. Get opinions on everything so you dont kick yourself later on. I went with what Chris did, full up torso displays with one or two full manequins. Fortunately for me, I collected American uniforms, to which pants are fairly easy to find (boots however...).

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