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    Posts posted by AlecH

    1. Picked up these two Soldbuch Covers today. The first two I have, I do have a number of Wehrpass Covers, when you reflect the soldiers carried the soldbuchs on their person at nearly all times and the condition some of the soldbuchs got into. You would think there would be more soldbuch covers around, oddly the reverse seems to be the case, more Wehrpass covers, although they rarely came into the soldiers possession and being held by the unit's administation. Strangely it seems they bought wehrpass covers !

    2. Hi,

      Attended the military collectors club last saturday, bought a fair bit of WW2 German equipment, some German ww2 miniatures, organization badges, and a couple of tinnies. I'll put organization badges up for review.

      First is a Technische Nothilfe (civil defence) 3rd Form stick pin, nicely made enamelled stick-pin measures 22mm square, on the reverse the wearers number is stamped, in this case 49737.

      Second piece metal,although not stricty belonging to a organization was issued to personnel at Krupp's Germania Shipyard based in Kiel - Gaarden measures 24mm x 26mm. The shipyard built over 130 U-boots and the cruiser Prinz Eugon up to and during WW2. The date in this case - 22 August 1938 commemerates the launch of the cruiser Prinz Eugon - which later fought along side the Bismarck against the british fleet in the Atlantic.

    3. Interesting point you raise Kevin. I wonder if it may be a latent hangover from the security conscious format used on WW2 death cards, on these the unit served in was mentioned only in the most general terms infantry, artillary, gebirgsjäger, never the unit number, likewise WW2 Kriegs Chroniks. On the other hand WW1 death cards and war chronicles nine out of ten times give all manner of detail,unit number, where the soldiers fought, war wounds etc. I've included a picture of a WW1 Kriegs Chronik, briefly the soldier was with 476 Infantry Regiment - fought a number of battles, one being Verdun - received a shrapnel wound neck and ear at Guiscard. Demobilized - Jan 1919. Sorry the picture not the best, its in a glass frame.

      Best Wishes

    4. Hi,

      Bought this WW2 Kriegs Chronik at the weekend fleamarket, strictly not of the period, commemorates a soldiers service life, don't remember seeing one on the forum, thought I'd show this one. I do have a couple of similar framed WW1 chronicles with different motifs, this one measures 45cm x 33cm deals with the military career of Staff N.C.O. Heinrich Kirschner - holder of the EK 2 and Ost Medal - joined up 1.10.39 took part in the campaign that over-ran Poland & France. 1941 advanced as part of the army middle section into Russia - Moscow,Orel, Vitebsk, defence and retreat fighting. Taken by the english as a P.O.W. - Released 20.10.45.

      How he came from fighting outside Moscow to be a english P.O.W is not stated - maybe not enough space.

    5. Hello Eitze,

      Thanks for the posts and pictures. As I mentioned the King Zvonimir document is part of a convolute. Other pieces of the convolute include Engelhardt's Sterbebild and a invitation card to a church remembrance service for him, printed on both is his medal honours EK2, KVK 2nd Class with Swords and Zvonimir 2nd Class with Oakleaves. I've included a picture of both. I take it Eitze, you are a reader of Serb - Croat text, it would appear his family didn't really know exactly which medal grade he had been awarded. Again thanks for the posts.

      Best Wishes



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