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    Posts posted by AlecH

    1. Hi Everyone,

      Picked up a carton of four photo albums from a former Gebirgsjäger who recently died, in the carton bottom were bits and pieces of militaria and these googles. The soldier was with the wehrmacht in the war and later with the Bundeswehr. Does any member know, out of which era the googles come - I think they may be first type Kradfahrer googles --- you can't forget those square frames. The makers stamp reads BUSCH (well known maker of optical devices) - not so clear on the picture. The lenses are clear in the bottom half, from half-way up starts a light brown filter darkening to the top.I believe the firm which also made binoculars was reduced to rubble at the end of the war (seen pictures on internet), would any members happen to know if it restarted up ? if not, then the googles would have to be war time. Any information appreciated.


    2. Hi Everyone,

      Picked up a Gebirgsjäger Officiers Wehrpass at the weekend, came with a couple of unusal features (at least to me).He was killed October 1942 Gunnikop Caucasus on page 1 is a glued slip stating the WP should be looked after, as proof for claiming widows pension, child allowance,etc.Its the first time, I've come across this slip, anyone seen it before?. Also in the cover pocket is a slip stating all active officiers from 1st may 1941 should glue the slip in their soldbuch between the inside of the cover and page1. I can't say I ever seen one in a Soldbuch, does anyone know anything about these slips. Any information welcome.

    3. Hi Jonas,

      Thanks for your post, reading it, a couple of things have fallen into place O-A could well be Officer Ausbildung i.e. Officer Training. I did ask a couple of old time Bundeswehr soldiers about the abbrievations O-A, unfortunately the didn't know, possibly as conscripted soldiers doing 18 months service they never got on the promotion ladder and would have no idea concerning different training courses. Thanks anyway for your trouble, its one less unknown put to bed.


    4. Hi Everyone,

      Picked up this rifle cleaning kit over the weekend at the local flea-market. Chain, Case, another piece all stamped KY 1940 - case is a bit grubby, inside the bottom case compartment is a oily cleaning string not shown on the pictures. I was wondering do members know the significance of the stamping KY 1940 - 1940 is clear, but KY maker's stamp perhaps? also the two bore cleaning brushes are missing. I've looked through military sites on google hoping to find them to buy, but no luck, perhaps one of the members could point me in the right direction.

      Best Wishes

    5. Hello Jack,

      Thanks for your post. Before starting the thread, I asked the dealer for close-ups of the decals without the yellow covering spots on the swastika. Received an email Monday morning, says he's sold the helmet ( asking price was 490 Euro) whether he has indeed sold it or is just reluctant to allow the helmet to come under closer scrutiny, I don't know. Its really immaterial now that its gone. Once again thanks for your impute.



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