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    Posts posted by AlecH

    1. Hello Gentlemen,

      A collector friend gave me these two cartridges and pieces of magazine belt at the weekend. I believe they may be WW2 German Light Flak Bullets (think that's the correct term) measure 21cm long X rear large dia. 2,7cm and front dia. 2,0cm. On the back of the bullets is stamped 44 - 35g - eeg. Could anyone confirm what piece of German ordinance they are and what the stamps on bullet back mean. Any information appreciated.


    2. Hi Bob,

      I've just had a look over on WAF helmet section. The same pictures are up there, apprentely the same email is doing the rounds, the helmet has also been offered to a collector in Canada. The common wisdom on WAF is that its a fake. From the start I had my doubts about the seller, but as I know next to nothing about helmets, I hoped, posting the pictures - collectors would from say what's wrong with the helmet from the pictures, a bit more than just its a fake. Your eerie feelings were not far off the mark and thanks for the Walhalla site, I'll certainly look it over.

      Best Wishes

    3. Hi Everyone,

      Picked up this small Gebirgesjäger convolute during the Christmas break. Wound (Black) & Iron Cross 2nd Class certificates. The wound certificate was issued the same day as the soldier was wounded. I've a number wound certificates, generally they were issued a short time after the wounding, this is the first one I have with same day issue.

      Researching the certificates, after the UV light test, the Feldpostnumber and signature Ott from 2nd Battalion commander match up. Reading the offical history - on the 29 October 1941, the day of the wounding,the Gebirgesjäger 13th regiment were involved in stubborn fighting at the electrical works at Surgress trying to capture bridges over the Mius river - without success.

      The EK II certificate signature Braun, - Julius Braun was the 4th Division Commander, which the 13th Regiment was part of. Braun survived the war, lived on to write a book "Enzian und Edelweiss - Die 4 Gebirges-Division 1940 -45. With luck, you can wrinkle out a fair amount of background information.

    4. Hello William,

      Thanks for your extra information. I've a little spare time at the moment and have just read your excellent threads covering Police Eagle Pattens & Branch Colours, I realize now, I'd been better served, to have absorbed them first, rather than have dived right in.

      Getting back to the uniform pictures I posted, your view that I'd need to spend a further 300 Euro on the Schutzpolizei tunic to bring it up scratch i.e. standard issue tunic, leaves me unenthusiastic in pursuing the matter any further. I think, I shall possibly, after looking first at the auction jacket on offer, go after the Meister der Schutzpolizei jacket.

      One thing which I'm unclear about, which you may have a opinion on - my understanding is - its acceptable to replaced missing patches, insignia, etc on uniforms. Is it possible to take jackets, uniform with moth holes or tears to bespoke tailors and have them invisibly mended - Yes / No?

      Thanks again William for your help.

      Best Wishes


    5. Hello William,

      Hate to pester you, but I've just come across police jacket on offer, described as Stadt Jacket, it doesn't seem to match any of the jackets in the thread. The piping & police badge have an orange colour also the shoulder epaulets are not there. Overall the jacket condition seems to my untrained eyes to be in good condition, perhaps too good. Any thoughts?



    6. Hello William,

      Thanks for your detailed information on the Schutzpolizei Waffenrock. I wonder if you could give my some further advice.

      Local auction house has this Polizei Jacket, trousers, leather boots for sale in mid -January. I only have this picture from the catalog, which describes it so - Uniform 3 piece and it doesn't show the trousers and boots. Looking at your pictures, to me it looks like Feurschutz Polizei Service Uniform, you've posted in your thread.

      From 4th January 2010 its possible to view items on sale. I shall certainly be going in to have a look at the items on offer. Could you confirm that its Feuerschutz? as I've only a finite amount of money, which of the two ( assuming you have none - like me) would you be inclined to buy.

      Best Wishes & Merry Christmas


    7. Hi Bill,

      I've just had another look through your uniform picture posts, you really have some terrific police jackets and accouterments in super condition there, I take it everything shown on the pictures is original. I've been offered a police jacket from the forestry department - Forst Polizei - thats what I've been told it is. I'm mulling it over, the seller wants 350 euro, if you care to take a look here's a couple of photos.

      Best Wishes

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