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    Just to inform, Remy Schrijnen, a Flemish Waffen-SS volunteer of the 3. SS-Freiwilligen-Sturmbrigade 'Langemarck' who won the Knight's Cross on Orphange Hill knocking out many Soviet tanks despite being wounded during the Battle of Narva in 1944, known as the Battle of the European SS as many Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS foreign volunteers from all over Europe fought and died together side by side in the same trenches, passed away at the end of July this year. He was the last knight of Flanders, a true son of his nation and a hero to the bitter end.

    May god bless grant the country you fought so hard for a better future, your soul and rest in peace.

    Remy, I salute you!

    Ich hatt' einen Kameraden,

    Einen bessern findst du nit.

    Die Trommel schlug zum Streite,

    Er ging an meiner Seite

    |: In gleichem Schritt und Tritt. :|

    Eine Kugel kam geflogen:

    Gilt's mir oder gilt es dir?

    Ihn hat es weggerissen,

    Er liegt vor meinen F??en

    |: Als w?r's ein St?ck von mir :|

    Will mir die Hand noch reichen,

    Derweil ich eben lad'.

    "Kann dir die Hand nicht geben,

    Bleib du im ew'gen Leben

    |: Mein guter Kamerad!" :|




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    Guest Rick Research

    While one can certainly appreciate bravery and idealism, even of enemies (many of whom have an odd way of becoming friends in time)

    I hardly think that anyone can say that the "better future" Hitler's SS was fighting for was one under which anyone would wish now to be living.

    The man, certainly.

    But never his System.

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    It seems my words were a little misplaced. Remy and the Flemish volunteers of the Waffen-SS were not the early NSDAP party men of the pre-war LAH and SS-VT (not a generalisation, most LAH and W-SS men were just like any other soldiers during the war), but instead fought to gain recognition of Flanders and againt Communism. So I was wishing the best for Flanders and not for NS ideology.


    Edited by Helmut Von Moltke
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