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    Prince Bentheim-Steinfurt

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    This sword belonged to Alexis Karl Ernst Ludwig Ferdinand Bernhard Furst zu Bentheim und Steinfurt, Graf zu Tecklenburg und Limburg, Herr zu Rheda, Wevelinghoven, Hoya, Alpen, und Helpenstein, Erbvogt von Koln. He was the 4th "Reigning" Prince of Bentheim-Steinfurt. Born as a hereditary member of the Prussian House of Lords (Herrenhaus) 12 October 1854 and to the Wurttemberg Chamber of Lords 11 February 1875, Chapter Commander of the Hannoverian Chapter of the Prussian Johanniter Order (Knights of Saint John).

    Lifetime part time military "career" a la Suite in Prussian Regiment Garde du Corps




    char. Major als 11.11.1884

    char. Oberstieuntant alS 27.1.1892

    char. Oberst alS 27.1.1895

    char. Generalmajor alS 27.1.1899

    charakterisiert Generalleutnant a la Suite 11 September 1907

    Carried on the rolls of the Prussian Army WWI, but with no actual wartime service (69 in 1914)

    Edited by Swordguy
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    The Prince of Bentheim-Steinfurt was a holder of: Grand Cosses of the following orders: Prussian Red Eagle, Prussian Crown, Baden Zahringen Lion, Wurttemberg Crown, Wurttemberg Friedrich, British Royal Victorian, Luxembourg Oak Crown, Netherlands Lion, Rumarian Star and Swedish North Star. Commander of the Prussian Johanniter Order, Waldeck Military Merit Cross 1st class, Lippe House Order 1st Class with Swords, Iron Cross 2nd class 1870 on ribbon backing of the Prussian Order of the Crown. No doubt held numerous other royal coronation wedding and jubilee medals and badges which were never listed in the military Rank lists. The 1908 edition of the "German Orders Almanac" entry for him lists a Mecklenburg Wend Crown Order Grand Cross, but that was not listed subsequently, so may have been an entry error.

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    Within the two branches of the princely Bentheim faily, the paterfamilias was distinguished by the title "Furst" his heir as "Erbprinz" and all other males in the family as "Prinz".

    Prince Alexis's parents were:

    Ludwig Furst zu Bentheim und Steinfurt (1.8.1812-28. 9. 1890) Married 27. 6. 1839 Bertha Prinzessin zu Hessen-Philipsthal-Barchfeld (26.101818-6.5. 1888)

    Prince Alexis married in Arolsen, Waldeck 7 MaY 1881

    PAULINE PRINZESSIN ZU WALDECK UN PYMONT, BORN 19 OCTOBER 1855 at Aroisen, died 3 July 1925 at Wittgenstein. She was the daughter of reigning Prince Georg Viktor zu Waldeck und Pyrmont (1831-1893) & Helene Prinzessin zu Nassau (1831-1888). Pauline was the sister of Marie Prinzessin zu Waldeck und Pyrmont (1857-1882) who was the first wife of King Wilhelm II of Wurttemberg (1848-1921).

    This marriage alliance made Prince Alexis the brother in law of the last King of Wurttemberg and the last reigning Prince of Waldeck. Ohter dynastic kinships are less apparent from the information in the 1917 Gothaischer Hofkalender.

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