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    I would have had that tunic except the dealer was on vacation and it sold.

    Now, I really need to find this pattern of tunic. I'm not too big on condition, but I've got most of the other US khaki uniforms (don't have a WWII example but I've got the M1909 summer 50 times over it seems and the M1898) and I really want to complete the set to show the progression of US miltiary uniforms.

    Does anyone have any idea of a dealer (on or off the net) who would have one of these tunics? I'm not willing to pay a ton, but I'm willing to pay a reasonable price (most are a few hundred dollars) for it. I little bit more, if I have too.

    Please help.

    In the mean time, I am wondering, what would you pay for an M1898 1LT's tunic, named to an officer in the 2nd Missouri Rifles, in mint condition, with complete sam browne belt, extra buckle, sword knot, two medals, M1898 trousers, four veteran pins, and extra US insignia and the insignia off the dress uniform? I just got one but I can't think of a value for insurance purposes.


    TS Allen

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