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    Hi folks,

    A friend of mine ask for help to identify the decoarations and promotions listed in this Milit?rpass.

    I could identify the Milit?rverdienst 3. Klasse mit Schwertern und Krone and the Eiserne Kreuz II Klasse.

    But what about the others? Service Medals? Wound Badge?

    In addition, any help with the promotions would be nice!




    Guest Rick Research

    1.4.04 Sanit?ts Gefreiter

    21.6.04 Sanit?ts Unteroffizier

    7.3.15 Sanit?ts Sergeant

    19.11.15 Feldwebel-dienstuender ernannt (acting Feldwebel)

    30.8.18 etatsm(?ssiger) Feldwebel befordert (promoted to permanent establishment Feldwebel)

    last award is indeed D(ienst) A(uszeichnung) 2. Klasse 21.12.17

    The top two appear to be

    J(ubil?ums) Medal (1905 Prinzregent Luitpold)


    (Bavarian) L(andwehr) D(ienstauszeichnung) 2nd Class (but no date to indicate which type, when)

    This is another example of a RESERVE NCO being made into a "permanent" REGULAR army NCO-- despite having that BLD2 as a San-Uffz dR before the war, he has miraculously become a regular army Feldwebel and gotten himself the XII Years Service Medal!!!!

    This makes me wonder how many of these "double long service awards" groups that we see are for the SAME length of service, twice!!! ???? :cheers:

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