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    Seaforth Highlander or Black Watch cobbler


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    John McNenney and I are very glad to announce that the second of The Old Contemptibles kits will be available this weekend from http://www.milminwh.com/theoldcontemptibles.htm.

    John has completed the castings and they look superb! Roger Newsome has just completed the box art and I think he's done his usual outstanding job!

    Two heads are included ? the Seaforth is wearing a Tam O?Shanter bonnet with the Seaforth cap badge and the Black Watch is wearing a Glengarry with the Black Watch cap badge

    ? Small canvas haversack for carrying anti-gas PH helmets; Khaki.

    ? M1914 leather field harness and ammo pouches and belt; Brown leather.

    ? Canvas haversacks. Khaki

    ? M1902 khaki putties and brown or blackened leather half boots

    ? M1908 khaki haversacks and entrenching tool helves; Natural wood.

    ? M1908 entrenching tool head in carrier; Brown leather.

    ? 2 pint water bottle covered with khaki cloth and leather webbing

    ? Wooden crate

    ? Leather cobbler?s tool satchel

    ? 15 cobbler?s tools for cutting, shaping, binding, making holes in and stitching boot leather; Metal tools with wooden handles.

    I hope you like it!

    Some additional photos in next post...

    All the best,


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