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    Hello all,

    here is my todays photo quiz - who is this officer?

    Photo is taken in Konstanz 1901 - but he has only prussian awards on his bar... only an italian crown order and the W?rttemberg breast cross are non-prussian.... on the reverse something is written but it is hard to read.

    Any help with rank , unit or name is welcome :beer:


    Guest Rick Research

    God what awful handwriting. Mostly can "read" it only because of the standard sentiments--

    Zur freundlichen


    (Sommer?) 1901


    then signature looks like F v Sa... ending in a g-- same "z" shape that ends Erinnerung

    Couple of observations--

    He is wearing company grade officer boards so cannot possibly be active duty army. Also no long service award that is visible. If he has the ugle old style LD2 brooch, it's under his W?rttemberg Crown Order.

    His medal bar is quite sloppy. He's STUCK the Officer-Italian Crown on there but it isn't mounted properly with the others.Yet his Wtbg KO-Officer pinback would seem to outrank that and be a later award... so he had the medal bar a long time and never did it up right.

    I'm not quite sure, but he may be a police officer or some other sort of civil servant in a uniform. The spike throws me, but either that or he is simply wearing the uniform of a Hauptmann (dR?/dL?) aD.

    AHHH-- NOW I see a Landwehr cross on his helmet badge.

    Guest Rick Research

    I got him. Hauptmann dR von Salisch of Inf Rgt 114--

    in 1900 shown with EK2 and the WK2c and NO long service award...

    in 1901 shows an LD1 (so he only had 20 calendar years in 1900/01-- but 1870 was 30 years earlier... ????) added, and INCORRECTLY-- as your photo proves :cheers: the addition of an "JK3" which is Italian Crown-Commander. He actually has "JK4"-- OFFICER. That is VERY useful to know, since such mistakes in century old reference sources make the work of Research Gnomery a living hell of false Official Evidence. :banger:

    He is shown as retiring "with Pension" (???) and "with the uniform of Fusileer Regiment 34" (!!!) from IR 114 in 1905.

    I find NOTHING else on him from any other sources. He was not a Baden civil servant (1902). he is not in the Orders Almanac. No von Salischs in the WW1 Heldengedenkmappe.

    I haven't checked the 1870 Iron Cross list yet to confirm his first name/unit.

    Very weird.

    Will also check to see if he appears in one of the Prussian Hof und Statashandb?cher. Can't imagine what the heck he was DOING--in a Baden uniform with 10 years missing--actually MORE :Cat-Scratch: than that, since he was a Prussian 1866 veteran-- from his life to have received the W?rttemberg and Italian Orders. :speechless1:

    Guest Rick Research

    Well, his 1870 Iron Cross explains the FR 34 connection...

    Though why he used his FIFTH name as Rufname....

    I didn't turn him up in either Prussian or W?rttemberg Court and State Handbooks to explain the two Orders.


    Rick, you literally freak me out! You found the pedigree of a German officer from over 100 years ago based on an old picture in under 45 minutes.

    DANG! For what it's worth... You impress the living "H" outa me!

    P.S. How are you at lottery numbers? ;)

    Guest Rick Research

    Less than 10 minutes, actually. I type slowly, so that was from the time I saw it and my first post to finishing the second. :catjava::cheeky:

    It all comes down to having the books to look in. :ninja:

    Well, and being able to read hideous Martin Luther typeface and Sutterlin script. And that's just part of having had an extremely odd childhood. :rolleyes:

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