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    Iraqi Insignia Patches and Identification Translations

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    Guest IMHF

    Iraqi Insignia Patches and Identification Translations

    I want to start this section in dedicating to preserving the information and history of Iraqi Insignia and Patches. Please work with me in building this section to supply others with information and translation of the many variations of Iraqi insignia.

    Thank you


    Guest IMHF

    1. Iraqi Civil Defense Corps 60th Attribute Crowd 501st Detachment (now part of the ING Iraqi National Guard)

    2. Ministry of Interior Special Forces Command Unit R2

    3. TSU Task Special Unit for Security (there is a smaller version of this believe to be for the head gear worn)

    4. TSU Task Special Unit for Security eagle (Basra Security police)

    5. Al `Amarah ,Misan Police Directorate for the Protection of State Roads.

    6. Iraqi Army Special Forces Patch Pre 2010 (I have seen them before 2009)

    All translations were given to me by the help of Translators here in Iraq I hope this will help you in identifying a few of your Iraqi Insignia’s in your collection.

    Thank you


    Guest IMHF

    1. Iraqi Civil Defense Corps 60th Attribute Crowd 501st Detachment (now part of the ING Iraqi National Guard)

    60th Attributes Crowd I have seen the 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 506 Insignia in this type I have not seen the 505 Detachment Insignia or any number higher then 506.

    Thank you


    Guest IMHF

    IRAQI EOD Basrah, Iraq Unit 2009 Two Piece Insignia

    -General Directorate of Anti Explosions

    -Al Basrah Anti Explosions Directorate

    As IEDs reached its all time highs in Iraq in many cities of Iraq this is one of the many EOD units that were established out of Basrah, Iraq.

    Thank you


    Guest IMHF

    Iraqi Insignia for Disciplinary Military Police MP

    Insignia Reads:

    -Disciplinary police MP

    -Ministry of Interior

    -General Directorate of Internal Affairs

    -General Directorate of Internal Affairs

    Thank you


    Guest IMHF

    Iraqi Customs Police for the Command Forces HQ’s

    Border Guards HQ’s or Command

    Customs Police

    Thank you


    Guest IMHF

    Iraqi Army Artillery Class Insignia Artillery Corps


    Guest IMHF

    I have been asked many times why Iraq’s insignia has other countries designs and Esprit de corps.

    If you look at Iraq’s military history, they always were motivated by the western side of the world.

    It all started with England giving Iraq their Independence in 1918 to the U.S. after the Invasion in 2003. As U.S. and Coalition forces work alongside with training and missions with Iraqi Units you can see changes in the styles of Uniforms and Insignia. Being a part of something adds to the history to that unit. During WWI and WWII U.S. Units added designs from other foreign Units to their Insignia to show recognition of building and the unit Esprit de corps success of working together side by side to establish that unit for combat.

    I would like to hear your insight of what and why you feel this is happening so please feel free to post away.

    Thank you


    Guest IMHF

    Iraqi Internal Affairs Insignia Patch

    Top: I will come with the right and we are truthful

    Right Side Shield Patch: Directorate of internal affairs (Internal Affairs Out of Baghdad, Iraq)


    Guest IMHF

    Iraqi National Agency of Information and Investigations Patch Insignia

    The Iraqi National Agency of Information and Investigations is one of the most important agencies in the Ministry of Interior, its main headquarters are in Baghdad, Karbala and Mousel. There are more than 9000 local Iraqis serving in this agency working alongside US advisories.

    3 piece machine manufactured insignia manufactured in Iraq


    Guest IMHF

    Iraqi Special Operations Unit Insignia Patch pre 2010


    Guest IMHF

    The all New Democratic Iraq Traffic Cop Insignia Full Set 2010

    Machine embroidered made in Iraq.


    Guest IMHF

    Iraqi Intelligence Insignia

    Top: Intelligence Men

    Bottom: Hearts full with light and goodness and our steps is from Fire

    Machine Embroidered made in Iraq


    Guest IMHF

    Ministry of the Interior Information Agency and the National Investigation

    Five Piece Complete Uniform Set

    Top Piece: The National Agency of Information and Investigations</SPAN>

    Eagle Head Pieces: Ministry of Interior</SPAN>

    Keeping the Shield Up</SPAN>

    The National Agency of Information and Investigations

    Machine Embroidered Made in Iraq


    Guest IMHF

    Iraqi Armor Insignia

    This Insignia has a WWI style tank Mark V and comes in many different patterns of camouflage to match the wears uniform.

    Thank you


    Guest IMHF

    Iraqi Special Forces Insignia Patch 2009


    Guest IMHF

    Iraqi K-9 Ministry of Interior Dog Handler Insignia


    Guest IMHF

    IRAQI EOD Basrah, Iraq Unit 2009 Two Piece Insignia

    -General Directorate of Anti Explosions

    -Al Basrah Anti Explosions Directorate

    As IEDs reached its all time highs in Iraq in many cities of Iraq this is one of the many EOD units that were established out of Basrah, Iraq.

    Thank you


    This set here has the chest Insignia Piece


    Guest IMHF

    Iraqi Scorpion Troops Iraqi SWAT Unit Insignia out of Al Hillah

    Commander Qais Ma'murihe was the First commander of Al-Aqrab “Scorpion SWAT team; he was killed by a bomb that exploded in his office.

    Thank you


    Guest IMHF

    Iraqi Army Insignia Two Types 2010


    Guest IMHF

    Iraqi Army Insignia 2010

    Iron Cross and Skull

    -Iraqi Made


    Guest IMHF

    Iraqi Army Screaming Eagles Two Type Insignia 2010

    -Iraqi Made


    Guest IMHF

    Iraqi Special Forces Insignia (SKULLS)

    -Looks like the Maverl Comics was used from PUNISHER Talk about copy right fringing.


    Guest IMHF

    Ministry of Interior Affairs

    Loyalty for the Country

    Commandos Forces Headquarters

    Iraqi manufactured machine embroidered


    Guest IMHF

    Directory of Basra Province Police QRF battalion’s internal affairs

    Iraqi Manufactured Machine Embroidered


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