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    The Order of St. Patrick ranks in the top three - after The Garter and the Thistle.

    Instituted on 5 February 1783 by King George III - he intended it to be a reward for the Irish Peers who had remained loyal during the American War of Independence. The lovely old painting above came to notice advertising an excellent new book on the Order. It shows George III surrounded by the Knights.

    Initially there was the King and 15 Knights - not uncommon, I think The Thistle only has twelve. However, in 1833 - during the Reign of King William 1V - they extended the list to include the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland (The King's representitive) plus 22 Knights and additionally, some Honorary Knights. Unlike the other two senior Orders, the sash for the Patrick is worn from the right shoulder.

    After the Partition of Ireland in 1922 there were no further appointments - although, unusually, all three of King George V's Sons were made members.

    Following the death of the Duke of Gloucester in 1974 the Order has become obsolete.

    The following picture of the Order from the Medal Year Book.

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    Thankyou, Megan for adding that picture of the regalia. Perhaps because the number of appointees was so small, these historic Orders are sometimes overlooked. We have an Earl that comes to the shop ( Carrick - the 14th. - the 3rd. was a King of Scotland) - he told me he is next on the list for the Thistle ! Mervyn

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    If he is awarded it, make sure that he lets you photograph the insignia.

    I used to know someone who was a Knight of the Garter, and when he heard that I was interested in such things, he rooted around in a cupboard, pulled out a brown paper bag and tipped out... his Garter!

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    Thankyou, Megan for adding that picture of the regalia. Perhaps because the number of appointees was so small, these historic Orders are sometimes overlooked. We have an Earl that comes to the shop ( Carrick - the 14th. - the 3rd. was a King of Scotland) - he told me he is next on the list for the Thistle ! Mervyn

    As far as I know, appointments to the Thistle are not made from any list. The order is in the personal gift of the sovereign, so unless one can read HM's mind it is hard to see how one could ever expect to be "next".

    This is all very interesting because the Scottish earldom is held by the Duke of Rothesay, HM's eldest son, who has held the Thistle for yonks.

    There is an Irish Earldom of the same name, but that is held by the 11th holder of the title, not 14th - The Rt Hon Arion Thomas Piers Hamilton (Butler), 11th Earl of Carrick, born on 1 September 1975. Far too young to receive the Thistle or to have done much to deserve it quite yet.


    James Hoard

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    James - I was talking figuratively with the possible award. He told me that he was advised privately that he could be next on 'the list' !

    I haven't seen him for a few years - he was an advisor to the British Govt. and came here on 'talks'. I really only remember what he told me - and wouldn't breach a confidence by saying more. However, I saw his special passport - which for title holders has an extra page and carries diplomatic priviledges.

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    James - I was talking figuratively with the possible award. He told me that he was advised privately that he could be next on 'the list' !

    I haven't seen him for a few years - he was an advisor to the British Govt. and came here on 'talks'. I really only remember what he told me - and wouldn't breach a confidence by saying more. However, I saw his special passport - which for title holders has an extra page and carries diplomatic priviledges.

    This is sounding even more interesting. The mere fact that he was a title holder neither entitles him to a special passport, an extra page or diplomatic priviledges.

    One sincerely hope that no "extended lines of credit" were garanted him!



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