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    South African ENGINEER CORPS - Apparent Anomaly?

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    I have a 1939 - 1945 medal group to: 133828V Spr. Edmund Henry RUSSELL, B.E.M. (28th and 31st Road Construction Coy), S.A.E.C.

    He was an uncle of mine. A photograph of his group is posted on this website, under Member's Collections.

    I have Spr. Russell's WWII personal military files, from the S.A. Defence records section. I have analysed these files, and AS FAR AS I CAN interpret the records, it appears that Spr. Russell joined the SAEC on 15.05.1940 (28th RdCC). He was posted to East Africa (the Abyssinia Campaign, 1940-41) on 21 July 1940 with the 28th. He left East Africa, still with the 28th, arriving in Durban, on 23 December 1941. He remained (apparently) in South Africa, until 7 November, 1942, when he left for Madagascar, to join the Campaign there. Leaving Madagascar, Spr. Russell returned to South Africa, arriving in Cape Town, on 22 July 1943.

    Again, remaining apparently in South Africa until January 1944, Spr. Russell was again on the move, when, on 30 January 1944, he left for the Italian Campaign, sailing via Suez, arriving in Italy on 24 February 1944, but now with the 31st Rd CC.

    Whilst with the 31st, at MONTE CASSINO, Spr. Russell was W.I.A. on 20 May 1944. He had volunteered to use his bulldozer to locate a German minefield, during the construction of the Pignatora lateral, near the Rapido River, immediately behind the Canadian advance. After Spr. Russell successfully located the minefield, one of the mine-lifting party set off a mine, killing three members of the party, and wounding Spr. Russell in the head, and bursting an eardrum. He was hospitalised twice in Italy after this event. He was awarded the B.E.M. on 19 April 1945. With his Italian Campaign over, Spr. Russell was returned to South Africa, leaving Italy on 22 July 1945, arriving in South Africa, on 24 July 1945. He was demobilised on 17 September 1945.

    And so, in SUMMARY, we have THESE DATES:

    Kenya / Abyssinia: 21 July 1940 - 23 December 1941

    Madagascar Campaign: 7 November 1942 - 22 July 1942

    Italian Campaign (via Egypt) 30 January 1944 - 24 August 1945

    Spr. Russell's B.E.M. is CONFIRMED by LG 37039 (19.04.1945) at pg. 2072. The dates above are from his Military record files. He has a 193 word Citation on the Award Recommendation form - Army Form W3121.

    I believe all the above to be true and correct.

    NOW FOR THE ANOMALY - or, actually, TWO anomalies:


    Spr. Russell received, and his files confirm, The 1939/45 Star; The Africa Star; The Italy Star; The 1939-45 War Medal and the Africa Service Medal. And, of course the B.E.M. BUT HE DID NOT RECEIVE the 1939-45 DEFENCE MEDAL. QUESTION: Is this omission correct?

    TWO: And here is the REAL ANOMALY:

    In the book "Salute to the Sappers" by Orpen and Martin, Vol. 2 and on page 2, (writing about the 2nd Battle of El Alamein - which was from 23 October 1942 to 11 November 1942) it is stated: On 6th November, 1942, "Spr. E.H. Russell who was later awarded the BEM, was clearing the railway of mines, as the Railway Construction and Maintenance Group, commanded by Maj. W.H. Evans since the of September, pushed rapidly ahead with restoration of the track." (Note this was between Tell el Eisa and El Daba - in turn between Matruh and El Alamein).

    There is NO question that Spr. Russell was the ONLY Russell to be awarded a BEM to the SAEC in 1939-1945 - See Orpen-Martin, Vol 1 Appendix 3, pg. 393. There was one other Russell, a Lt. P.W.R. Russell, who got an MBE. So no confusion.

    SO NOW noting Russell's various DATES of SERVICE, above (and extracted from his SADF files) HOW could Orpen and Martin put him at the 2nd Battle of El Alamein, on

    6 November 1942, when, according to his files, he was, at that time, in South Africa, just about to leave for Madagascar?

    Any thoughts, Members? It is a strange and interesting anomaly, I feel. Obviously one can argue that the authors of the book are incorrect. Or that Spr. Russell's files are incorrect / incomplete............... WHICH IS IT? Is it possible that he WAS there, but that it is omitted from his file? Unlikely, but possible, I suppose???

    An interesting problem / puzzle for you ENGINEER experts to get your teeth into............

    Best wishes,

    David R. BENNETT



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    Sorry, I have noticed an error in the DATES of Service I originally posted above, as follows:

    The dates for the MADAGASCAR Campaign, should of course read:

    7 November 1942 to 22 July 1943 (and not 1942 as stated above)

    Sorry for the error.

    David B.

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