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    Operational Armament Mechanic in Djibouti

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    Dear Gentlemen,


    The Operational Armament Mechanic is one of the specialties of the French Air Force.


    The Operational Armament speciality is the speciality that consists of the implementation and maintenance of the Air Force's armaments.

    Some gunsmiths can also become EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal).

    There is a term that is more used (unofficial but very widely used) in the French Air Force to designate armorers:

    Pétaf (Pyro-Électro-Technicien des Armements et des Fusées / Pyro-Electro-Technician of Armaments and Rockets).

    The old name of the gunsmiths was "PétaFEU" for PETard and FUsée specialist. Which gave Pétaf.


    Presentation of the patches:


    - Red Sea Pétaf:




    - Pétaf:




    - NEDEX (Neutralisation, Enlèvement et Destruction des EXplosifs / neutralization, removal and destruction of explosives or Explosive Ordnance Disposal EOD)


    - Equipe NEDEX F.F.D.J. DA 188 Djibouti:








    - GRIN (Groupe Régional d'Intervention NEDEX / EOD Regional Intervention Group)


    - GRIN 6 Djibouti EOD / BCM / IEDD:




    - EOD: Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) / Neutralisation, Enlèvement et Destruction des EXplosifs (NEDEX), NATO standard


    - BCMD:  « Biological and Chemical Munition Disposal » (BCMD) / Intervention sur Munitions Spéciales (IMS), NATO standard


    - IEDD: « Improvised Explosive Device Disposal » (IEDD) / Intervention sur Engins Explosifs Improvisés (IEEI), NATO standard


    Yours sincerely,

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