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    The enemy opened a heavy concentrated shell fire from the south-eastern heights, from the racecourse (east), and from Jackal's Tree (south-west), directed against Cannon Kopje. The fire was well aimed, and the racecourse gun took the work in reverse. For a time, little harm was done beyond knocking down parts of the parapet and smashing the iron supports of the lookout tower: most of the garrison were lying in the trenches some 80 yards at the rear of the fort. The gun and two Maxims in the work had been previously dismounted 
    and stowed away for safety during shell fire, to which, they were powerless to reply. 
    The telephone wire was cut away early in the proceedings.


    After half an hour's steady and accurate artillery fire, the enemy, who had been gradually massing on the high ground south and south-east of the fort, began to  advance in the line of skirmishers from three sides at once; they were backed up by other parties in support. A large force also collected in the Molopo Valley, south-east of the town, and were formed evidently with the idea of storming the town after Cannon Kopje had been captured.


    As the enemy began to get within range of the fort, the garrison moved up from their trench and manned the parapets and Maxims. It was then that we suffered some casualties from shell fire. As the enemy continued their advance, I sent to Captain Goodyear's Colonial Contingent to advance a party on to a ridge above them, and so to take enemy's attacking line in flank, but they could not be got to move. Meantime, I had a 7-pr. run out under cover of houses near south corner of the town. This opened, under direction of Lt Murchison, on the 
    flank of the enemy's line as it began to get near the fort.


    The gun made excellent practice, every shell going in among them and stopped the further advance of the Boers. These now hesitated and began to draw off, and as 
    they did so their guns reopened on Cannon Kopje to cover their retirement. The fire then died down, and enemy sent our ambulances under Red Cross flags to recover their dead and wounded. We lost six killed and five wounded. Despatch by Baden-Powell.



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