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    In November 1901 Lt-Col Callwell with a column of 350 was given the task of trying to mop up the Boer commandos that were causing problems in the Sutherland district. 

    On 14 November he was on the track of Commandant Japie Neser, driving him northwards. Neser was joined by Commandant Jaap van Deventer and 20 men and on the 15th they decided to attack Callwell’s encampment from a hill overlooking the homestead at the farm Brandekraal. Callwell’s force, mainly 5th Lancers, who thought they only had to flush out a few rebels, were completely overwhelmed and got out of the situation with difficulty.


    Van Deventer chased them along the road to Sutherland and Neser unsuccessfully tried to cut them off. British losses were 2 killed and 4 wounded.

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