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    Lt Wilson and 25 men of the Natal Volunteer Composite Regiment left Vant’s Drift for Nqutu with two wagons. He put out 8 men about 1000 yards in front, but no flankers or rear-guard.


    The party was attacked on the left by about 70 Boers and was eventually compelled to abandon the wagons and retire to Rorke’s Drift. 

    One man was wounded in the incident and subsequently died, while 4 men were captured without firing a shot.The Court of Enquiry considered that some attempt to keep off the enemy by firing should have been made and that Lt Wilson’s dispositions were faulty.


    The General Officer Commanding concurred and considered the attempt at self-defence made by those captured was “singularly feeble”. However, the 4 men were exonerated. WO108/372: South African Surrenders.

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