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    Successuve monarchs have given "Royal Family Orders" - essentially miniatures of themselves on a ribbon bow - to close female relatives. It's been a while but at last a Charles III version has been spotted, adorning the shoulder of Camilla at the State Banquet for the Emperor of Japan.




    Hello Megan,


    I find this kind of fascinating. Are you able to tell me when this practice started?


    Thank you so much.


    All the best,




    Hi Tracy


    The first Royal Family Order was issued by George IV. Queen Victoria decided to institute the Royal Order of Victoria and Albert on 10 February 1862 instead (having not done anything since her accession in 1837) with a wider scope - it had 4 classes and was given to a wider circle of ladies, not just royal ones. It did not survive beyond her death, however, and every monarch since has created a Royal Family Order to give to their female relatives.


    Recipients can continue to wear the Royal Family Orders of former monarchs as well as the current one. The late Queen wore the Royal Family Orders of her father (George VI) and grandfather (George V)... but not her own! Camilla was wearing Queen Elizabeth's Royal Family Order as well as that recently presented by her husband.


    Apart from Edward VII (who chose a dark blue, red, and yellow ribbon), the badge - a painted miniature of the reigning monarch - has been mounted on a pastel ribbon, a different colour for each. The reverse of the badge shows the monarch's cypher.


    The colours are:


    George IV - white

    Edward VII - dark blue with red and yellow edges

    George V - pale blue

    George VI - pink

    Elizabeth II - yellow

    Charles III - pale green


    Haven't had time to add Charles' one yet, but he others can be seen at https://www.medals.org.uk/united-kingdom/united-kingdom016.htm


    Keen-eyed individuals who know their Kings and Queens of England (my dearly beloved knows a  rhyme about them!) will notice that ONE monarch didn't have a Royal Family Order - Edward VIII did not get around to establishing one during his brief reign.


    Given the artistry in the creation of the things, even monarchs who are on the ball about establishing appropriate awards for their reign tend to take a couple of years to get a Royal Family Order out.


    Hi Tracy - glad you found this of interest. Some of the Scandinavian monarchies have similar things but I've not delved into them yet. Maybe I should... (obviously, elsewhere on the board!).

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