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    This soldier with a rather unusual facial expression of the 8. Ostpreußisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr.45. poses with his full kit. Going by the stamp on the back (S.B. 1./IV. B. Infanterie Ersatz Truppe Beverloo), this photograph was taken while he attended a training course in training camp Beverloo, Belgien. On the bottom is written '21. years old', given the handwriting this seems to be written by another person.
    The back reads:
    Beverloo der 20. Marz 1917
    1000 Grüße und ein Bild
    von mir sendet Bruder und
    Schwager und Onkel Georg.
    Sonst geht es mir noch gut. was
    ich auch von Euch hoffe, sind
    aber immer noch hier wer weiß
    wie lange noch?
    Dein letzte Karte habe
    ich auch dankend erhalten.
    Mein 1000 Grüßen

    He sends not once but twice thousand greetings to his family and also this photograph.
    He talks about his health being alright and wished likewise to his family. He also states he's still here(Camp/at war) and questions for how long. He also mentions that a postcard was gratefully received.


    8. Ostpreußisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr.45. a.jpg

    8. Ostpreußisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr.45. b.jpg


    A beautiful studio photograph of Alfred with his F. W. Backhaus Grabendolch on his belt and a smoke in his right hand. The back reads:


    am deinen






    This drummer wears a M16 Stahlhelm, a backpack, and a gasmask cannister. On his belt hangs a drum and next to it are not his drum sticks(presumable out of view) but his Grabendolch. The distinctive hook in the shape of an eagle from where the drum hangs of the belt is turned around. His belt buckle has seen better days. He appears to wear two patriotic rings on his left hand ring finger. Sadly as it happens too often, the back is empty so no name, unit, date or place.



    Eiserne Wehr,


    Fantastic thread and amazing photographs as well as descriptive write-up. Please keep them coming!


    All the best and Happy New Year.




    This soldier can go without his rifle, Bajonett, backpack, water bottle and gas mask cannister but he always carries his Grabendolch where ever he goes, even when being home visiting his family. The Photographer is situated in Braunschweig so this photograph is most likely made in Braunschweig.




    In this photograph an Unteroffizier of Reserve-Infanterie Regiment Nr. 233. is posing with both a Grabendolch and a Bajonett on his belt, note the three reinforcement pins in his belt next to his buckle. He might not have any medals when this photograph was taken but he's a good marksman since he wears a Schützenschnur 2. Stufe on his tunic.
    The text on the back:
    Der 2. Marz 1916

    Lieber Onkel!
    Vielen Dank für die Karte, freut
    mich dass es Euch noch gut geht was
    bei mir auch noch der Fall ist.
    Herzliche Grüße an Euch alle sendet

    August(the man on the front) thanks his uncle for the postcard he received, is happy to hear the family is okay and he too is fine.

    Unteroffizier Reserve-Infanterie Regiment Nr. 233 a.jpg

    Unteroffizier Reserve-Infanterie Regiment Nr. 233 b.jpg


    A rather neat photograph of a young looking officer with two ribbons attached to his tunic, a Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse. ribbon and Militärverdienstkreuz 3. Klasse ribbon? Over his shoulder hangs a map carrier from a strap and on his belt sits a Grabendolch with Portepee. In his hands he holds a riding stick and a pair of riding gloves. He wears a patriotic ring on his left ringfinger. His riding trousers are hold together by leather gaiters and on his boots are spurs attached. I wish his horse was standing next to him when this photograph was taken.



    To compensate the lack of a horse in the previous photograph. 😉



    A fantastic portrait of a Bavarian Unteroffizier adorned with his Militärverdienstkreuz 2.Klasse mit Schwertern, Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse a Grabendolch on his belt and a smoke in his right hand. The backside is empty except for the mentioning of the Studio Schröck situated in Laufen-Tittmoning(Oberbayern). I am not sure about his shoulder board but he might be of the Königlich Bayerisches 3. Infanterie-Regiment „Prinz Karl von Bayern“.

    Bayerische Unteroffizier a.jpg

    Bayerische Unteroffizier b.jpg


    This photograph is of an Unteroffizier of Maschinengewehr-Schärfschützen-Trupp 168. XIV. Armee-Korps, 29. Infanterie Division. From his neck hangs a Fernglas 09, probably made by the company C.P. Goerz(Berlin). Pinned on his tunic are two ribbons, an Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse and a Württemberg Tapferkeitsmedaille(?) ribbon. On his right arm a Maschinengewehr Scharfschützen Ärmelabzeichen(machine gun sharpshooter's badge). These were handed out to well trained and qualified machine gunners. On his belt sits a Grabendolch in a leather sheath with a metal chape on it's end and a Troddel wrapped around the loop of the sheath and his belt.
    The back reads:
    Mein Lieben!
    Ich sende Euch allen noch herzliche Grüße
    aus dem Westen. Ich hoffe und wünsche,
    dass Ihr alle besser gesundhet seit.
    Ich bin ebenfalls besser gesundheit und
    geh noch immer gut. Sende Euch ein
    Bildschen ist gerade nicht ganz gut, doch kann
    und muss man ich hiermit begnügen.
    Nochmals Gruß
    Eure Ludwig


    Ludwig sends warm wishes to his family from the West(front).
    He hopes and wishes everyone is in good health and states he's doing good and still walks fine.*
    He then proceeds that he sends this photograph of which he isn't fully satisfied but needs to accept it for what it is.**


    * This can either be interpreted as him being in good health and not being wounded or he previously reported he was wounded, recovered and is walking again and affirms with this postcard that he is fully recovered and walks without problems.
    ** The question is, was he not happy about the photographer's work or that his facial expression came out to be a bit too serious?






    The little information about Maschinengewehr-Schärfschützen-Trupp 168. i could find, from the Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg:

    Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg.jpg

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