As previously announced there are some impending changes to the forum. I am also taking this opportunity to consolidate and streamline some areas of the forum to ensure it is still relevant moving forward into the future.
Times change, as do members and in today's financial climate the forum is struggling to remain afloat. I am very appreciate of the members who do regularly support GMIC and who help keep things running, but the costs of keeping this forum running are continuously rising and much of the finance still comes out of my own pocket and has done for the last 22 years. That's my personal choice of course, so I am not complaining, but I need to streamline things to cut rising costs.
Therefore I will be looking at areas that do not do so well with a view of either merging them or removing them. I will not be removing topics or information unless it is no longer relevant or worthy of archiving.
The look of the forum will also be changing to a more modern look which will be the default but I will try and retain an option for the classic look for those that prefer it. There will also be options for dark or light skins so that those that need vision enhancements can use it if required. There will also be new features and I will do a series of posts outlining them as and when they become available.
So changes a plenty but hopefully all positive and I will be setting up a feedback forum to hear your thoughts and suggestions in the coming days.