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    White with elk or deer


    I have these two believe police hats, looking for help to identify where they are from. The blue with red band has tag inside "By appointment of her majesty the queen etc.

    The white hat has a typed piec of paper inside "POL WISLER HEINRICH".

    Any help would be great in finding out where these hats are from.

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    The shield centre of the badge on the white hat indicates a district or municipality of Austria or Switzerland, searching the net can be long and tedious, (there are over fifty (50) communities under the letter A in wikepedia. The name indicates a Police Officer named Heinrich Wisler.
    TheBlack hat with the Red band indicates a hat of a British or colonial Officer of Army or Police, a close up of the badge would help identification.
    There is an entry in Facebook for Wisler Heinrich in Switzerland.

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